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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. Honestly, I don't really like where this is going at all...

    Like, I get the idea that it can be hard to get into Warframe and get new people to stick around to catch up on anything, but the solution isn't to force people into paying to be able to play the new content... Putting a cost on this seems super greedy... If you really intend on pursuing this, at least make the option free.

    Honestly, it would be alot more respectful of the fanbase and preserving of the experience of playing the story to do the following:

    • Make an exception where the player can play the newest content with zero prequisites whenever a new update just dropped. Just give a warning that the player may get spoilers and use "borrowed" equipment and gear they don't get to keep. New War already did this with the Paracesis, they temporarily give you one during the quest if you don't own it, and it's gone by the end of the quest... That way , people see the cool new content, they can play it immediately, then they can catch up with the older core quest after experiencing the new quest and the new gamemodes.
    • Just allow player to "borrow" the snake necramech and maybe the recovered Tempestari briefly in the new war for the like five minutes segment that actually requires an unmodded necramech railjack... And if your intention is to keep having Archwings / Necramechs / Railjacks as mandatory for new quests in the future, then give crappy  starter version at the start of the game to players.... I mean we already have the Snake Necramech, the Recovered Tempestarii, so just add a Rusted Archwing and call it a day...
    • Remove all starchart clear requirements from main story quests so you can play the core story missions essentially back to back. That way the players can experience the full core story and catch up super quick. Leave side quests as unlocks by junctions...  maybe... if you really need to... Or just unlock all side quest the second you get up to date with the main quest (just so people don't get distracted by them. Honestly most of my friend quit warframe because they get bored clearing the starchart to access the cinematic quests, or they get distracted into mid or somewhat bad side quests like howl of the kubrow . Like i'm constantly pushing my friend to clear the nodes and get to Second Dream / War Within / New War cause I can't really play with him or discuss anything with him before he catches up with the spoilers.
    • Maybe streamine the starchart so it has less nodes cause it's super tedious to clear and essentially deserted nowadays. Do we really need like 25 missions per planet, with often multiple repeating missions on the same planet ? It actually hurts the new player experience since most of these coop nodes are deserted and it's super hard for new players to solo a four man interception , disruption ,etc... Part of the reason people quit is because it's super tedious without a friend to unlock all planets to even get the quests unlocked to begin with. Heck, I personally think the starchart could probably go and be replaced by a small amount or rotating nodes on each planets imho... With the most active current nodes like Hydron getting permanent nodes.
    • If you still , after all these changes, want to have a big "Skip all the cool stuff button", well , make it free , reversible and basically just an unlock of every planet / story quest / gamemode...

    Also worried because even with the huge backlash you guys got for the Heirloom packs, you still seem like you're planning to sell more of those abominations, and now you're turning the main game into a pay to catch up game like Destiny 2, which I quit because it didn't respect it's playerbase, and I have a gut feeling you'll do the usual of just shipping the unpopular thing anyway but try to bribe people into accepting it by like throwing a couple cosmetics and regal aya in there to pretend it's something else entirely other than a glorified paid timeskip.

    Also, don't you guys try and push buying Tennogen with real money on consoles ! Parity doesn't mean console players get shafted... Worse case scenario, allow purchase with both... But don't you dare trying to remove our ability to buy tennogen with plat we earned through trade.

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  2. Really hard to tell for now since we know next to nothing about it. Would be pretty cool if DE at least made human versions of 8 original frames, and allowed you to play them in the new content. Not expecting them to have time to make 1999 era skins of all the warframes.

    Again , hard to tell for now if it's some kinda of hallucination / dream / an actual flashback of sorts or just a wierd meta reference to dark sector... Just hope it's not a big retcon that makes everything we experienced so far a dream or something.

    What's a little wierd Excal is already pretty much the only frame where we know exactly his origins, so if he's the only playable character in 1999, are we taking about a retcon ? Or maybe umbra and regular excalibur have different origins... Confusing.

  3. Haven't touched SP Circuit for months now. Still need 20 incarnon adaptors... Can't bring myself to run like 6 hours of steel path circuit every week, then run multiple oroworms per weeks to be able to craft them. That's an insane time commitment per week on a gamemode that frankly overstayed it's welcome.

