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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 16 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    Wait what?

    No no, keep on cooking

    I want to see where this is going 


    15 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

    Maybe I'm in the minority by doing this, but this keeps frames like Limbo, Nyx, Yareli and Volt in a tanky enough spot for me to have a lot more fun with my full arsenal. 

    I too do something like this, but I believe we are the minority 

    Worth to note that this post isn’t about wanting to change overguard to make it easier for CC frames, it’s about changing Eximus overguard to make them immune to damage abilities. If there’s one thing the devs try to stop constantly, it’s AOE, and Eximus units completely trivialize (just by themselves) the only thing that was was worth considering against AOE (frame wise, not weapon wise). 

    12 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

    A glass cannon build always come with greater risk and make even a more basic unit seem more threatening. Meanwhile, I begin to sweat much later in the game where perhaps greater ability duration or range would come more in handy, but the frames can still take hits before I have to go into recovery.


    Only thing is, with a good glass cannon build (such as Banshee and Limbo), you would have a greater risk, yes, but you would at least have been able to deal with it. And no, I’m not referring to normal Star chart. I’m bringing up things such as SP endurance (and by that I just mean 10 min or longer) where you start to notice more Eximus. 
    Of course my little rant on CC being completely useless against Eximus is beside the point. 
    So, to ask the question… would you be fine with Eximus units being immune to damage abilities? Why, or why not 

    • Like 2
  2. 22 hours ago, quxier said:
    On 2024-04-07 at 4:41 PM, Aruquae said:


    If it wasn't obvious from the OP's tittle they meant:

    - trade from other players with any quantity, tau and normal, 6 kinds

    - or at least buy from the market with any quantiy, without time gate.. .etc

    23 hours ago, SABRETOOTH1971 said:

    Oh, I knew what they meant

    I just took advantage of the lack of specifics 

    Nah nvm, I can't read

  3. 2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Plus if you wanna make enemies immune to abilities in general because they are immune to CC abilities then you should be consistant and ask for them to be immune to ranged weapons aswell since some ranged weapons CC and had that interaction fixed aswell versus Eximus units. Though it is absurd to ask for them to be immune to abilities, since that pulls all damage down into the same pit even though the majority of frames do not have mindless AoE as damage skills. And it also penalizes the frame that is already worst off out of all when it comes to Eximus, since suddenly Lamebo cant even pick up thermal sunder (or other damaging abilities) to help him stay safe inside his rift while killing eximus units outside.

    Good, now that you think in this way... isn't that the exact same situation CC frames are in? I want them to all be in the same pit, not just CC

    Of course, taking your advice... "just kill them with guns"

    2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Of course, but that is also content ment to be "hard".

    There is a difference between hard and just not useable, circuit defense highlights just how hard a CC frame struggles compared to a nuker (or just DPS frame)


    2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    And Khora is a damage frame,

    Only one of her abilities damages, sure she has synergy between all the others tht let's her damage them, but you have to CC them first. See the problem?


    2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    You can make practically any frame tanky enough these days to survive well into level 200+ content without relying on rolling guard. It's mostly that people refuse to, since they are under the assumption that they need more strength instead or something, when their damage is likely already high enough to overkill for hundreds of levels. They just stack that damage even though they will likely never play content where they need it and it wont kill things faster in the content they do frequently

    Yes....? Because tank frames are built to tank. Notice how CC frames are usually built to be squishy? They're purposefully built squishy because their whole thing is to not get hit. Think of them as... controllers. You are made to control the map, with control... you will die. Of course you're going to throw in the "most have damage mitigation abilities," but why would I pick a frame for one ability? 
    Why are you so against eximus being immune to all abilities? All of your points can easily contribute to all of the solutions you can have for if this feature did exist

  4. 1 hour ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

    They probably want you to actually focus and use a tactic here and there instead of trying to play as lazy as possible.

    You're right, imma just use AoE nukes and just shoot at my feet

    I'm thinking Laetum and Torid Incarnon, i'll even throw in a Saryn to nuke everything in case they're not already

    Thanks for the tips

    • Like 5
  5. 38 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    People need to stop with the disengeneous reasoning where they make it seem like everything gets CC immune the moment a single eximus shows up. Again, it is just the eximus that is immune out of all the mobs around it.

