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Posts posted by Kevlareater

  1. real cross bow are naturally like that, deal with it 

    You pull out the 'realism' card for a game with a tentacle gun, Davy Jones if he were a frame, and a stomp that can slow down time. Where's the realism in any of this?


    @OP: I agree the Attica needs a buff in some form. Not damage per se, but something in the form of:


    - Increased critical/status chance

    - Increased magazine size

    - Increased projectile velocity

    - Decreased reload time


    I'd happily give up the innate penetration if it meant two of these buffs were implemented as a way to balance out the crossbow.

  2. It's Vauban. I believe he has that particular pet name because of the way he looks; the frame looks like he has multiple boobs.


    edit: Tenno'd hard.

  3. Gunboat diplomacy? I mean, if someone who looks like a giant robot with a four barreled shotgun tells you to sit down and negotiate, would you really tell him no?

    Whether yes or no, either way the last thing that will go through someone's mind will be a bullet (or pellets, a blade, a hammer, neon tentacles...).

  4. Karak. What bores and annoys me about this gun:


    - Look

    - Sound

    - Microscopic magazine size

    - Low status proc chance

    - Even lower crit proc chance/damage


    This gun is a reasonable upgrade from the Braton if one is just starting the game. Sure it's able to rip through low-mid level things with relative ease, but it's better off in the trash once the person in question has the foresight (or advice) to spend some of that starting plat on a full Latron Prime set.

  5. Happens quite often. About an hour or two after I log out, potatoes and Vauban parts rain down and all I can do is look at the alert page and wonder why I could not hold out another hour. I basically need to change my sleep pattern in order to play this game.

  6. "The coupons are part of our daily log-in lottery and are random in their rarity tiers. The longer your continuous daily log-in streak is, the higher the change of getting a better reward, including the coupons."


    So there it is, the higher your log-in streak is, the higher the chance.

    Hogwash! Many of us would have gotten that discount if this were the case. 

  7. 1. If reality gets in the way too often, and/or if I've found better games to play.


    2. Condescending devs/community managers, too many changes made to the game I'd disagree with, unnecessarily high prices to future frames and weapons.


    3. Having to buy plat just to obtain mods that will never drop for me no matter how much I grind for them; new stuff requiring either clan research or plat.


    4. All changes should be documented in patchnotes, no matter how minute. Stealth nerfing things and hoping the playerbase is careless and/or dumb enough to not notice is dishonesty. Also, more story-relevant lore would be nice.

  8. (weapon)

    Boar Prime Stock

    Boar Prime Barrel

    Boar Prime Receiver



    Mag Prime System

    Mag Prime blueprint



    Hell's Chamber (preferrably unmodded)


    Edit: Trades complete

  9. Nekros doesn't require clan research

    True, but what it does require is a group of competent people that know how to take down Lephantis, and those people tend to clan up. Or a guide alongside a top-notch frame, weapons and mods in order to take it down solo.


    I could be generalising, but regardless: I don't like being required to join a clan in order to access things like weapons and frames.

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