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Posts posted by Kinetos

  1. I don't have all the lore, but from what I do have, they seem most like Stargate's Replicators, they have assimilated all the best tech they can find, but simple kinetic bullets still shatter them. Thus I expect IPS damage from weapons and ability damage to always be good against Sentients, with elemental weapon damage having rotating immunity.

  2. Used to have to kill everything, just to survive. Friends with better great didn't understand and would run all over the place and I'd get trapped in a room because I couldn't leave cover. And because waypoint system. :P

    Now, depends on the mission. Obviously in exterminate, defence, interception, everything dies. Capture, mobile defense, survival, if it's no threat it lives, but everything is trying to be a threat so...

  3. Fragor is crit hammer, and if using Berserker mod, it will get faster while using it. Then there's Jat Kittag, jet propelled hammer. Faster base attack speed. I think less crit than Fragor but overall better, with Volt or Valkyr (better yet, stack them!), and Crushing Ruin stance it swings ridiculously fast, like helicopter rotor blades fast.

  4. My thought is that they should spawn with random invilnersbility to a single element, and adapt to the elements in use.

    Example, 4 sentients spawn, one is immune to cold, another is immune to radiation, another is immune to corrosive, and last is immune to heat. A player shoots heat Paris at the cold one, stealth kills it, then shoots the heat one and does less damage, but still some because IPS, alerting the remaining 3. Player switches to a viral Aksomati, kills heat one, remaining 2 switch their immunity to viral. Somehow they are killed and more spawn unalerted with random immunity again. IPS are equally and always effective.

  5. F********************************************* PEACE ************************************************************************************************************************** ********************************************************

    ah how long do we have to wait for the skin I'm flipping out over here MAN!!!!!!!!!!

    ITS GAME OVER MAN GAME OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Retract the energy claws, we don't need to make a mess here. XD
  6. Am i the only one that thinks that the GPull change was completely neccesary ?

    I mean... yeah, it might be awesome in a "camp here and dont you dare to move for the next 60 minutes" playstyle. But in a general game where people are running around the map, each time Mag uses GPull , everyone would have to run to Mag to get their loot. You would be running towards a mod, ammo, credits, whatever, and suddenly its gone...

    so much this. Greedy mags didn't seem all that smart either, saw one staring at my vauban vortexes spamming pull from like 2 meters away, loot would move like a meter toward him then get sucked back into the vortex, repeatedly. So lazy you can't move one meter to pick up loot? Yikes...
  7. Burston is ok, I'd say it's a burst fire side grade to the Braton. If you want a really good burst rifle, I'd go through the Latron, which is a semi auto, and eventually convert it to a Tiberon, which is easily my favorite rifle in the game.

    Boltor isn't a bad upgrade from Braton, but I don't like it because its bolts take time to travel to the target.


    Cronus is a straight upgrade over Skana, if/when you get it, use it. Bo isn't bad, if you want to try a staff weapon. I think Dual Zoren is easy to get, a dual axe, and pretty fun.


    Lex/Aklex (Ak means dual basically) are good options for beginners I think. They are like sniper pistols. Slow, but a lot of damage. Killing low level enemies in one shot vs a full mag from a low rank Lato was a big deal for me.


    If you want to sell weapons or warframes, I highly recommend getting them to rank 30 first. If you end up liking the game and want to level up everything, but didn't level up your starter gear all the way before selling it, you'll have to reacquire it.

  8. This survival varied a lot for me. The first few times it was really easy and sometimes there were no enemies for minutes at a time. Then when I played with my clan mates we were swarmed by hyenas and bursas non stop. I did it once this morning to help some people and we all had half shields for some reason.

    must have had a cryogenic plant failure, ice every where
  9. 1: Valkyr. I like melee tanks. And if I don't know what I want to play, I play Valkyr.

    2: Volt Prime. Excalibur was my starter, but got a taste of Volt in the first quest after that was added. Love at first sight basically.

    3: Frost. The one frame that getting him was my goal when I started. Not disappointed with him.

    Runners up, all except Oberon and limbo. Limbo is just... Wat... And Oberon needs a deluxe skin/prime desperately.

  10. when did they say that I17.5 will in in 3 weeks i thought its gonna be next week sense its a dev stream preview of U17.5 and if its in 3 weeks then the preview would be the next dev stream RIGHT??

    Rebecca only said not next week. Could be 2 or more.
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