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  1. Just completed all Zariman nodes on SP, and didn't get a reward, neither the statue nor the essence. All nodes are visually unlocked and completed, but I never got a message or notification upon completing the last one. AM I correct in thinking this isn't functioning as intended?
  2. It's also a legal issue, they had Founders sign legally binding contracts, so it's not even a matter of choice, it just simply can never happen.
  3. That's really neat, and nice of you guys, and I truly do appreciate it! Having said that, how about all the resources lost upon leaving Duviri? Those number in the hundreds for some of us, and outnumber these spent resources by a mile.
  4. Thanks, great improvements for sure, but no news yet on lost resources?
  5. Pretty bummed that this gets announced so late, i thought DE usually takes at LEAST 2 full weeks to do this, and at 9 days, barely not being able to get Arcane Energize feels REALLY bad. Could have announced this last week, and give people a little more of a chance....
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