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Posts posted by JohnMarkLee

  1. I don't know where but I heard of a re-work for the Infested. If someone has a source please link. The idea interest me and I would like to see some things like:

    New Textures:

    I mean common. Most of the infested types look the same. (Crewman) We really need something to make them look different and vicious.

    Dead Space-like Enemies:

    When I first encountered infested they did scare me. However they aren't as creepy anymore. I would like to bring the scare factor back. 

    Random Events:

    Some things that could bring the scare back. 

    - Screams: Maybe you hear a Grineer or Corpus scream between rooms. Indicating danger is ahead.

    - Ambushes: Infested can jump out of vents or tunnels and surprise attack you. Could cause a jump-scare.

    - Cruel Deaths: Imagine this. You just walked into a room and a Lancer gets pulled into the ceiling by a hand. (Ancient?) While he is getting pulled he screams and shoots randomly. He dies and body parts fall. Random stuff like this could cause curiosity to the player. They could be in a cut-scene form like when you see bosses or just happens during gameplay.

    - Climbing: Chargers & Crawlers will be able to climb and pounce you from the walls. 

    - Retreating: You see a bunch of friendly troops run from one room. Causing curiosity. 


    Make ancients seem more boss like. Using their hands to lift you around like a octopus to a stick.

    New Environment:

    The fungus and stuff is alright but how about a darker and duller atmosphere? Maybe you could toggle flashlight and sometimes when you turn it on there is a charger in front of you. You couldn't see with it off that scared you.

    The "All Alone" Feeling:

    The feeling in Dead Space & other horror game such as:

    - SCP Containment Breach

    - Slender

    - Amnesia

    Where you feel all alone. Maybe there is less friendlies around and it feels so comforting when you find a ally because of all the creepy events. Lotus may stop communicating with you in the beginning of the mission claiming transmissions are dying. The all alone feeling can also be in groups. Where you don't want to be left behind. (See next section)


    New infested type that stalks you through out the map steathily and at the right moment it jumps on you. So I've seen the new wolf or wild dog animations. They could add a animation for the Hunter where when he pounces on you, you are pinned down. You have a new mini-game next to the hacking puzzles! Maybe buttons pop on the screen and you have to press quickly to live. Example:


    Then you press W

    Pressing the wrong button won't kill you immediately but every wrong button he hurts you and -100 HP & Instantly takes down shields. This adds on to the last thing where you don't want to be left behind in a group.

  2. This wouldn't work since for it to make sense the entire clan/alliance would need to support the Grineer, which if you have even a moderately large clan/alliance would be incredibly hard to do.

    What about the reputation XP as a whole? So not everyone has to support them. However everyone needs to earn a good amount of XP for it.

  3. I find Dark Sectors having a lack of enemies. However I am pretty sure its going to turn out fine when Proxy Wars comes out. Here is what I thought how the system might look like:


    Reputation Level:

    This is the amount of positive or negative reputation with a faction. Reputation levels with one faction can cause one of another faction. Ex. Level 5 Positive Grineer Reputation = Level 5 Negative Corpus Reputation. Reputation levels are gained by doing missions, quest, alerts or operations with a faction.


    Advantages of Positive Reputation:

    For one if you have a Dark Sector the faction will agree to help you defend. However the mercenaries you buy depend on the reputation level you are. Example for Grineer Protection:

    Positive Level 1:

    - Lancer [100 Credits]

    - Trooper [150 Credits]

    - Butcher [50 Credits]

    Positive Level 2:

    - Scorpion [200 Credits]

    - Shield Lancer [300 Credits]

    - Sorch [350 Credits]

    - Power Fist [300 Credits] 

    - Elite Lancer [500 Credits]

    Positive Level 3:

    - Heavy Gunner [750 Credits]

    - Ballista [500 Credits]

    - Eviscretor [750 Credits]

    - Flameblade [500 Credits]

    - Elite Trooper [650 Credits]

    Positive Level 4:

    - Bombard [1000 Credits]

    - Napalm [3000 Credits]

    - Energy Leech [5000 Credits]

    Positive Level 5:

