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  1. Boreal feels like he is just stalling that inevitable defeat. First turns into invincible energy ball then brings two enemies that are kind of invincible but take damage when they feel like it. then turns into invincible pyramid which go awaay when all red dots have been shot. then again energy ball -> two enemies -> pyramid. It's not hard just frustrating. Give him some restrictions like cooldowns.
  2. I like my Dera Vandal. There's many Dera's but this one is mine. Now it will be more powerful. 🙂
  3. Thanks. Well Veil one seems to be impossible though. seems like voidrig's 4th isn't doing much damage into orphix and I can't kill one quick enough with Fluctus. Might try to grind riven for it.
  4. well I was able to destroy 2 orphix but then was about to destroy third when control got at 100% and I failed. I used fluctus and voidrig, both fully modded. I was solo on Pluto. edit: Ok I was able to complete it now. Somehow this time control didn't rise that fast.
  5. Same with ephemeras. I wanted to lower visual intensity but it made ephemera look worse too. Also there's setting to lower ally visual effects, but not sure if it even does anything? I haven't seen any difference from turning it on.
  6. This reminds me to maybe try orphix again. I've yet to complete them because I fail everytime and have given up.
  7. I'm not sure if this bug or intentional, but it's kind of bothering me. I dont think it used to be there but now when charging throw there's this disturbing high pitch sound. Haven't tested this with other glaives. edit: happens with others too.
  8. It depends on which is majority. If players who enjoy power fantasy are majority then it would be fool to distance those fans from the game and try to garner another audience that might be minority of players.
  9. Because way WF is built iin it's core it doesn't really support any good way to create "challenging" boss fights. It's build to be horde power fantasy shooter thing where you kill hordes of enemies with guns and abilities. You are meant to take damage and cannot dodge everything only some of the damage. You have different builds etc. Usually either boss fight is a bulletsponge which takes forever to kill or stupid invincibility modes or both.
  10. I wasn't arguing against your point rather supporting it, as we already get older stuff in new NWs back so FOMO isn't really argument to be have against bringing older seasons back.
  11. We already get older rewards in new NW seasons so it's not really that much FOMO. I missed Nightwave landingcraft when it was first available, but were able to get it on later NW.
  12. i had this happen couple times, it's like cold status effect doesn't go away or there's low gravity? I didn't have dragon key on before someone asks.
  13. Of cpurse it should have mechanics like you couldn't shoot enemies neither nor pick anything via vacuum. They could also make it so it disables current mission like in RJ survival if you enter airlock timer disappears and wjen you enter back into level it won't continue mission has ended basically. Solo is of course option and I tend to play solo if I have dinner in oven etc. But some missions are more one or faster with squad. This is just minor suggestion I have had in mind everytime I'm at extraction for endless missions.
  14. I have had this idea for a long time actually, but only now thought to post it here. What if extraction had force field shield thing thst prevented enemies reaching it or shooting through it. So you could just leave your warframe there safely while waiting timer. It's kind of anmoying if I want to leave mission and have to go do something because enemies can kill me etc.
  15. I definitely would want this for all variants of weapons. For example Arca Plasmor looks very different to Tenet version and it would work better with Arca armor and Quaro Syandana (Why is this called Quaro when it clearly has Arca look?)
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