    Honestly, most of the new additions all have this problem of requiring too much grind to the point where you never EVER want to touch the gamemode again before long. Haven't run Kahl or Archon missions in weeks either..

    Honestly, each rank of the Circuit Path should require the same xp. You should be able to reach rank ten by doing a single , long 1h30 run each week. Pathos Clamps should be awarded in Circuit, and they should replace intrinsics when looting chests once you have maxed you intrinsics, even if you only get one clamp per chest and bounty.

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  4. Honestly, they really need to apply 3 wave defense and 3 minute survival rounds to the entire starchart already... And stop any 10/20 waves gift of the lotus alerts against lvl 12 enemies that pose zero challenge. I spend the entire 20 minutes playing shawzin on the cryopod and spamming fireworks every gift of the lotus alert,.

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  5. Honestly the situation would be fine if ppl practiced trigger discipline, but I swear 90% of the players are too stupid to understand "If the enemy isn't yellow and glowing, don't kill it in a void fissure "... I've had entire missions where I literally did not kill anyone because I'm waiting for them to turn and people can't help but nuking them all in front of me before they do.

    Nothing sucks more than getting into room filled with enemies, starting to teabag while you patiently wait for the void storm to turn enemies, then this rando runs in and nukes the entire room two seconds before they turn, only to get to the end of the mission and everyone is missing like 3 reactants... Then you start to backtrack, but the same Dbag keeps nuking every single enemy that spawns immediately before letting them turn. So you write" let em turn" in chat and they ignore it and still nuke everyone.

    Or you run interception and ppl grab all four towers at once, making the round too short to have enough time to amass ten reactants... You keep writing "let them take a point", but they don't, and they nuke all enemies before they turn to make sure we keep all four objectives. Then nobody cracks their relics and you feel like you just wasted five minutes.


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  6. No more , have pity on our souls.

    We already have 33. They all require five formas. That's 165 Formas down the drain... And it's the equivalent of levelling 198 regular weapons (actually more since rank 30-40 take more XP to reach) for essentially miuscule mastery points.

    Add the tedium of often needing multiple copies of the same weapon to fuse into a better % version or to change the element and the grind for those stupid ephemeras and you have one of the worse grinds in the entire game.

    Also, the process of getting them is super tedious. Grinding the requiem mods, rerolling larvlings till you get the weapon you want (or worse, having to do the deserted granuum void for sisters), doing tons of missions to figure out the murmurs, going to fight your nemesis in Railjack...

    So no, I don't want any more ,and I sure as hell don't want any Infested / Sentient / Orokin / Whatever liches....

    And if they ever do release them, at least they need to drop the five forma crap. It's one thing to grab and level them once, but no way I'll do that ever again.

  7. Yeah, same is happening to me on PC as of today.. It isn't fixed at all. Ran the same mission from both Crysalith and Starchart , and it's still flashing blue...

    At first I thought It was because I joined a game in progress already, but then I made sure I was host the next time yet I still didn't gear clear when the entire team extracted together (so no host migration B.S shenegans either).

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  8. ... Add to the fact there's currently like 52 frames and each of them need 5 shards... Meaning you would need to run the fricking same three missions every week for the next 3 years alongsides the Archon Hunts to get the bulk of your frames kitted correctly (and that's not accounting for all the new frames that will come out in the next 3 years).... And you got a clear recipie for burnout.

    • Like 4
  9. There seems to be AI issue with Excalibur Umbra, who will often stand there doing nothing. Usually swapping back and forth to operator will fix the immobile umbra, but he will often break again shortly after. I think once there's no enemies around , he goes idle and stops moving, not getting hostile again when new enemies show up... Not sure if it's because I was using Kahl's garrison + Railjack recruit at the same time (maybe too many NPCs break the AI script, dunno, perhaps it's just because you guys tweaked the ally script for the new garrison)...

    • Like 1
  10. Could you drop back the watch times to 30 minutes plz. I coudn't count the number of times where I missed the drop by a few minutes since you switched it to 45 minutes. The twitch system is pretty bad and counting minutes properly, and often even when I log in like 7 minutes after a stream started, with ads and me having to refresh every now and then to ensure it's still counting, I often still miss the drop by a few minutes almost each time.