    - Lifesteal Eximus [10000 Credits]

    - Artic Eximus [7500 Credits]

    - Caustic Eximus [7500 Credits]


    Just a brief example of what I am talking about. Also you may be able to recruit some mercenaries if the challenging clan/alliance allegiance is different form yours. Example:


        Defensive          Offensive

    Soviet Union  vs. Great Britain

                              Reinforced by: 



    Now Soviet Union clan does not have a reputation with any faction however. Great Britain being friends with the Grineer might cause Corpus to react. So the Soviet Union now unlocks some mercenaries also but not as much as if they would if they had a reputation with Corpus. Prices will also be doubled:

    Corpus Retainers:

    - Crewman [200 Credits]

    - MOA [300 Credits]

    - Pod Crewman [100 Credits]

    - Blast MOA [500 Credits]

    - Oxium Osprey [1000]

    - Mag Eximus [10000]


    Limit of Mercenaries:

    Limitation of each mercenary type will be based off of their tier level. Tier is based off of the reputation level you unlocked them on. For example:

    Tier Level 1:

    - Lancer [100 Credits]

    - Trooper [150 Credits]

    - Butcher [50 Credits]

    Tier Level 2:

    - Scorpion [200 Credits]

    - Shield Lancer [300 Credits]

    - Sorch [350 Credits]

    - Power Fist [300 Credits] 

    - Elite Lancer [500 Credits]

    Limitations on how many you can buy are based off of the tier. Here is what I am talking about:

    Tier 1 - 100 Total

    Tier 2 - 100 Total

    Tier 3 - 50 Total

    Tier 4 - 30 Total

    Tier 5 - 10 Total

    This means you can only buy about a 100 Lancers but 10 Artic Eximus. However the total population of mercenaries you can have is 110. So choose your mercenaries wisely. More mercanaries you have you will see a decrease in Guardian MOAs in your tower. Total amount of soldiers you can have guarding the Solar Rail is 150. Which means 140 mercenaries & 40 Guardian MOAs. However the Tenno Specters will also take up and decrease the population space for the Guardian MOAs Example:

    - 100 Mercenaries

    - 30 Guardian MOAs

    - 20 Tenno Specters



    1. Level of mercenaries will be dependent on the world's level. That has not changed.

    2. Yes a clan/alliance can "spam buy" one type of unit until they reach their limit total. However I don't think this will be a problem because of the limits I put.

    3. Difficulty of mercenaries are the same as in any other mission. (Based off the level of the world of course.) 

  4. Nice. Stealth thread.

    Warning. Possibly unpopular opinion ahead.

    Stealth in Warframe will probably always suck. No matter how much we'd love this game to be able to do face stomping action AND interesting stealthy gameplay the truth is it isn't so easy to go both ways and do it properly. Warframe is leaning far more in the direction of face stomping action, which means it'll struggle doing stealth right no matter what.

    Take a look at this. It'll probably let you understand my mindset slightly better.

    Warframe will always have baby-steps stealth elements. Just enough so that you can goof off with it. Chief among all problems is awarding stealth properly. The way players progress in this game is almost incompatible with the way a good stealth game needs to reward the player. A Tenno needs mountains of kills to rank up and grind through weapons, playing stealthily would significantly slow this process down for the player. You'll never be rewarded quite right for the effort you are putting in. That is just one issue with more complex stealth we have to keep in mind when discussing it.

    Lets also keep in mind the sort of thing OP's topic brings to the table. Stealth attacks don't one shot kill in a game where enemies scale ever upwards with no particular ceiling on health and defensive stats. Even the stealthy Primary and Secondary weapons don't stay lethal forever. Eventually you can be playing content you simply cannot possibly stay lethal AND stealthy in. This is a huge problem. A nonlethal Tenno is a completely useless Tenno.

    This is just where my head is at right now on the matter. Just my personal opinion.

    But Assassins Creed kinda has both >_>
  5. Ok its not what you think I mean. Not "ADD MORE DARK SECTORS THAN 2 PER WORLD!" No! Just no! I mean extra territories connecting to the Dark Sectors. So here is how it works.

