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Posts posted by Kevlareater

  1. I will agree that the Glaxion needs something to stand out amongst its short-range competition. My idea, if applicable and not too overpowered:


    Whenever a corpsicle is hit and explodes, it would damage surrounding enemies (in a not-too-large AoE radius) for some damage and cause a short-duration status effect, depending on attached status effect. Examples:


    Electric: Stuns foes

    Cold: Bleed (since the ice could work like shrapnel. I've been cut by ice before, hurts like hell)

    Viral: Similar to Saryn's Venom, without the pustules

    Magnetic: Disrupts shields


    This could turn the Glaxion into a status-inflicting machine while giving it its own identity. It would also combo nicely with teammates and/or melee weapons.

  2. Not true.  Initial-release Attica was a clumsy weapon due to the slow and constant reloading, but it was usable. It had plenty of punch and could easily get you through the solar system when combined with a bit of crowd control to keep the hordes at bay while you reloaded.


    Initial-release Glaxion is much much worse. :(

    I'll apologize for badmouthing the Attica pre-buff. At least it could kill enemies with little fuss, pin them against a wall and came with a V-polarity. I could compare the Glaxion to the Venka:


    - Badass design (seriously, who wouldn't think Wolverine claws are awesome?)

    - Poor damage (unlike Glaxion, requires an extremely rare stance mod to be useful at all)

    - Low critical and status chance

    - Requires a forma (and forma BPs are rarer than new Prime parts for me)

  3. I'm happy to not have bought this weapon, but instead went through the 3 days of research + 1 day building time. From the first time I shot it in Apollodorus I knew something was horribly wrong. No point in echoing all the problems I've seen for myself in a single click of the mouse that others haven't said several times before. How can a gun that looks so awesomely badass perform so poorly?


    So, in order for the Glaxion to have *some* form of ammo economy/efficiency I'd need the following all at once:


    - Ammo mutation

    - Rifle Scavenger

    - Ammo packs

    - Nekros that desecrates 24/7

    - A Sahasa with a maxed-out Dig mod


    If all of this means keeping the Glaxion from running out of ammo mid-mission, then this would mean this gun isn't even worth leveling to mastery at this time. It's the Attica all over again.

  4. Please ensure that your firewall permits UDP ports 4950 & 4955.


    I'm getting this problem when I start the game after a few seconds or pick the 'analyze network' option.


    And on a weekend, too. *le sigh*

  5. Just tested it out without and without multishot.. the clones do in fact shoot, but it seems like multishot is disabled on the clones when it comes to the Drakgoon. Most definitely intentional and I very highly doubt it will get fixed anytime in the future.

  6. I liked it on Mirage before the bug with HoM and Heavy Caliber got fixed. When Quanta was in the mix, it caused a hilarious laser show that made the lasers shoot in every direction in front of Mirage. Shame it got fixed.


    Regardless, I wouldn't use Quanta with any other frame than Mirage. And I've put a forma in it, may put in a couple more in the future. Seems like it's worth it, I dunno.

  7. Attica. It's painful to even equip because:


    - It's weak

    - Slow rate of fire despite being automatic (it's much better off being semiautomatic)

    - Unnecessarily long reload

    - Projectile speed is slow

    - Low crit/status chances make it very difficult to mod for either


    I've not even leveled it to 30 yet, I hate it so much. Much more than the Amprex without polarities.


    As for frames, I refuse to further level up Loki and Ash, they're so painfully dull to use. 

  8. I can't keep doing this. The game works fine either after a hotfix or if it's really early in the AM for me, which is a time I prefer to sleep. Any other time and it's almost impossible to log in; I pray this hasn't become standard. If so, I may as well spend my time on more stable games.

  9. All I want is a forma blueprint so that I can make my Tenno lab. Of course, the RNGoddess watches as I futilely gun and cut down void creatures by the score, laughing at my efforts and insulting me with Mag Prime blueprints or maybe another prime part I have dozens of already.

  10. I'm not a fan of this skill, either. When I first read about it, I thought Sleight of Hand booby-trapped ammo drops so they acted as tiny proximity mines, as opposed to making ammo disappear from my sight upon activation. Aside from rigging traps and cameras in my favor, this skill is worthless to me outside of ODD, depending on my weapon of choice and if it has an ammo mutation mod. 

  11. Here is my list of Frames' abilities that have to be nerfed.



    - Desecrate. This is just too op, it will drop loot almost every time. People use it to farm mods and stay alive for survivals. De should reduce the probability of dropping loot to like once for every 5-10 dead enemies. This way, players will play other frames and make the game more competitive. What will Nekros have if Desecrate is nerfed to your liking? Shadows of the Dead is a slow-casting skill that is literally dependent on what you kill. Targeting heavies takes time and firepower, depending on your weapon mod choice (or lack of if non-forma'd and/or freshly made or bought) and enemy level. Soul Punch is a poor CC skill, as it targets one enemy and it's reliant on enemies being behind the one that was hit. A bow can do the exact same thing upon killing the enemy. Terrify is, at best, an 'oh crap' skill in case you're surrounded, but also causes foes to spread out, which makes chasing them an annoyance. Nekros needs to have some kind of use, otherwise not even DE can justify his existence.



    - Vortex. It can hold unlimited number of enemies. Any frame ability that has anything unlimited must get nerfed for players to enjoy the game and have more skillful gameplay. Vortex is a trap, and traps can be avoided, even by the idiot foes in this game. It's main use is in cramped environments like Orokin Derelict Defense, where Infested will charge anything not them. Plus, it's damage is nonexistent and has a short reach, so using this in open environments is a waste of energy.