    Also, ppl tend to forget the stream, and eventually get an email notification, but by the time we open the browser and get set up for watching a stream, there's often already 10-15 minutes passed and the drop is already too late.

    At least keep the stream running for ten more minutes or something ... or start it early... Anything...

    Again never had this problem when it was 30 minute drops, since even when the time didn't count properly, you could usually manage to register 30 minutes out of a 60 minutes devstream. And you're actually losing tons of viewers like myself that go "Well, stream has been going for 12 minutes, no use watching it now since i'll miss the drop again"...

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  11. Well, that kinda sucks for 3/4 of the planet in other timezones that won't be able to watch.

    Also, this kinda feels like what you did with the Devstreams, when you claimed you would make a single Devstream per month instead of bi-weekly updates, but it would be much longer and have way more content... Only it wasn't really the case and it's actually way less interesting now, giving us barely any visibility on what's going on and what you are doing at the studio. Waiting a month to see a new deluxe skin , some housekeeping and a few spreadsheets kinda suck, tbh.

    Now we're gonna get a single prime time per week, and a single devstream per month.... I mean I get it, it's alot of work doing all those devstreams and all that , but I can't help but feel this is gonna be just an excuse to put in less work on a weekly basis and just have Reb and Meg play random missions for 2 hours once a week and be done with their weekly chores.

    Hopefully this will give you guys more time to actually make new content this game really needs, because it does feel like abandoware at times, waiting two years for cinematic quests we finish in five hours... Then again it's not like the community team is the one making the content, so I doubt it will impact much in terms of content production, just give us way less visibility on what is going on with the game...

    • Like 7
    • I like that zones now have "hidden" point of interest that reward exploration... Although them being highlighted right from the start of every mission with the right intrinsic kinda defeats that purpose. We need more exploration in Railjack (like a proper open space where we can fly around and infiltrate various ships versus a mission-based approach imho).
    • That said, these point of interest are too simplistic (just speedrun to a console and hack it)... They should have cool puzzles like the Orokin moon vaults or something of that nature to make them more compelling to explore, and ideally not spawn in every single mission to make them feel more special. Right now I don't really bother exploring the structures. Still it's in these areas where I feel like RJ is living closer to it's potential, just finding cool derelicts floating into space and exploring them...
    • The objective where you gotta wait with occasional robots blocking transmission drags on due to the enemies blocking transmission spawning a kilometer away each time, forcing you to backtrack to the other end of the base to kill one easy dude, then go all the way back to the other side when 20 seconds later a new one spawns. They should spawn close to the room you are in... And it's annoying to have to kill like 4 per base to allow a full transmission... Plus some missions have you doing it twice in a row... UGH...
    • Volatile is not solo friendly. Frantically searching for the right pipe and shooting it while on the other side of the room a guy is shutting down the console is not fun... Either allow the player to shoot any pipe or calm down on the pressure when doing solo... Pun intended.
    • Same with orphix venom. I had no problems doing wave 36 solo during the event but here the delay between waves is too short for solo play and I end up with three orphixes at the same time really fast.
    • Defense is boring. Always been one of my least favorite mission types, and the corpus remasted map is probably the worse defense map in the game (too big, too much cover for enemies on the sides, enemies often get stuck not getting to the objective), add both these factors for something I will only clear once for starchart completion and never touch again. Put survival or another more interesting gamemode there plz... Why defense ?
    • Exterminate takes too long too. The Corpus map is huge and enemy density is too low, so it feels like you're going through the whole ship to kill like 63 enemies. Honestly would rather exterminate 63 ships using my railjack than doing a generic exterminate ground mission inception-ed into a RJ mission.

    Overall, I think i'm not really digging the idea of just pasting existing missions into RJ missions and calling it a day. The fact the ship is invincible while you are inside a structure kinda breaks the feeling of even being in a RJ mission, plus what's the point of doing an endless defense inside a RJ mission , especially when you realize that if you fail you forfeit all rewards from the RJ part PLUS the defense part... Making all that time wasted for nothing....