    Step 1:

    Have a Dark Sector - Self-Explanatory

    Step 2:

    Two more territories unlocked - So now you unlocked 2 territories connected to your Dark Sector. You can chose only ONE of the territories. Challengers cannot raid the Solar Rail until they completed these missions. 

    - Reactor Facility

    - Defensive Blockade

    Reactor Facility is a facility where your Solar Rail is protected by a shield. This is useful because if a challenger wants to raid it would require them to destroy the shield reactor/generator in this mission first. In other words a sabotage mission.

    Fort is a facility where a platoon unit is placed with a job to defend the Solar Rail from the OUTSIDE. It can be known as a extermination mission to eliminate 200 enemies. Tenno Specters can be put in this mission by the clan/alliance's choice to put them in. However if you decide to put them in the mission they will not appear in the Solar Rail.

    Step 3:

    After choosing one of the each you can choose one last territory stretching from there. And with another option of 2 more territory types judged by the last territory you chosen. Again you only can chose ONE! If you chose a third territory the challenger cannot access the above territories until they have finished the below ones. 

    - Reactor Facility ====> Forgotten Ruins or Communication Station

    - Fort ====> Barracks or 

    Forgotten Sector is the Dark Sector itself transformed into a spy mission. The clan has hidden the location of their Reactor Facility. You must complete this mission to get to the Reactor Facility. 

    Communication Station is a coms station where they transmit messages with each other. Again the location of the Reactor Facility is hidden. This is a deception mission in where you must foul the enemy in giving you the location by putting in the datamas in the radio. You must complete this mission to get to the Reactor Facility.

    Barracks is a place where all the Specters are guarding in. It is a extermination mission to kill all specters. If you make this territory you cannot have specters in the for nor the the Solar Rail. This mission must be completed to acess Fort.

    Outpost is a mini-fort or a camp outside the fort. Two specters can be found here for a capture mission. However the specters used in this mission will not be found in Solar Rail or the fort. The specters in this mission will have x1.5 the HP, Shield, Armor & Dmg. Best not to alert them. This mission must be completed to access Fort.

    Step 4:

    Congratz u have made a empire in one territory.


    Notes to Make:

    - Of course making these territories will take up resources.

    - Time to build each territory type for a clan will be 12 hours. 24 hours if you are a alliance.

    - If Alliance owns the dark sector instead of a clan, then resources will be doubled (x2)

    - 3rd Territory missions will need to be completed 3/3 (5/5 if challenger is alliance) times to advance on. 

    - 2nd Territory missions will need to be completed 5/5 (10/10 if challenger is alliance) times to advance on.

    - Volunteering players no in the clans/alliances in the conflict's games will count as 0.1 of each game. For Ex 0.1/3 so  volunteers must do 10 times to get it to 1/3.

    - Since clan wars takes 3 days I think this is makes for a fair war!


    How about the Challengers? Isnt this unfair for them?

    Now I know the challenger's Solar Rail can be attacked too. So here is what I thought up to fix that solution. When the challenger has beaten a territory the territory becomes their's for the time being. These missions are going to be called Ruins. A extermination mission. Each ruins they can decide to put only specters, only MOAs or both. If they put only specters they can't do it for the next ruin. Does not apply to MOAs or both. The defending side cannot attack the challenger unless the Ruins are their's again. Basicly this will be a giant interception or conquest mode. Notes also apply to this.


    What does the community think?

  6. Because Fusion Moas are robots. The Tenno do not enslave people, even if they are dirty clones or brainwashed technophiles.

    Are there any other types of enemies though? (I know about how Proxy Wars is gonna add to this but si there any more currently?)

  7. I find this topic hilarious. Apparently you've never fought a specter alone who has a maxed auto-parry mod rocking a shotgun in CQ.


    My 6-Forma Frost got downed so quickly.

    Specters are suppose to be just like fighting players in conclave. People wanted PvP but this is what they went with instead. Just be happy they aren't as smart as humans.

