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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. The best meta is the “you” meta. Which is the gear you want to play vs playing it just because it works best

    Which means you the you meta can technically be what’s meta right now, you just need to enjoy playing it.

    So the question stands, do you want to use the meta because you enjoy it? Or are you just using it because you heard it’s the “best” option?

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Qorvex99 said:

    hmm Dagath?

    Dang, Garuda
    You did say you thought of her as a weapon caster, but TECHNICALLY she only needs abilities. Her talons also count as an ability, and I forget I even have guns half the time. She can also count as a weapon caster, what with your examples, it makes sense.
    Whatever the case, always thought of her as a caster. Kind of like a blood mage

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

    So it's not coming with Protea Prime. Well it's definitely coming with Xaku Prime am I right fellas haha

    r-right haha

    Hear me out... it'll come as a Tennocon reward
    Much like Gotva Prime, it'll be released as a Tennocon celebratory reward!

    No no, this isn't insanity. This is a fact

    • Like 4
  4. 10 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    It always amazes me the lengths some people will go through just so they can say "no" to everything anyone that isn't them suggests.

    Being able to choose custom movement animation sets is a widely-requested feature that has been widely-requested since there have been custom movement animation sets. And it's such an obvious addition that would be a win for everyone involved: not only could people match their chosen custom idle animation sets that we've had for 10 #*!%in' years to the many custom movement animation sets that have already been made, DE can sell them just like they've sold custom idle animation sets for 10 #*!%in' years. And yet certain dingleberries will still get all grumpy at the mere thought of continuing a type of customization we've had for 10 #*!%in' years.

    Don't like other people expressing themselves how they like? Too bad.

    This seems targeted to certain tenno’s in this thread

    Not exposing you guys, you know who you are

    • Like 1
  5. Is it weird that I find Octavia to be more interactive less afk?

    Constantly moving to the beat of Never Gonna Give You up in order to get the buffs, while also using the conductor augment is perfect for my l little Rickroll parade. 
    Of course, I use 200% duration as opposed to max duration, along with a lot of range and strength… so idk. Maybe it’s just the way I play her.

    • Like 2
  6. 9 hours ago, SirJackDaReaper said:

    Shield gate wouldn't help much either because it'd need a really long time to be beneficial and even then the high level enemies do such a high level of damage that that would just give you a single extra chance per extractor.

    Very true, it would at least help with survivability

    Not as much as armor of course, but it’s something. Your armor idea would be preferable. 

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