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  12. Yeah, I don't really see the appeal, if anything it just means more chance of not getting the drops since the new system is untested and the old system was working fine for me 364 days a year (the exception being Tennocon where it always broke and we never got our drops). In fact there will be tons of people that don't get the memo they have to unlink and relink, leading to tons of unearned rewards and support tickets... But hey... My two cents. Why you couldn't just use our existing twitch links is beyond me.

    Besides, why can't we get timed promo codes in streams instead ? That way we can redeem them on the platform of our choosing / on multiple platforms / can get them while watching reruns when we get back from work / can get them from websites that would list the codes if we are away and can't watch the stream at a specific time. Would also fix the usual issue where drops don't work during Tennocon... Would be much fairer for people with different schedules or that live in different timezone. Would avoid the frustrating of joining a stream 31 minutes into it and not getting it by like 30 seconds as the stream ends before the 30 minute drop triggers. And people would still tune in live for the prime access giveaways.

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  13. Can we get a fix to make the Necramech HUD less intrusive (opacity slider) or hide it. It's pretty in-your face and i've been hoping for a way to tune it down a peg ever since this thing was released. I mean we get sliders and options for stuff like Sniper HUD elemets, wish I could play using necramechs without having half the screen obscured by yellow lines and huge distance cursors that don't really help in aiming.

  14. Appreciate the fact you are revisiting the ability, and I'll wait to try it with passing judgement, but my hot take is the following:

    • Don't think making power strength mandatory is a good idea for the ability... Build is already socket starved as it is, as it requires tons of Range Mods + Energy Mods (Flow, maybe efficiency) to be usable. Really don't see how someone is supposed to fit in range / strength / energy / survivability mods / the fatal teleport augment AND some duration since you nerfed the interaction with Arcane Trickery and ppl now need to mod for duration if they want to stay invisible.
    • Unless I read this wrong, you don't seem to have addressed the capped damage, meaning you will still not oneshot enemies like before.
    • It's still a very slow, clunky and expensive skill to use compared to tons of AOE nukes and weapons that do the same thing much , much faster. Again , not trying to get other stuff nerfed, but we're in a game where tons of weapons and frames can basically wipe entire rooms in a single button press, so why again is an ability that requires two abilities cast and has tons of drawbacks getting nerfed ?
    • Again , only a handful of frames were able to really use the ability before, with most of these frames being frames in a bad spot in the meta. Still don't get why it was so problematic to give said frames better tools to be on par with usual AOE nuker frames.
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  15. 4 hours ago, Aadi880 said:

    If ammo issues is a concern, invest a forma/prexilus slot for ammo mutation and play aggressive with it in conjunction with your melee weapon.

    You will never run out of ammo that way.

    Tell that to any boss....

  16. Personally, I would just make the Eidolon bounties force nighttime on the plains and make them available all the time . As an added benefit it would remove the lame time pressure on them, allowing less optimal teams to tackle them and stopping this elitist multiple tridolon per night nonsense where you're speedrunning it as fast as you can and getting angry whenever you get randoms that don't do it fast enough, plus it would allow more build diversity in hunts since it would be ok to take longer and have a not optimal party. Let's face it nothing sucks more than getting to the last eidolon and having the lures vanishing a couple seconds before you finish capturing it because it's daytime.


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  17. While mod breakdown is kinda cool , what would be REAAALLY NICE would be having the ability to lower and raise the level of our mods when equipping them. Like let's say you have a 16 Capacity mod and you have 14 mod space left, you could slot it in and knock it down two pegs so it fit. As an added benefit, it would allow a better handling of putting in formas.

    Right now when you put a forma, the game removes mods till the mods fit. It can get confusing as you're not sure which mod got removed and what build you had there. With this fix, when you would put a forma, some mods would be knocked down a couple of pegs so everything still fits without the forma.

  18. I think a "play one conclave match" woudn't be such a bad thing if it's like a daily objective and not like a weekly objective. Who know , it might be enough to give the gamemode a couple of days of enough activity to actually get matches going... And in the worse case scenario you could skip it and lose only 1000 points, which is a couple of random glass encounters and not such a big deal.

    Personally, I would use this occasion to maybe max my conclave and get a couple of guns going during the few days where people did their one match to get their NW done. Every time I actually tried to get a match going it's always waiting for like 30mintes for like two persons to show up then like the guys quits two seconds into the match.

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