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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 5 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

    btw Frost abilities can add cold damage and cold proc IE Frost abilities, make enemies Slower than himself, ARE A CC. You are wrong once,

    The basis of "ability CC" can be traced to actual ability CC, not a proc

    For example, this type of CC isn't exclusive to Frost (or just warframes for that matter), considering it's a proc. Procs are beside the matter, i'm just saying Eximus should also be able to counter ALL abilities. 

    7 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

    ou ask about Overguard (i title) not Eximus, Dax units HAVE Overguard. You are wrong twice,

    That is true! I will edit my post to make this more specific. Thank you for the clarification


    7 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

    Also extended an Overguard to stop abilities exist, it's called a Nullifier. 🤣  ... upon a times.

    Screw nullifiers, their buggy bubbles are more of an annoyance than a priority

  2. 1 minute ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Sure, but DE's rules extend to things that aren't abilities.    Cold procs are an exception because DE said they would be, though even then with a special limit of 4.

    I can see that, I was just specifying ability damage/CC rather than CC as a whole
    Their are others, but those were besides the topic at hand
    Unless we include Frost, but they fixed his CC affecting eximus

  3. 7 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:
    • Cold procs (up to 4 stacks)
    • Grendel's Pulverize will always ragdoll
    • Loki's Switch Teleport but will not make enemy disoriented upon teleport
    • Effects that Taunt or have increased Threat Level (Loki's Decoy / Nyx's Chaos / Octavia's Mallet and Resonator / Titania's Razorwing'sRazorflies)

    Counterargument! These are outliers
    An example of an ability like Loki's one is Garuda's first, which knocks down enemies, but can't do it because it counts as "CC"
    Grendel's Pulverize is lore accurate! He makes all of the enemies shiver

    Cold Procs are not abilities! And thus shouldn't be considered ability CC (as that's the topic)
    Taunt... dang, you got me

    9 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

    Dax enemies (Dax Arcus, Dax Equitem, Dax Gladius, Dax Herald, and Dax Malleus) can suffer a forced knockdown that Overguard does not stop.

    These are not eximus, but instead special enemy units only found in certain mission nodes. Also, ability CC, not general

    1 minute ago, Zakkhar said:

    If you nuke everything constantly, more and more eximus will keep spawning. If you cc everything and refrain from nuking you control the whole map. Plenty of mission modes do not revolve around nuking whole map, yet for some reason every team I was with with playing hard cc, still chooses to nuke the map anyways, because reasons. This is why we cant have nice things.

    A shame, they probably spotted a single guardian eximus and decided all life must die


  4. 4 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

    Read the manual dammit !

    That Sign Can't Stop Me Because I Can't Read | Know Your Meme


    5 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

    We already have the mechanic. It is called Arbitration Drone. Also capture targets.

    Those are only limited to their respected mode, it would be cool to have something like this outside of arbitration/capture


    5 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

    You can cc everything else that is not overguarded eeximus. If you do not also nuke evertything the eximus will not even spawn. But you people alwyas have to nuke, CC-able enemies die and Eximus spawn and you go pikachuface.jpg.

    Yes, you can CC everything that's not Eximus, you can also (ability) nuke everything INCLUDING eximus
    Might as well make eximus a top priority and Nullifier part 2! (But without the buggy shield drone)


    • Like 4
  5. The amount of times I mention overguard (for eximus in particular) making ANY CC reliant frame's life miserable is always met with "Just shoot them"
    Alright, completely fair and valid, I do shoot them, and they die. It's nice

    But then I look at damage frames... and realized just how severely punished CC frames are compared to them

    DE talking about how they don't want to nuke rooms, understandable... so why do you keep on indirectly buffing nukers? 
    Why not make overguard (for eximus in particular) immune to ALL types of abilities? That'll even out the playing field, CC frames can't CC, that makes the eximus a priority. Nuke frames won't be able to nuke the entire room along with eximus, which also makes them more of a primary target that you can kill with your weapons. 

    I am ready for the large amounts of "Bad take" 
    Best Shot GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY
    Edit 2: Adding more clarity, I’m not talking about reverting the overguard nerfs against CC, I’m talking about making Eximus overguard immune to damage abilities. This way it makes it even among the frames and less targeting/punishing towards CC frames. 

    • Like 13
  6. 17 hours ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    He was "just fine" the way he was! This entire debacle was unnecessary and nothing but a complete kneejerk reaction to data that they pulled out of their asses! 

    Obviously he was overpowered, he definitely promoted an afk playstyle by being able to nuke entire rooms like Saryn
    He could've also achieved complete immortality like Revenant, and we can't have that

    Do I even have to type /s? I'll do it anyways

    • Like 1
  7. Very constructive opinion, and I agree

    Maybe his nerfs were fine, maybe some features in this game actual do constitute a nerf. That is up to the Devs eyes. In the end, “small tweaks,” and “small nerfs/buffs” are meant to be kept “small.” 

    But the difference between needing a nerf, and executing the nerf is vast. Sometimes, these Devs take the word “execute,” a bit too literally.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Numerounius said:

    No, I argue that is never good if there is no indication that the threads are being merged.

    Well in that case I disagree, in some cases, merging threads is necessary to avoid spam 

    You know full well people would rather make an ENTIRE post for a question rather than looking at all of the OTHER posts with that question already stated/answered


    • Like 3
  9. Please add the word “unnecessarily” between “stop,” and “merging”

    There are cases when merging is good as multiple people want the same answer, but then there are OTHER cases where the mods merge two completely different threads that share a common topic (which is not the same thing). 

