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Posts posted by JohnMarkLee

  1. I heard the Proxy Wars are going to have reputation quest for your faction or organization so i thought about some:



    You have to infiltrate a opposing faction/organization's base. Similar to sabotage you have to destroy something valuable to the enemy. However you are setting a bomb to destroy the base. After you plant the bomb in a certain location you must extract in a time limit or else you will blow with the facility.



    Basically what Specters of Liberty was about.



    Extermination, Assassination & Rescue mission locked in one. You have to infiltrate a hostile fort and liberate it. To do so kill all enemy forces in the fort. There will be 1 Officer who runs the whole fort and you must kill him to completely liberate the fort. But do not under estimate him he will be a "mini" boss. As strong as G3, Harvester, Stalker but not as strong as bosses such as Lech Kril, Alad V, Council Hay Vek.  He will have 4 Eximus as guards, each having a different element. On top of that he only can be damaged by melee. There will also be prisoners scattered throughout the facility. Rescue them and they will aid you as allies like in the Operation Missions.



    A special operation working on the Faction/Organization's side.



    Similar to a capture mission except you must interrogate the target after capturing him/her. You interrogate by pressing  the options on num-row on the keyboard 1,2,3. Each having a different action. Such as:

    1. Torture (Use force to interrogate)

    2. Tell me everything in the next 10 seconds or you die!

    3. Everything will be okay... As long as you cooperate with me...

    or If you choose 1 for that:

    1. Assault (Punch, Kick)

    2. Intimidate (Melee to throat, Gun at head)

    3. Injure (Cuts leg off, Shoots arm)



    This can so be called a stealth mission. You have to find 2 VIPs in the facility and hide from their line of sight and listen in to hear what they have to say. But the alarm has to be off and nobody in the area sees you or is alerted. After they are done talking you can choose to kill them or just leave.



    Basicly a special faction/organization boss mission. 



    PvP, you have to assassinate a player who is on an opposing faction/organization that has gotten a high enough reputation from your faction and is highly enough despised. You will have 3 tries to kill them and if you fail all 3 times you fail the mission. Now you can kill them several ways:

    1. Trick them into inviting you into his/her mission just to kill them at start.

    2. A new feature to join their session out of nowhere like the stalker. However this can only be used ONCE if you fail you cannot use it again.

    3. Conclave or Duel Room

    - Yes target can kill the assassin

    - Only can join session if they aren't full game

    - Rare mission

    - Target will be aware they are being targeted with a faction/organization deathmark


  2. It really need to feel more like a assault on a Solar Rail. Right now its just like any ordinary Mobile Defense. It doesn't really even feel like a invasion either... I say the invasion should be played in several "steps". Such as shown below:

    Step 1:

    Opposition deploys a solar rail and has 2 decisions. Siege or Assault:

    - Siege: Choosing this opposition triggers a period of siege for 5 real-time days. Every day that passes by the Defender's Solar Rail will loose 10% integrity. Dark Sector missions will be locked. The defenders will have a choice to Break Siege. In-doing so will cause the the player-generated invasion mission to begin. After 5 days the player-generated invasion will start, if the defenders do not react. However the the Solar Rail of the Defenders will be at 50% integrity.

    - Assault: Regular Solar Rail deploying system as the current one.

    Step 2:

    The mission type you are playing will depend on the approach the two clan/alliance made.

    - Siege (Broken Siege):

    If the Defenders broke the siege it will be the current system of Mobile Defense with an army of friendly Specters & MOAs. To make it seem like invasion-like.

    - Siege (Siege Time):

    If the Siege time is over it will have the same concept as below.

    - Assault (Offensive):

    If you are helping Offense. You will start in your personal ship (DE states is coming soon) and it will be flying towards the Solar Rail and you will see other Tenno ships in the distance doing the same thing through the window. (Note not 3rd person ship you are inside the interrior) To get closer you will need to "fly" it into the Solar Rail. To do so you walk up to the front of the ship and activate the pilot mode which will start a mini-game like the Terminal Hacking.

    You will see a little triangle you control with WASD at the bottom of the UI. Things will be falling down from the top and you have to dodge them. After 30 seconds you will be interrupted by boarding parties on your ship of Hostile Specters. After then you must proceed with the mini-game one last time and you enter the Solar Rail.

    - Assault (Defensive):

    If you are helping Defense. You will start inside the Solar Rail already in a Defense/Survival hybrid game mode. You must defend the reactor core for 5 minutes. When raids of Specters and MOAs come at you. Note that you will have friendly Specters and MOAs helping you also. 

    Step 3:

    - Offensive Part 2:

    After reaching and boarding the Solar Rail you will be inside the interior and you will see a giant charge of friendly MOAs and Specters into the Solar Rail. After clearing the boarding area. 2 MOAs will be carrying a generator like the one the Lancers were carrying in "The Call" trailer. This brings back the Escort mode. You have to escort these MOAs safely to the destination. If a MOA dies carrying the reactor you will have to carry it. However it will leave you vulnerable to hostile attacks. When the reactor is deployed you will have 30 seconds to get to Evac until it explodes.