  8. err. those specter doesnt belong to anyone...

    those are AI spawned in conflict Dark sector maps.

    there will never be a specter with your name on it.


    on-topic: those upgrade cost is dirt cheap... i say players with millions will spam upgrading them till they are OP... unless there's an upgrade cooldown.


    how would you like a 1-hit kill from orgis-specter (fully upgraded)?

    ^that IF the specter follows a REAL-players' loadout.

    Explain why they have names then?

  9. I fought them and was like eh... Way too easy! What if we had a feature like we had to upgrade the specters? However each clan/alliance member has to upgrade their own specter. Here me upgrade list:

    Rank 0/3 - No Fee

    - Only can use 1st ability once

    - Has poor aim & accuracy

    - Poor melee skill

    - Stands still & sometimes walks and shoot

    - Kind of how they are now

    Rank 1/3 - 10000 Credits

    - Can use 1st ability 2 times & 2nd ability once

    - + 10% aim & accuracy

    - Basic melee skill

    - Now moves around & jumps more

    Rank 2/3 - 30000 Credits

    - Can use 1st ability 3 times & 2nd ability 2 times & 3rd ability once

    - + 15% aim & accuracy

    - Average/moderate melee skill

    - Runs when you get out of sight or 50 meters away

    Rank 3/3 - 50000 Credits

    - Can use 1st ability 4 times & 2nd ability 3 times & 3rd ability 2 times & 4th ability once

    - + 20% aim & accuracy

    - Advance melee skill

    - Free running on rare occasions



    - Mods on equipment, warframe & abilities not affected

    - Ability will do the exact thing it does in conclave or in missions

    - Parry or blocking will not be affected

    - If you lose, you will have to re-upgrade your specter



    Got complaints of cheap prices so....

    Also about damage and health they are determined by the mods the player has on the Warframe. So its really the player's fault their AI is weak. >_>

    Some people say they aren't player specters... They have names if you look at their health bar.

  10. Most likely there is going to be:


    New Tileset

    Because I have examine for every large update there is a new tileset. Ex. U11- Earth Jungles, U12-Ceres Shipyards


    New Warframe

    As I have examine the tilesets... Ex. U11-Zephyr, U12-Hydriod


    Large Content

    Now that theres Melee 2.0 there might be a a Infested 2.0 or Stealth 2.0

    New End-Game Content, now that Badlands is out I am expecting Focus System or Proxy Wars to come also



    More rooms

  11. I like the idea, but it feels like there'd be some issues with hosting due to the large amount of players who'd probably be in it.



    The cause of that  issue with that is some body has to host a game. So my solution is there be a central server which automatically host itself.

  12. Basicly its like the Dojo but for the whole alliance? However we don't get to build anything its a giant building that looks like a capital building or whatever and there are gateways to other clans Dojos. However we need permission to access their Dojos not just barge in!

  13. To unequip your sentinel equip a sidearm first, then unequip your sentinel, and then finally unequip the firearm if all you want is melee.

    Just figured this out but thanks anyways lol!

  14. Dueling Room Break:

    The dueling room breaks every time we duel! You can't sit and start a challenge and somethings it invisible and you can duel but your weapons & abilities don't work! 


    Glaive goes Crazy:

    When someone throws a glaive and it goes everywhere all over the place! Its not on everyone's screen but some people can see it.


    Can't Unequip:

    As title says you can't unequip. I tried to unequip my sentinel for stealth but the option isn't there...


    Stuck Bug:

    Some players like myself find themselves stuck when being revived or using life support. 


    Broken AI for New Players:

    I like to help out newbies sometimes you know. And most of them time I find that their UI on the Menus breaks... They can't click anything and they need to reboot game. This might explain why I see them on Region more often.

  15. About the Clan:
    The Tenno Brotherhood is a clan where Tenno are all family. We cooperate and collaborate. Got each other's back and ever leave a man behind. We fight for only one thing... Order. The Origin System as it is right now is too chaotic in its current state. We must restore order as it was during the Orokin Era. The Brotherhood is Order! The Brotherhood is One! BONZAI!



    - No harassment or discrimination of any kind. Joking does not count unless the other person is offended.
    - No spamming in the clan chat. This can be a permanent ban.
    - Make your your action towards other clans does not affect everyone else in the clan. (War, Conflict etc...) Report to the Council for clarification to proceed with these actions.

