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Posts posted by JohnMarkLee

  1. Interesting idea about the command however it is quite a variance from the structure of gameplay of the game. It's not a bad variance, however it is quite a different style and more towards unit control rather than the FPS style that Warframe is. It seems to side with games such as Starcraft, Star Wars Republic Commander, and various others I'm sure. DE may feel it'd slow the pace of the game down considerably as from my perspective Warframe is a fast paced shooter where you think less and act more, building up your knowledge of fighting through, well, fighting. Strategy can become very slow and thought out. Sure it is a load of fun and I love it but I think it wouldn't fit especially well due to the co-op function this game revolves so vitally around. this may cause issues if each person had a squadron to lead due to mass numbers of units around. It's a nice idea however it may be a little far fetched is all. That's just my opinion though.


    Loving the imagination though <3


    I do however agree with your training rooms idea. I have a thread in this forum which you may like to check out where I've noted down similar ideas. Do leave a comment there if you have the time to read it! - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/188330-%E2%95%AC-improvements-and-additions-building-modes-new-rooms-and-objects-the-dojo-visuals-%E2%95%AC/

    One flaw in your comment. TPS not FPS

  2. Maybe for the simple reason that things are always changing and evolving into something different? They may not want to necessarily give us something to expect and it comes out totally different. They may just want to roll with it and just give out small and simple facts about it as it goes.


    Gives more room for players to give feedback and for them to think about what they're trying to do. 

    Still they could at least give us an idea of what their going to be doing. They are just leaving me clueless... I have also been suggesting this: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/187894-ideasugesstion-special-invasion-game-modes/#entry2193747

  3. Why doesn't it have a roadmap or at least a page where we could see future updates or at least a teaser or something? I am clueless about whats going to happen to this game other than what I hear from other players. People tell to watch the livestreams but takes forever until they get to the parts I want to hear about. I mean games like Planetside 2 have a roadmap listing future updates. Why can't this game?

  4. They still pay us right?Like when you do a infestation mission and help the corpus and if you do that mission like 3 times, they give you(They come in mail and not right away.)  a fieldron or something?

    Yes... They pay you right now! Its just 5 times instead of 3.

  5. Maybe the mission could be made more difficult so we don't need to do more than 1 mission at all?


    I think Command is going to be a problem. Sure we are helping them but we're not their generals nor will they listen to us betrayers.

    Lol thats true. We aren't really on their side though we are just mercenaries. So I wouldn't count it as betrayal if we weren't actual allies. Unless you are talking about the Lore.

  6. It's because our allies are always a lower level than the invaders. Having them equalized would be pretty nice to see.



    But other than that, I like the overall concept of this idea, Assault moreso than Conquest.


    These game modes have have to be shortened because we would have to do 5 of them for a node. Unless they are wildcards that have a certain % chance of appearing instead of a normal Invasion mission.

    Can't the Conquest mode be like a special mission mode? Like how Infestations have Phorid? And instead of 0/5 completion its 0/3?

  7. Command:

    Each player starts off with his own faction "Squad". We can command the faction units we are allied with to attack, defend, scout, move, stay..etc. We can add more units to our squads when we find them throughout the map and we have to select and add them to our "Squads". You need to command the soldiers carefully. When all your ally soldiers die you loose. Goal is to take out the enemy commander with a limited supply of troops. You either kill the commander for the enemy troops to retreat or kill all of his units. (Like a assassination/extermination-ish mission) 

    Inspired by MOBAs... Troops will be more useful than they are now... They hardly even follow you.



    Large open map. There is two fortresses on each side of the map for each faction. You will spawn on the fortress of the faction you are assisting. Large armies of units form each faction charge at each others Fortresses on each end of the battlefield.

    Each side will have a Morale Bar, which starts 100%. For every unit on the battlefield killed it is -0.25% Morale. 

    With 20 Units for each faction spawning per min. (Max amount of Units should be 100 for each side for performance issues) 

    Each fortress will have 100,000 HP that can only be damaged by the Turret Towers. Fortresses can be entered by the enemy and you can enter the enemy Fortress. In the center of the fortress room there is a reactor core. Which can have charges planted on to damage the core. Each charge that goes off in the core will - 1000 HP of the Fortress HP. However you can only carry one charge at a time and only one player can carry one charge at a time. To resupply on charges you need to return to your fort and resupply with supply boxes. This could also add for a new Gear for personal charges. (However Personal Charges should do less damage and have a more supply of such as... 3 Charges Max each doing 200 Damage to the Fort)

    Every 5 min, a aircraft will come and drop supplies at your fort. Each supply drop will bring Ammo to all type of weapons. Will also drop 5 charges per drop.

