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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 8 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    Well I got flayed alive on page 1 for quoting things to people. Sigh, I'll just re-type them I guess - assuming your request here is in good faith - because quoting them now will lead to reactions without context.


    Nah, my requests are usually in good faith anyways. Even if I disagree, it’s just my opinion and nothing against you specifically, but rather against your opinion. 


    13 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    Volume. The sound starts low and gets louder as you get closer. The current visuals just show it instantly without any 'volume' knob. (Yes, they do turn off sporadically, I cover this later).

    Apparently it fades the farther away you are? I didn’t notice it considering my screen is so clear anyways. If it does fade out then it seems fair. 


    14 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    Environment. Sounds compete with each other. A low volume sound gets drowned out by higher volume. Most people don't bother adjusting their sound settings every time they play disruption, meaning that the demolisher sound when it starts is competing with guns, abilities, Little Duck, etc, etc. This means that the sound indicator is effectively pushed further out. (While there is a lot of visual noise in warframe, the demolisher icon is not lost in it to the point of being able to miss it - it is always on top)

    Makes it more of a QoL for more than just those who can’t hear. So long as it has the fading out feature, then it works


    15 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    Direction. The spicy part, but it's still very real and I'm going to list it again in full confidence. Audio does not give you precise direction, it can only give you approximate direction at best, or no direction at worst. Visuals are precise indicators showing the demolisher's exact direction with zero ambiguity, whether that is above you, below you, or very far away.

    Holdup… I agree with this. It gives you cues based on what direction you’re facing. So of course, if you hear the beeping from the left, you turn left and now it’s forward. I haven’t done much disruption since the update, but it would be cool if the flashing/fading out could be based off of an arrow on your screen. Could even be like a visual sound effect feature, something you would see in Fortnite. A rotating fading in and out blinker that circulates your reticle. Keeps the “searching” part without outright giving away the location. 


    21 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    Distance. This is nuanced and I can see people debating this, and I can agree it's not a strong element at all, but I'm listing it anyway because I do think it's a noticeable difference, though very mild. The audio does not tell you the precise distance. It is very hard to know how far away the demolisher really is just based on the proximity volume - you only know 'wow it's really close' or 'it's pretty far away'. Just like direction, it's approximate. There's no doubt about this, but now the counterargument here is that the visual icon doesn't tell you the precise distance either - I find this to be both true (there is no meter indicator) and not true (you still have a pretty good idea of how far away it is - I think this is because you are mentally comparing the icon to your map knowledge - you know what is off in that direction and the path they must take and you can mentally project the icon's position to the path). So they are both quite imprecise in this aspect, but I personally find that the visuals are still winning out in distance detection, albeit very slight. I will note that the visuals definitely have potential to be perfectly precise (meter indicator) but the sound has no such potential.

    I disagree with this part, you can hear whether or not you’re close to the target. It gradually gets Lourdes or lower based on distance, which helps with pinpointing the target. 


    48 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    Muffling. The demolisher beep is affected by some architecture. I am not sure why this is, maybe they are doing a line-of-sight test or maybe they have certain walls tagged or maybe some more advanced sound design is going on, but we've all had the experience of coming around a corner, opening a door or coming into a new room and suddenly the beep jumps and is much louder because we are suddenly in the same space. It's up for debate if this is a good aspect but I rather think it is - it helps us to know when we have to go around. The visuals suffer this same effect slightly because they do turn off, but the visuals are still vastly superior to the sound in this case because of their precision - you know exactly where to go once they are back on - the visuals are not muffled, they just blink. I note that I really dislike this change to the visuals, I don't think it's accomplishing what it wants to in a satisfying way.

    Hmmm, can’t say much on that, as I haven’t encountered anything of the sort 

    Overall the system can be improved, but it shouldn’t take a step back from what the Devs presented. Reading your original post and this post, it seems your thoughts were more concerned with disruption being made “easier.” Ahhhh I seeeeee, this is making more sense. You were referring to the new feature pretty much trivializing one half of disruption (as the other half is actually killing the target). That clarifies things. Obviously the system can be improved (see above comments), but it only diminishes one aspect of the mission type. Even then, it certainly improved it for other players.

  2. This just in, DE gave into the negative hype 

    14 minutes ago, crispb said:

    At the time.  it probably made sense but then kind of contradicting it later..

    melee nerfs to buff guns, or atleast attempted to change up metas.
    catchmoon nerf... does anyone use that weapon now?
    AoE ammo/damage weapons nerf, etc.
    Giving guns arcanes, then nerfing gun arcanes.

    then releasing melee arcanes, Incarnon weapons, etc.

