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Posts posted by Kinetos

  1. Correcting someone isn't necessarily negative. Insulting someone in the process of correcting them is negative, and ineffective.

    "Its the internet" is no excuse for intentionally careless grammar or negativity. It's easier to be negative because all you know about anyone else is the text they post, and you probably will never be punched in the face by anyone on the internet, but that's not a reason that it would be ok to be rude. Laws are not broken only if you get caught, being rude is not wrong only when the other person is close enough to respond physically.

  2. My wishlist:


    Faster cast, faster projectile, faster self pull, small AOE multitarget.

    If it isn't already, I'm not sure, make it a one handed cast as well.


    Either make it recastable, or make the enemy slow an aura.

    Remove melee speed buff, replacing it with a critical chance buff for all weapon classes.


    One handed cast, slight range increase, make paralysis duration work like it does in the augment, change impact to finisher damage.


    More controllable combo. Animations are fine but it feels like you get locked into a direction of movement.

    Use melee mods like Exalted Blade.


    Increased melee crit and status sounded good.

    Reason for Warcry melee speed to weapon crit change:

    Too much melee speed looks stupid and is harder to control. If you still want that, Warcry will now help proc Berserker.

    And melee speed only affecting melee just means gun oriented teammates don't get a worthwhile damage buff, kinda like if Shooting Gallery goes to a Valkyr in hysteria. The only way I actually like Warcry speed boost currently is with a Spoiled Strike slowed Brokk (Fragor). Eternal War maintains a decent attack speed for it and I gain a mod slot for damage/crit.

  3. Telos boltor is a redundant weapon.

    By the time you hit mr12 you'll already have a boltor prime, which is just overall better.

    Arbiter primary really should have gone to something without a preexisting improved version.

    <---- 14 but could take 15 any time I cared to and no Boltor P.

    I'm not pleased with Telos Boltor because Boltor isn't hitscan. Regular Boltor was my first primary that did somewhat decent damage, still disliked it because travel time.

  4. I really hope Telos Boltace doesn't happen. I'm not a fan of tonfas for one thing, and for another, in every single one of their sigils, and in their syandana, they feature a straight bladed broadsword. So either they make a new sword that looks like their symbolic sword, or they be slightly lazy and use Galatine, Gram, Plasma Sword, or Dark Sword. But it seems more likely they will be very lazy and uncreative and give them Boltace. And then my favorite lore syndicate would have a full set of weapons I can barely tolerate.

  5. Thank you for the update, however the Steel Meridian and Hexis weapons are pretty disappointing. Hek already has a syndicatr augment, so hopefully that will be changed to a different weapon. As for the boltor, i was just hoping for something a little more unique

    My expectations were probably over inflated with all the amazing content that has been released recently.

    Very disappointing. Vaykor Hek doesn't even make sense with already having the augment for Hek. Boltor was predictable, but I was hoping for a less popular weapon like Attica or Tiberon. Simulor makes sense that Suda would have it, but now Simaris has the inferior copy that's harder to get?
  6. Just have an in-game +1 button. Delete points that are older than 30 days. Points per missions played in the last 30 days equals player's rep score. Can only +1 on mission results screen. +1 button pre selected for players with st least 20% damage or players who revived others during the mission.

  7. The only frame I can't stand to look at for too long is Oberon. I really hope he gets a proto skin that looks less goat/deer and more humanoid.

    The wip Valkyr skin is hype.

    Can't say the same for the other 3, they look nice, but they don't look Warframe to me. I hope they DO get tweaked in the process of implementing.

  8. I think damage should be nullified below a certain incoming shots per second. Like, give each weapon a number of shots it can block. When block goes up, each second it counts blocks, if it hits that number before the second it up, any new shots go through.when the second is up, counter resets. Have the number be modable.

  9. Not everyone wants peacemaker spam or Draco style farming. If I want to level a melee weapon, especially if it's a type I haven't used before, I like to take Valkyr, Rhino, or Chroma, the melee weapon, and no guns, to infested defense invasions. I did so with my first dagger, took 5 hours, but it was 100% active, and I felt like I had mastered that dagger stance. I love melee to pieces, and having peacemaker spam makes a mission harder for me. I won't just stand there and snowglobe, I gotta shoot something or melee something too, but when everything dies right before I attack it, it's frustrating.

    I'm slowly working on acquiring Mesa, because she and Equinox are the only ones I haven't played. I want to like her, I love the gunslinger class in swtor, and leveling (Ak)Vasto/Magnus was a great gunslinger feel. Sounds like I'll want to build for duration.

  10. it would be nice to see 6 new weapons, one for each syndicate and in the same way as the syndicates started

    giving weapons for only 3 syndicates is not really balanced and i dont see any useful development in this

    steel meridian: modified miter (i mean a real good miter)

    arbiters of hexis: modified opticor / braton mk1

    cephalon: modified flux / dera


    Why Braton mk1? It's identical to Braton except worse, and if it were made a syndicate weapon it would be buffed, and a syndicate buffed Braton or mk1, well, the distinction would be meaningless.

    Also, Opticor and Braton are Corpus built. Hexis will probably use something Tenno built.

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