    There will be 3 random bases in the center serving a purpose, they must be captured (Like a interception game mode) by your faction to work on your side. 

    - Turret Towers will fire at the opposing factions Fortress. Every 5 seconds the turret will fire, damaging 500 HP per shot. If you have both towers under your factions control it will be double that.

    - The central outpost will allow you to spawn 10 extra units per the min with the Fort 20 unit spawn. So in a max that is 30 units spawning per min. Holding this Outpost will also decrease morale loss by 50%. (-0.125%).  




     (Map in View from Sky)


    And basicly whichever Factions Fortress gets destroyed or get their Morale reached to 0%. They loose. This game mode is obviously not a game mode that would be designed for those missions that take place inside a ship. So I say Conquest should only be more ground missions on planets such as: Venus, Earth, Mars, Phobos and all those other planets you guys designed with a tundra-like environment. (Lol...)

    Inspired by games like Star Wars Battlefront... Invasions are suppose to be War after all... Right?



    Sabotage/Defend like mission. Basicly if you are support the side that is invading or the offensive side. They enemy has a fortress that is highly elevated and you have to assault it with a bunch of ally troops charging at it from the ground that are being dropped out by a gunship. Basicly its a D-Day like game mode. When you charge you have to use free running to climb to the top of the fortress. Which will be difficult with the enemy shooting at you from the top. When on the top of the fort, you will sabotage a reactor destroying the fortress. After the reactor is destroy you get picked up by a ship and the fort explodes.

    If you choose to help the defending side the Assault mode will be altered. Instead of assaulting you will be the ones defending. However as this might just seem like another Defense Mission. After 10 minutes the gunship that is dropping off the invading troops will stop dropping them off from the ground and will become a "Boss" that you have to fight. 

    About the Fortress:

    - Reactor on top Roof

    - Fort on a cliff.. needs to be climbed to get to the top

    - Will have MG nets around it that are usesable

    - After climbing to the top cliff there will be the actual fort building

    - Inside there will be several floors you have to get through to access the roof

    - Reactor at the roof


    (Map View from Side Angle)



    - Corpus Liberator

    - Grineer Gunship

    Corpus Correlian:

    - Has a shield thats inpenatrable

    - Has a shield generator at the "belly" of the Liberator that must be destroy to take down the shield

    - After shield is down you can actually hurt the ship

    - Has plasma and laser cannons

    - Drops MOA & Crewman at the Fort causing ground disturbance

    Grineer Liberator:

    - Has a very heavy thick armor that can only be penetrated by the fort turrets

    - Shoots rockets and has MG turrets

    - Every once in a while it turns around so you are facing the rear of the ship and the hatch opens with Grineer shooting you from the cargo bay

    - When you kill the Grineer in the Cargo bay it will start to close in 10 seconds

    Inspired by games like World at War & Medal of Honor... I mean it is a war... Like I said in conquest!


    Note: Can we also have our ally troops to not die so easily? Every operation I notice our side is always weaker... WHY?!


    Author's Comment: I know these gameplay methods are not what Warframe is about. Most of you guys think Warframe is a fast-pas shooter and all about Run N Gun. However I don't think so much as game modes like Assassination (Bosses RPG, MOBAs), Rescue (Strategic TPS) & Inception (Heavy Co-Op & Teamwork) proves Warframe is a variety of different game types put all into one experience. Not just gameplay but the Ranking and Leveling system (RPGs), the shooting (Shooter/TPS) and so much more. So why don't we add on to that variety?

  8. When I first saw the Obstacle Course I was like EPIC! But theres not much more training rooms than that... How about shooting ranges and survival training rooms?


    Shooting Range

    I am pretty sure everyone knows what a shooting range is. Targets come up and you start shooting at them one at a time. Very simple room and great for practicing your accuracy.