    Agreed, the AOE nerfs were completely valid… but then they decided to release Laetum and other AOE incarnons that are worse then pre nerfed bramma/zarr 

    • Like 2
  3. On 2024-04-01 at 5:49 PM, CrownOfShadows said:

    I'm not going to re-type all the reasons why they aren't equal, you're just going to have to take it upon yourself read them. Visual feedback of the same quality as the sound will correct the disparity between the two.

    You can always quote them, because I read through this thread and don’t see the reasons….? I see your reasoning…? But it doesn’t equate to the reasons others have presented 

    • Like 1
  4. The nerf is inevitable now, I don’t care anymore about delaying that inevitable 

    What I care about is whether or not he’ll receive the null star treatment, which is to say, nerfed to the ground


  5. 23 minutes ago, UnstarPrime said:

    Don't be a tease, tell us the story! ^^

    Wanted to set a goal and run a full sentient slaying all rounder blah blah blah Garuda Prime 
    Anyways, experimenting 20 forma in before realizing I should run a full Umbral build, but instead of adding one I decided “Nah, three for the flex, one is boring.”

    I put three in, looked at the great stats… then decided I would forma my already triple Umbral build… and accidentally removed one of those slots. So I put another Umbral forma, but then realized my Umbral intensify wasn’t maxed, but my transient fortitude was. So I forma’d it AGAIN, just so I can run the sweet 232 strength (which doesn’t do anything different then 220 something mind you, I was weird then). After maxing, I then added it back, along with another forma.

    After that dilemma, I then realized I can put Umbral forma on her Prime Talons, so I threw two in the mix. Unfortunately I realized I didn’t have enough endo to max the damage one (forget the name). So guess what I did? Yes, I repeated the process. 

    So in total… around 7 Umbral forma? Then around 30 normal forma? Topped with an aura forma, stance forma, then more recently, full Tauforged because why not. So… technically 5 Umbral forma on her currently, 3 on the frame build, two on her talons build. Then after she was perfected, I decided to just forma her for no reason :’) Omw to 100k forma

    Is it pointless? Yes, definitely. Will that stop me from doing it? 

  6. 1 hour ago, Waeleto said:

    Teach me your ways, i already used the one i got this week

    Stocking up with events, Nightwave and every other Teshin rotation, then just not finding a purpose for them.

    Only put a total of 5 Umbral forma on a frame (yes a single frame) then 2 Umbral forma on like…. 10 other frames?

    1 hour ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

    I guess they've saved up their umbral formas instead of inserting them into a lot of frames, unless they do have a lot of frames fitted with umbral formas, yet still have 20 umbrals sitting around?

    Pretty much, I’m a forma nut, not an Umbral forma nut

  7. 6 hours ago, crossault said:

    Somebody was so generous that they gave me Hildryn prime warframe parts for practically nothing 💕. I don't know how much this warframe is worth, but I wanna make sure that they receive my feedback for such kindness

    The good part about Warframe, is what is considered worth. As it’s a free market, it’s worth is based on what you see as worth. Hildryn Prime is great, a powerful shield tank. Have fun playing, and if you got questions just ask around in game or on the forums 

    • Like 3
  8. 23 minutes ago, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn said:

    Because I've been going through this for months. Clearing caches, rebooting, different browsers, different devices -- even tested on the neighbor's phone, and she's never heard of Warframe or its forum so no cache issue there.

    Plus, support explicitly told me it was a problem on their end.

    It's pretty much been:

    Forum access, no forum access, contact support, support says "oops, sorry," forum access, no forum access, contact...

    For months.

    As I said in another thread about this, it's insanity-inducing.

    That is beyond annoying… so many problems on these forums and nothing the Devs can do because apparently, this isn’t their territory. The forums are owned by a separate company, then basically “rented” by DE. 
    I hope you find a solution to this. 
    Speaking of which, maybe the ones who actually own the forums can help… the company is called “Invision Community.” I’ll check their FAQs.

    Edit: At quick glance the threads are just for consumers buying themselves a “domain,” but there is a support system that deals with problems similar to what you’re having. 

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, C11H22O1 said:

    Happened to me some time ago, I cleared cache and it didn't do anything to help. I believe it was an issue with logging in through Xbox especially since recently a different type of issue happened to me.

    Instead of the forum not logging in it would tell me to make an account despite already being logged in through the website, I ended up just enabling cross save to avoid these issues so rip @(XBOX)C11H22O11 cause the forum doesn't understand cross save.