    Ohhhh but this post is just a petition to make eximus units immune to frame abilities in general

    Have you even used those CC frames in any steel path? Eximus aren't a rare thing, it's noticeable. You're thinking of all of them as a damage frame (Khora in particular), but that's not what they are. Khora whipclaw, for example, is the only part of her abilities that actually do damage (unless Venari is a secret assassin, doubt though), thus making her mostly pointed to CC. You're thinking of the DPS form of Vauban and Zephyr, when I was referring to their CC forms. The Yareli playstyle I was referring to is a CC playstyle, and you notice the difference when multiple eximus show up the longer you play. 

    Sure, the thought process of "You can CC everyone else," is completely valid, but you neglect to notice how common eximus actually are in anything that's not base star chart. You also forgot to mention the point of this whole post was about making eximus a priority for nukers too. I'm not asking for change for a CC change. 

    • Like 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, obiwandandobi2 said:

    Fashion frame that isn't just black, white and red. That's true end game!

    Calling me out, damn

    As for the post? I would say endgame in this game translates to knowledge

    You can't get far in this game without knowledge, which is why I love it
    Of course, that's just my opinion. True endgame doesn't exist (though we can dream)

    • Like 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    I just find it so fun that people are upset over OG cucking CC. Can you guys atleast stop acting as if we actually have a vast part of the roster that rely on CCs and struggle due to OG?

    Honestly, I can name 1 single frame that actually suffers from it, 1 out of 56(?). And that is poor Mr. Limbo, not even in his fancy top hat do they give a S#&$ about him (maybe they once were grouped with a Limbo). Every other frame either comes with damage or things tied to their CCs that make it work versus OG aswell. If you honestly think there are more frames than Lamebo that are so SoL versus OG please give a few examples.

    Limbo yes, then we got Banshee, Nyx, Zephyr's poor CC (unless it's just bugged, cause it's Zephyr), a popular Yareli playstyle that involves max range, minimal strength, and high efficiency for CC spamming is botched. Nova's CC galore is also screwed. Xaku's CC gets screwed from overguard, and Vauban's CC is well, botched. Khora's kit also revolves around CC, so it's affected. 

    Some abilities that are important to a warframe also gets screwed

    Ash's targeting gets screwed from this, Garuda's dread mirror which is a major part of her kit, Harrow's condemn leaving him shieldless, which is an obvious no no. 

    And, Ervin, don't you think it targets CC frames specifically, a little too much? This is simply to balance everything out, nuker frames won't have a higher advantage over CC frames because they all have to now prioritize eximus. Sure someone's going to say "jUsT kILl tHe eXimUs with gUNs" to which I would respond, "Ok, nuke frames can do that too." Of course, the other frames a mentioned is probably going to receive a response such as "All of these frames don't are not full CC frames, as they still have some utility outside of CC," but that's the thing... their primary utility is STILL CC. Sure, they got damage reduction, but that's not their PRIMARY thing (unless we're talking about Baruuk). 

    If you have a counterpoint, please say it. This is an argument (just because are opinions are clashing), but i've seen how respectful you are when arguing, so I will be too. 

    Hit me with your counterpoints!

  8. 40 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Nullifiers have a drone you can shoot or just do enough rapid fire damage to destroy.

    Keep in mind the size of the model is different from the size of the hitbox

    I can shoot the drone with an arrow and it'll only hit the bubble, so adding another specific spot would make eximus more annoying instead of a challenge (because you know full well the hitbox will be bugged)

    42 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Any insta CC effects (blind , ragdoll ) reduce the nullifier/overguard by a fixed percentage , and sustained CC (Bastille , chaos sphere ) drain overguard at a fixed rate., 

    Ohhhh I like this idea... kind of like a shield that can only sustain so much power
    Would have to be a fixed point rather than scaling to compensate (because if they left it up to the abilities, bastille could shred it as fast as shredding armor) , you can always kill them with your actual weapons

  9. 5 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

    btw Frost abilities can add cold damage and cold proc IE Frost abilities, make enemies Slower than himself, ARE A CC. You are wrong once,

    The basis of "ability CC" can be traced to actual ability CC, not a proc

    For example, this type of CC isn't exclusive to Frost (or just warframes for that matter), considering it's a proc. Procs are beside the matter, i'm just saying Eximus should also be able to counter ALL abilities. 