    Melee Survival Room

    Basicly you only can use your melee weapon only. And when you began the training waves of random melee units (Scorpions, Butcher, Pod Crewman, Infested) will attack you. Goes on until you die, leave or 15 minutes past.


    Fire Arms Survival Room

    Same statistics as the room above but fire arms only this time. Goes on until you die, leave or 15 minutes past.


    Ability Survival Room

    You cant use anything but your Warframe abilities & Melee. You will gain 10 Energy per 10 seconds. And every time you kill a enemy they will drop a energy ball. Goes on until you die, leave or 15 minutes past.


    Stealth Room

    Mini-Mission where theres two rooms (In this one room) where you have to kill all of your enemies without alerted a single one or getting "alarm pulled". If you fail you get teleported back into the starter room. There will only be 10 enemies in this room with 5 in each of the "inner" rooms. If you kill everybody without alarm being pulled you get 100% Stealth victory. If you kill everyone without being alerted you get 200% Stealth victory.


    Race Option for Obstacle

    Basicly there will be a option to race someone or someones on the obstacle course.

  9. 1. small country

    2. it was a hole

    3. Our dojos are in a MASSIVE solar system. From the sun to earth is about 93,000,000 miles... Think about that. Think of all the stuff I could stick between those two points.

    If we can find damn Alad V in this "giant" Solar System. They can find us...

  10. "Your clan is building a hidden fortress on the periphery of the Origin System."


    Makes zero sense to have Grineer or Corpus attack. It'd be cool and all, but no.

    Makes Zero sense to be fighting over the Dwarf planets and Mercury... Also makes no sense for Earth to still have jungles if its "Ruined World" Makes no sense for Captain Vor to come back to life after being sliced in half twice. No sense in why corpus & grineer bosses don't fight against each other f their at war... Alot of things about this game doesn't make sense... lol

  11. On a serious note, this sounds like it could be fun, but down the line, just like rescue missions, would probably just become annoying.

    Only thing annoying to me is when you keep retrying but its too hard to complete... I mean it cant be that hard lol...

  12. Mix that with a bit of Grineer planet ruining and greenhouse gasses and we seem to have ourselves a winner. Oh, how I'd love to return to Rapture! I want to see Orokin  Super-Genetically-Engineered fish too!

    Warframe big daddies! Grineer would seem the best faction to have 'em.

    The mechanical limbs make it hard for them to swim doesnt it? Lol

  13. I would assume the Main Base of space >Ninjas< would be too well hidden for, well, anything but Tenno to find.  I mean considering they have literally an entire solar system to be picky about it.

    Lol but think about it... More wanted there are... the more the Faction will want them hunt down and will do anything to get them? Obama found Osama... Can't be that hard.

  14. Yes! Thank you, I'm glad other people agree with me. It was so disappointing that Earth is essentially faunaless aside from Gnats and sometimes while evacing you see a bird in the distance. Yes Phobos has the Desert Skates, and the ice planet has flora (apparently Thistles), and flora on earth with the Dragonfly Lillies and the Jades and the acorns, and the Tenno's Coy fish. I know they're going to introduce more animals with the bird of prey and the Kubrow (the long necked mammilian quadraped) but I don't think that's quite enough. I'm still waiting for the Tenno-quarium.

    Lol that be cool to have a Dojo room as a zoo or aquarium. And you can get a gear that is a net gun that shoots to capture these animals to put int he zoo and aquarium?  Anyone with me?

  15. Would it not be cool to have the Dojo raided by Grineer, Corpus or even Infested once in a while? Think about it... Theres hardly anything to do in the Dojo right now so it would be pretty fun. I don't want it to be completely random raids though. Heres how I think the system should run:


    Each faction (Except for Infested) has a Wanted Level Bar on your clan. Every time clan members attack a mission against that faction the wanted level raises until the bar gets full and then randomly in the next 7 days the Dojo will be attacked suddenly. ATLEAST ONE CLAN MEMBER HAS TO BE ONLINE FOR RAID TO COMMENCE. And the online members will recieve a message of the Dojo being attack so they can defend. The raiding faction will spawn in one random room, with their soldiers coming out of pods spreading thorughout the Dojo. While your Clan members spawn in the starter room. There will be a Inception like game mode where each room (No hallways or gardens) is a capture point. Whoever controls every capture point wins. No timer... no score... if you or the one team capture all the rooms at once they will win. Ok if the clan wins they obviously keep the Dojo and it goes back to normal. If the raiding faction wins they occupy your Dojo and the only way back is to raid it back (Using the clan key of course). Now this is where it gets interesting. If you begin a raid there will be two options before the mission starts. Obviously there should be a vote.