    That explains your forum account, I swore you had more than 20 responses

    So the only solution was giving into cross save? That’s terrible 

  10. 13 minutes ago, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn said:

    Right. But once you have that nice new uncached page that you sign in on... it reverts to that same endless loop because the problem is on their end.

    Odd… if it was on their end then I’m sure other people wouldn’t be able to sign in. Sure the problem happened to a lot of people, but you seem to be the only one where it’s sticking. 
    Also, you’re saying this without clearing the cache, so how would you know?

  11. 4 minutes ago, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn said:

    Has nothing to do with it.


    No thank you.


    My impression is that it's happening to quite a few players who also think it's just them. And it's kinda tough to talk about it when the place where you would is causing the problem.


    Signing out and in does not fix it. 🙄

    Odd, it fixed it for me

    Clearing the cache is related btw 

    Clearing the cache would make the website have to redownload the information on the website, rather than just loading the potentially “corrupted” (or just not working/broken) website over and over again. I would recommend that if the other didn’t work

  12. A few tips and some answers:
    1. Progress through the start chart would be your main priority

    2. After getting a decent way through, you might notice your gear not performing as well anymore, mod as you go. If you need tips on modding, you can always google it or come back here. 
    3. Ask questions, goodness ask questions. When you need something or if you’re confused by something… ask. The game doesn’t have any sort of tutorial for almost everything, but the players are nice. (In game mostly, not so much forums)

    4. Have a goal, at first it’s going to be Star chart because you know nearly nothing about the game… then you’re probably going to find a Warframe you want, or a weapon. So set a goal for yourself, you can obtain everything (minus select fashion options) completely free.

    5. Have fun, in the end it’s a game. Don’t be like those people that treat it like a chore, have fun playing it. 


    1 hour ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Find a clan with helpful players so you get some in game assistance.

    Then just follow the star chart.

    Don't rush , don't try to copy youtubers.

    Ahhh forgot to mention this… YouTubers in Warframe are full of a bunch of “this is op, this is busted”

    Just know anything is viable in this game (some might need more work than others, but the payoff is worth it)

    • Like 1
  13. On 2024-03-31 at 5:29 PM, Hypertion said:

    i find it funny because they are complaining about what is actually something you can put on any frame via helminth... Garuda does the "slash proc Explosion" thing better with expedite suffering since she doesnt just combine all the slash proc damage into one hit, but can make a slash proc off of that hit...


    it ramps up stupidly high and fast and can hit 1mil + with just a few casts.




    Don’t spoil it, the Devs might hear you 

  14. 7 hours ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    I'll be happy to link my build if you want to use it. Just to note, you have to cast Triumph a few times to reach the Overguard cap. Also the negative efficiency can be easily remedied by Tome mods. No Helminth required.




    Dang, guess I gotta forma again. I’m going to try this out, thanks

  15. 1 hour ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    Define "good audio setup" in more detail please. Sound system, sound options settings, etc. How elitist is this?

    I can guarantee the playerbase at large, including myself, were searching.

    "Elitist" I can see that

    Makes sense, some people don't have good audio setups, good thing we don't have to rely wholeheartedly on the audio. Good thing you pointed that out OP, this QoL update does help more than just the "auditory impaired"

    • Like 2
  16. 3 hours ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    I can get close to 60k with my current build for him. Though I did reach over 100k during a lucky double ability strength buff from a void relic.

    I severely underestimated the amount of overguard you can put on Dante...
    I need to build him for some ability strength pronto

  17. 4 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    I'm curious since I'm trying some builds in Path of Exile right now. How much Overguard can Dante get?
    Cuz Overguard is one of those things that needs to be pretty damn high to make a good impact ie Rhino. Even Kullervo doesn't get enough IMO.

    Currently 1700 at base… but I’ve seen people reach 10k on Dante

    I love Dante players flooding me with overguard 

  18. 8 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    The sad thing is that the complaint about nuke spam at least has some basic foundation to it, this thread is just...complaining about a QoL change like it somehow ruined everything.

    Mmm I agree, except the thread wasn’t like that towards the end


    8 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    This thread gives me the same vibe as the ones that showed up in certain corners of the internet when they added map markers to characters you've already met in Elden Ring, complaining that it somehow ruined the game or whatnot.

    Agreed, complaining about a QoL… I wonder if op’s ever done disruption with their game muted. And if they did, good for you OP, good for you.

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