    7 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

    ou ask about Overguard (i title) not Eximus, Dax units HAVE Overguard. You are wrong twice,

    That is true! I will edit my post to make this more specific. Thank you for the clarification


    7 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

    Also extended an Overguard to stop abilities exist, it's called a Nullifier. 🤣  ... upon a times.

    Screw nullifiers, their buggy bubbles are more of an annoyance than a priority

  10. 1 minute ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Sure, but DE's rules extend to things that aren't abilities.    Cold procs are an exception because DE said they would be, though even then with a special limit of 4.

    I can see that, I was just specifying ability damage/CC rather than CC as a whole
    Their are others, but those were besides the topic at hand
    Unless we include Frost, but they fixed his CC affecting eximus

  11. 7 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:
    • Cold procs (up to 4 stacks)
    • Grendel's Pulverize will always ragdoll
    • Loki's Switch Teleport but will not make enemy disoriented upon teleport
    • Effects that Taunt or have increased Threat Level (Loki's Decoy / Nyx's Chaos / Octavia's Mallet and Resonator / Titania's Razorwing'sRazorflies)

    Counterargument! These are outliers
    An example of an ability like Loki's one is Garuda's first, which knocks down enemies, but can't do it because it counts as "CC"
    Grendel's Pulverize is lore accurate! He makes all of the enemies shiver

    Cold Procs are not abilities! And thus shouldn't be considered ability CC (as that's the topic)
    Taunt... dang, you got me

    9 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

    Dax enemies (Dax Arcus, Dax Equitem, Dax Gladius, Dax Herald, and Dax Malleus) can suffer a forced knockdown that Overguard does not stop.

    These are not eximus, but instead special enemy units only found in certain mission nodes. Also, ability CC, not general

    1 minute ago, Zakkhar said:

    If you nuke everything constantly, more and more eximus will keep spawning. If you cc everything and refrain from nuking you control the whole map. Plenty of mission modes do not revolve around nuking whole map, yet for some reason every team I was with with playing hard cc, still chooses to nuke the map anyways, because reasons. This is why we cant have nice things.

    A shame, they probably spotted a single guardian eximus and decided all life must die


  12. 4 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

    Read the manual dammit !

    That Sign Can't Stop Me Because I Can't Read | Know Your Meme


    5 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

    We already have the mechanic. It is called Arbitration Drone. Also capture targets.

    Those are only limited to their respected mode, it would be cool to have something like this outside of arbitration/capture


    5 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

    You can cc everything else that is not overguarded eeximus. If you do not also nuke evertything the eximus will not even spawn. But you people alwyas have to nuke, CC-able enemies die and Eximus spawn and you go pikachuface.jpg.

    Yes, you can CC everything that's not Eximus, you can also (ability) nuke everything INCLUDING eximus
    Might as well make eximus a top priority and Nullifier part 2! (But without the buggy shield drone)


    • Like 4
  13. The amount of times I mention overguard (for eximus in particular) making ANY CC reliant frame's life miserable is always met with "Just shoot them"
    Alright, completely fair and valid, I do shoot them, and they die. It's nice

    But then I look at damage frames... and realized just how severely punished CC frames are compared to them

    DE talking about how they don't want to nuke rooms, understandable... so why do you keep on indirectly buffing nukers? 
    Why not make overguard (for eximus in particular) immune to ALL types of abilities? That'll even out the playing field, CC frames can't CC, that makes the eximus a priority. Nuke frames won't be able to nuke the entire room along with eximus, which also makes them more of a primary target that you can kill with your weapons. 

    I am ready for the large amounts of "Bad take" 
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    Edit 2: Adding more clarity, I’m not talking about reverting the overguard nerfs against CC, I’m talking about making Eximus overguard immune to damage abilities. This way it makes it even among the frames and less targeting/punishing towards CC frames. 

    • Like 13
  14. 17 hours ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    He was "just fine" the way he was! This entire debacle was unnecessary and nothing but a complete kneejerk reaction to data that they pulled out of their asses! 

    Obviously he was overpowered, he definitely promoted an afk playstyle by being able to nuke entire rooms like Saryn
    He could've also achieved complete immortality like Revenant, and we can't have that

    Do I even have to type /s? I'll do it anyways

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