    - Stomp. Currently his stomp will immobilize everyone in the radius and doesn't matter what the enemy's level is, it even works on some bosses. This is just ridiculous. De should make it so that it works on certain number of enemies, just like Vauban's Bastille, or so that it doesn't work on certain types of enemies 

    - Iron Skin. I know that the iron skin can be taken off very fast at High Level missions but at low level missions it will stay for almost as long as your game is. The duration of Iron Skin should be reduced to like 2min and made so that it only gets affected by Duration mods. Also, it should be made so that if you pass the those special grineer/corpus doors, the status will affect you, This way, rhino players won't just run through and leave their teammates behind. I'll address Rhino's skills. We need a jack of all trades, and Rhino fits the bill nicely. Duration mods on Iron Skin makes no sense, as the skill is power-dependent. Low power = aluminium armor; high power = tungsten skin. Stomp fit with Rhino's theme: a mountain of meat that's capable of taking and dishing out lots of punishment.



    - Absorb. It will absorb ANY kind of damage, even bosses can't kill her, and will unleash All of this damage back to enemies. This is just too op, especially at T4 games. Nyx is also immobile and unless one mods her for max reach, the blast won't hit anything plinking away with their guns. Also, it fits Nyx's theme: crowd control, and redirecting enemy aggro counts as crowd control.



    - Molecular Prime. The blast chain damage should be removed. Its good at high wave games when the blast doesn't cause nearby enemies to blast off as well, but in low wave game, the blast damage is just too op. 1 bullet can clear whole room. M Prime was significantly more powerful before the damage nerf it got some time back. And everything is totes overpowered against low-level enemies. I can shoot an arrow from my 4-forma'd Paris Prime (yes, I'm a Paris Prime fan, although I don't hate Dread, I don't like how it feels) at a low-level grineer on Apollodorus and call it operpowered. And there's nothing wrong with slowing the advance of the enemy and making them easier to kill. Yanno what also makes things easier to kill? Proper weapon mods.



    - Blessing. Instantly and fully heals both health and shields. This is ridiculous. Would it better if it restored only a fraction of health/shield and also did so in time, just like "Team Health Restore" work

    - Energy Vampire. Doesn't matter if enemy is killed or alive, you get energy either way. De should make it so that the energy is given only when the enemy is alive. This way, people will think before shooting the first enemy they see and it will make them aware of surroundings. Allies must be within the pulse range for them to receive energy, and killing the affected enemy prematurely ends the skill, so it's possible to receive no benefit from EV. Blessing has already been nerfed some time ago, as it used to grant invincibility. Everyone and their kubrow used to pack a launcher and blow themselves up while invincible (generally speaking). Even with damage reduction, getting overwhelmed by enemy fire is possible, depending on player skill.


    Carrier Sentinel:

    - Vacuum. Currently if a fast frames quickly run by, the loot will travel after them until you stop. So basically you can run whole map or until you don't have any more stamina and the loot will follow you. This is just not right, De should make it so that if the loot isn't picked up after like 3 seconds it will fall to the ground. I say its time to fix this glitch. This will force all these lazy guys to go back, slow down and wait for loot to pick up properly. Not exactly our fault. Were it possible to put Vacuum on another sentinel, I would happily do it. But right now, the only interchangeable item is the weapon and certain mods.


    And this concludes my list. Now I know that some of these abilities were nerfed already but they didn't nerf them too much; those abilities are still too strong. Also, I know that there will be many unskillful players, lazy whiners that would just hate these changes, just like any nerfs done to the game up until now, ex wall run nerf, xp gaining nerf but I can guarantee you that there will be many players that would approve and agree with my list if De decides to implement these changes. Great way at attempting to quash any discussion by calling any that disagree with you whiners and bad players. Insulting people before they have a chance to say anything is not only a terrible way to start a topic, but straight rude.

    My responses are in cyan. I was bored, so I'm doing this for a bit of fun.

  12. What I think:


    Skill 1: I like it so far. Yes, explosive weapons or bows with multishot and Thunderbolt would wreck my and others' FPS, but I prefer to use Phage and Dex Furis to give myself a spiderweb of death and to make it rain lead without affecting performance.


    Skill 2: Situational skill. Useful for making Grineer/Corpus feel their own traps for a change, but I hate how it can possibly deny others ammo if spammed.


    Skill 3: I can't see how powerful this skill is supposed to be. I use it in conjunction with HoM and stay in lit areas, and I also use a 6/10 Blind Rage and 5/5 Intensify. Maybe I'm not using it right.


    Skill 4: Love the Disco Ball of Doom. Playing the song "Stayin' Alive" while the ball is in the air somehow makes sense in context.


    But overall, I think it's a good frame, but I hope others will be a bit more considerate with the weapons they choose when playing with others. Guns like Drakgoon, launchers, Detron and Supra really hurt FPS when shot. Nothing wrong with experimenting, but no one should have to leave a session because of repeated simultaneous explosions and/or walls of rounds.

  13. Trinity


    Twin Vipers




    Respectively: I bought Trinity, Karak and Carrier because I thought none of the starter frames appealed to me any (Loki's weak shields and low health plus my noobishness meant death), Karak because I needed a gun that could actually kill worth a damn in lower leveled areas without blowing through a magazine on a single heavy, and Carrier because I thought the ability to vacuum up nearby drops was worth it.

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