    - No kicking, promoting or demoting of any kind until you make confirmation with the council or executive.
    - Be respectful to each other.
    - No treason.
    - Inactivity not allowed: 25 day limit

    From lowest to highest
    - Rookie: Fresh recruits and are tested to see if they can become part of the brotherhood.
    - Militia Team: Our team of militants who will be known as a militia group to hide their true identity.
    - Officers: Commanding officers of the rookie and militia teams.
    - The Planetary Ops: Special ops force, tasked with secret operations, important task and stealth missions.
    - Guardians: Veterans who are in "retirement". We call it retirement because they are people who have earn a

      special break and are at "probation" from all of our events.
    - Grand General: The head of all military groups. Honorable veterans who are worthy of commanding our Brotherhood's 

    - Elder Council: The judge, juries of the clan. They are even in power with the Executive and will decide decisions along with the 
    - Executive: Founder of the clan, however not the most powerful rank as he works with the council.


    Ranking System:
    Here is how the ranking system works:
    - Rookie: Class has to pass a series of test before advancing into the Militia.
    - Militia Team: They must also over-come trials.

    - Officers: Must meet the requirements.
    - The Planetary Ops can only be accessed as by permission form the Grand Generals or higher ranks.
    - Commander rank can only be accessed by meeting the requirements and meeting with the Council or Executive.
    - Council can only be accessed if once again meet the requirements and is passed by at least 3 other council members.


    Test to Rank:
    Militia Test:
    - Task 1, reach Mastery Rank 1
    - Task 2, Unlock Earth
    - Task 3, have beaten Captain Vor, Jackal
    - Task 4, have at least crafted 1 other item that is not a starter weapon
    Officer Test:
    - Task 1, reach Mastery Rank 2
    - Task 2, craft 1 other melee, secondary and primary that is non-starter
    - Task 3, Unlock Europa, Phobos and Sedna

    - Task 4, coming soon...
    Planetary Ops Test:
    - Task 1, reach Mastery Rank 3
    - Task 2, complete a mission steathily (Need another person there for proof)
    - Task 3, have assassinate 3 Faction Officers (Gen. Sargus Ruk, Lt. Lech Kril, Sgt. Nef Anyo...etc)
    - Task 4, have beaten another Planetary Ops member in a 3 round duel (Need audience as proof)
    - Task 5, pass the Obstacle Course at least once
    Guardian Test:
    - Task 1, reach Mastery Rank 4
    - Task 2, assassinate the Stalker (Need screenshot or mod/weapon for proof)
    - Task 3, Unlock all Planets/Moons
    - Task 4, accept "retirement"
    Grand General Test:
    - Task 1, reach Mastery Rank 5
    - Task 2, assassinate 1 faction assassin (Grustrag Three, Harvester)
    - Task 3, come out of "retirement"
    - Task 4, have a stance mod in use
    - Task 5, assassinate Lephantis
    Elder Council Test:

    - Task 1, reach Grand General

    - Task 2:
    Q1. How do you greet another diplomat from another clan?
    Q2. If a clan declares war and threatens to attack a Brotherhood tower what action must you take?
    Q3. In tough debates how should your argument be expressed?
    Q4. If you have personal feelings for another diplomat you keep your emotions _____. (Fill in Blank)
    Q5. A enemy diplomat comes up to you and ask to end a conflict you _____. (Fill in Blank)
    Q6. A clan member is up on trial for ban, should you decide not to ban him because hes a brother or keep your decision based on the situation?
    Q7. You should respect decisions of other councilors. True or False?
    Q8. You are allowed to ban people because you dislike them. True or False?
    Q9. You are allowed to make decisions without the collaboration of another councilor member or the executive. True or False?
    Q10. When you make a deal with another clan's diplomat and it wasn't how you planned it go you should ____. (Fill in Blank)

    When you have the answers to these questions report to a councilor. Only they know the correct answers to pass you.

    WARNING!: Any councilor caught passing them or cheating without passing the test will be permanently banned.


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