    • Like 3
  10. 3 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

    He went from A tier to C tier, not caliban level but he WILL be as forgotten as caliban 

    Can’t deny that

    His Ult has the stupid LoS restriction… which in itself is fine but LoS never works anyways

    Garuda’s Ult never hits the grineer right in front of her, and that has a wider radius than Dante… can’t hit S#&$ with Dante’s Ult now 

  11. 13 hours ago, ABlindGuyPlays said:

    Still need to do tests but from what I've seen not as good but not Caliban tier.

    Did some tests myself, and I agree

    Bro’s not Caliban tier at all 

    Of course… I am struggling with overguard upkeep now which is absurd… I just slapped the new bandaid mod known as “adaptation,” it works I guess. 
    I guess if we even cared about tierlists he would drop down to B-tier? Definitely not C(aliban)-tier

  12. 58 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

    It's absolutely not a win for overguard, styanax now generates full overguard faster than dante, overguard regen is useless if you can't get a huge amount quickly, overguard is absolutely gutted on dante

    I thought they just reduced the cap to his overguard? He should be regenerating more to fit the overguard cap...?
    Or am I missing something?

  13. This post aged like sour wine
    And yes, I'm the one who's sour because of this

    On the plus side his nerfs weren't terrible, a LoS on the ult, along with an overguard cap decrease, but he now regenerates overguard faster
    I see this as a win for overguard

    • Like 3
  14. On 2024-03-29 at 2:12 PM, OniDax said:

    You just pointed out the problem. Grinding is playing the same things over and over again to gain rank and farming is collecting stuff.  You grind so you can get to the rank that holds something you want to farm and you rinse and repeat. That's work. Do you ever play game modes just to experience the game modes, or only to increase MR and collect more stuff?


    To experience the gamemode unironically... 


  15. 1 hour ago, Dunkelheit said:

    I appreciate your reasonable and well argued posting. At least someone who knows how to debate.

    This being said, let us not lose sight of the original problem: Dante is very capable of hogging mass kills after mass kills after mass kills and nothing will stop him. So it is easy for him to make 3 other players in the team useless by getting a very large amount of kills, the more mobs are around, the more apparent the problem becomes. He does not care if something needs to live long or be a certain faction, a problem that many other frames have and he has really no downsides. He uses slash as a tool which scales infinitely, so he does not fall behind in higher levels (did not play him higher than 200 though)

    It is my Bramma argument all over again. It is unfun to play Warframe if you don't get any kills.

    But even if you lose sight of his nuking ability that is room wide, his 60k overshield-without-any-effort makes the whole team invincible and knock-down immune as well. So he is the best offensive and best defensive frame at once?

    I don't mind players having overpowered tools if they are somehow in check. Dante though is not. And people choose to not see this, because they love their tool too much. Take his offense or his defense, I don't mind either way, but both in one frame is way too much.

    Oh thank goodness you weren't a random aggressive tenno... I enjoy finding people who can reason without shutting out logic

    1 hour ago, Dunkelheit said:

    This being said, let us not lose sight of the original problem: Dante is very capable of hogging mass kills after mass kills after mass kills and nothing will stop him. So it is easy for him to make 3 other players in the team useless by getting a very large amount of kills, the more mobs are around, the more apparent the problem becomes. He does not care if something needs to live long or be a certain faction, a problem that many other frames have and he has really no downsides. He uses slash as a tool which scales infinitely, so he does not fall behind in higher levels (did not play him higher than 200 though)

    Damn, it's just the old AOE meta squished into the frame. I can see him being considered a hybrid frame, but even hybrids aren't a master of all, Dante on the other hand...


    1 hour ago, Dunkelheit said:

    But even if you lose sight of his nuking ability that is room wide, his 60k overshield-without-any-effort makes the whole team invincible and knock-down immune as well. So he is the best offensive and best defensive frame at once?

    They just took old Wukong+old bramma and made it into an angry library

    I see your reasoning, but i'm also confused how you guys see so much Dantes. Seriously, i've encountered like... 5? Not including myself of course

  16. 5 minutes ago, Dunkelheit said:

    Let us make a bet then, you run Equinox against my Dante in Steel Path Conjunction Survival while only using abilities and we will see who has more ability kills at the end of 10 minutes. Or Mesa? Or Mirage? Or Volt? Please don't argue with weapon kills, do me the favor, ok?

    Pfft, clearly you’ve never performed a scientific experiment 

    Two different people trying to find the difference between two frames is hardly the way to go

    It would be best if you did both of it yourself (or I did both myself, if I even cared to prove a point), to keep your unique way of playing both. In fact… comparing it to Equinox would be slower just because she needs a fair amount of ramp up before detonating, not to mention it would have to be the same mission node… same enemy type… same level… same amount of time. Even then that wouldn’t show their true performance if we’re considering Saryn. Saryn would prefer to be against grineer, as they can live longer to spread the  procs in order to nuke, Volt would want infested considering they’re squishy without any armor/shield regen. Mesa lacks the AOE most have, but she makes up with it in fast killing rate, still not as fast as an AOE nukor though. (If the enemies are around Mesa, rather than in a cone for los as an example). 

    14 minutes ago, Dunkelheit said:

    Please don't argue with weapon kills, do me the favor, ok?

    If I were to do the bet, agreed. Weapon kills would mean nothing for this. Of course… would his tome be considered a weapon kill? I know Garuda’s talons count as ability kills, but doesn’t show it in the stats. Might have to factor that in  

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