    - Option A: Sneak in, your clan will sneak on board making it  a extermination mission with the enemies fully unaware of your presence. However you have to be stealthy, if the alarm is pulled and everybody is alerted the mission will revert to a Inception again, but all rooms will start out as neutral. 

    - Option B: Assault, your clan will be blasted through a pod into the Dojo. With all enemies already alerted all the capture points (Except the room you were randomly blasted in which starts off as yours) will already be owned by the enemy. There will be 5 enemies that keep spawning per room. Thing is every time you capture a capture point the amount of enemies spawning will decrease by 5 also. Making it a bit easier.


    After you win the Dojo is obviously yours again. However the remaining survivors will surrender, after you win you get to choose two options. And if theres more than one clan in the raid obviously there should be a vote.

    - Option A: To execute them on the spot. (Gives the clan a reputation for being merciless) - Chance of being Raided  so early in the 7 days

    - Option B: Set them free. (Gives the clan a reputation for being merciful) - Damage done by Enemy thats raiding

    - Option C: Imprison them. (Gives the clan a reputation for being strict) + Chance of Enemy surrendering Early before game has been won


    Now for the reputation thing its just a thing to show what type of clan you are. For option C, I think there should be some type of prison room in the Dojo for that. Now here is what I think the prison room should be like:


    - The enemies are locked unarmed in jail cells.

    - There will be a torture panel near each cell. In this panel there a list of torture tactics to torture them with.

    (Some torture tactics can kill them)

    - In the Torture Panel you will be able to research new torture tactics.

    - Walking up to prisoners will make them react or talk.

    - More Prison Rooms you have the more people you can imprison.

    - Have a type of security, that can be upgraded with resources.

    - Security needed to prevent Outbreaks & Revolts.


    Now... I didn't mention the infested because I have something even better for them. They will come form prisoners! Yep thats right the prisoners will become the infested in an Outbreak. Heres the thing:

    If you have been fighting the infested any time during the past 24 hours. And go near the prisoners there will be a chance where your weapons are carrying the virus and will infect the prisoners. It will start off being about a chance of 00.10% to 01.00% chance. The more infested missions you do, the chance raises. Highest it can go is 50.00% chance. There will be no way to prevent it from happening.  


    Now... A revolt.. This is where the prisoners decide to revolt to escape. This is why security has to be tight. Now they will only have melee weapons at first but if they enter any of the labs they will craft themselves firearms. Some prisoners will decide to fight you and take the Dojo, others will decide just to run or escape. Killing the escapees will + Merciless rep + Strict rep. However letting the escapees go or if they escape is + Merciful Rep.


    Last but not least... a stalker sabotage?! If your clan's Merciless rep is too high or if your clan farms a lot on bosses he could come and sabotage a room in your Dojo. However at least one player has to be online for the sabotage to happen. The whole clan will receive a message from the stalker in a warning of sabotage. When the stalker begins sabotage a alert will pop up only for your clan only to defend the base. He doesn't start sabotaging until you enter the Dojo.


    So what do you guys think? And what does DE think? I put a lot of thought into this if you guys aren't going to put it in the game alteast notice it. Also what do you clan lovers and community members think? Please nothing negative... T_T

  16. Lol mixing Star Wars Battlefront with Invasion Operations I see... I just want the AI to follow you more and faster and be more USEFUL. They die so quickly compared the opposite faction. Even if you switch factions they still suck. And if one part is actually getting hard for you and you need help cause no other Tenno is there. Its so annoying when they dont follow you and just sit there guarding nothing...

  17. When are we going to get more neutral enemies? I mean... This solar system has to have some wild life instead of plants on Earth. Only animal life I see are the random flies on Earth and the Desert Skate on Phobos. Why don't we have more variety of these interesting creatures on the other planets? I would wish for them to have more interactions... Like maybe be eating food on the floor or something. Not randomly attack you, until you or a Grineer or Corpus bother it. 

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