    - Defensive Part 2:

    After successfully defending off the enemies you will have to go board the opposition's Solar Rail with your Tenno ship. With the same Game mode as the offensive. However when you board the ship your ally MOAs and Specters will already be fighting. You will receive a datamas to go overload the reactor in a mobile defense mission.


    Just my ideas

  3. Reminds me of the Monster Hunter, I like it.


    But in all seriousness it would break the repetitiveness of shooting at the same annoying mobs over and over again.

    I like diversity I really do but there is no challenge in walking up to an enemy and having your shields and energy depleted in a second.


    The Hunt mode might actually bring a fair challenge, I could spent most my time hunting if it was a cross of MH and Evolution.

    Yeah the repetitive run n gun just for grinding and farming is tiring. It also more irritating that you have to do it MULTIPLE TIMES. To get the item you want to craft...

  4. Now I want to wrestle a space shark with my Rhino, carry it back to the dojo and fight it on a regular basis.


    Also there need to be creatures that make you go 'damn nature, you scary' that are rare, terrifying and drop suitable loot. Imagine some kind of Loki/Ash skin made from the scales of a giant murderous space chameleon for example.

    Wrestle a space shark... xD

  5. So I like how DE is finally adding on to the Wild "faction". They should keep on adding animals to the game to make it feel more live. Now with these addition of animals I would also like:


    Hunting Grounds/Reserves Zones

    Similar to the Dark Sector these reserves are placed outside the main link of missions. However to access them you must finish all missions on the world. The mission mode in this will be different from any other mission. Going to be called Hunt for now. The point of this game mode is to go hunt animals in their wild habitat. Some will run away other will not. All animals can be killed. There will be 2 types of animals:


    Dangerous animals. You won't have to go after them they will go after you. Some times they will be hunting other animals and if you bother them. They will go at you. 


    These animals go around eating the planets or decaying animals (scavengers) in the area. They will not bother the player. However its best to stealth or ambush them as they will run away if you get too close. Tacticians will be great at this.

    Ex. Vauban is up ahead readying his ability. Volt alerts the herd and luring them towards Vauban. When the herd gets close Vauban traps them in mid air. They get killed their.

    When you hunt and kill a prey. You have to collect the carcass. Collecting will trigger in a mini-game similar to the terminal hacking. You will have to successfully finish 3 mazes using your mouse to move to the finish line. However scavengers and predators are coming by the smell of blood.

    What types of animals and environment will depend on the world you are in.

    Ex. Phobos = Desert Creatures, Earth = Jungle/Forest Creatures

    These reserves will also have a market stand. Where a Grineer or Corpus (depends on world) merchant is there to collect what you sell him. Depending on how many and what you sell him is your reward. You will also be able to donate or gift a animal to the Dojo (see Dojo rooms) but that will cost credits.

    Ex. Sell 10 Deer (No Deers just example) = 1000 Credits or 50 Rubedo. Donate 1 Deer to Dojo = 1500 Credits

    If there is ever a oceanic, sea or under water tileset. We should have the ability to go into the water and swim around. Killing Grineer and Corpus underwater. However this will add fishing and underwater hunting.

    These zones will also be a 2nd part of the Dark Sectors on a world. However they cut off the Dark Sector. Losing a Dark Sector will result in losing the hunting grounds. Location will be lost and the new clan/alliance will have to set up another one in the Orokin Lab. Clans/Alliances will be able to tax your poaching rewards.


    Dojo Rooms


    A zoo to store animals you donated from the Hunting Zones. Instead of being caged they will be free roaming... IN THE ROOM. They won't be allowed to leave the room, you cannot kill the animals. Room will be large with 4 sections with different environments:

    - Forest/Jungle

    - Tundra

    - Desert

    - Grassland

    Animals will wander the room in their own habitat section living as if they were in the wild. Animal limit for each section will be 4. You will have to option to house your pet in here if he is with you.


    Alternative for the Exhibit. Marine and amphibious animals will be placed here. The room will be a large room and when you enter 2/5 of the room will be sand, while the other is water. You will have the choice to jump in the water and swim with the marine animals. Amphibious animals will like to switch from swimming into the water and resting on the sand. There will also be a small elevator (like the one in the Temple of Honor) which leads you down to a underground aquarium under the sand. There you will see a giant glass wall showing the amazing scenery of the marine animals swimming around.

    The full map


    The Underground Aquarium




    A gladiatorial-like arena, some-what like the Roman's. However not as large and is where predators will be placed. Other Tennos can watch from the side while the Arena unleashes deadly predators at you. Arena limitations.

    - Cannot use abilities

    - No peaceful animals

    - Animals come in waves depending on their species

    - 12 players only



    New gear can help with this...

    - Flares: A projectile flare that scares peacefuls and distracts predators. 

    - Tranquilizer: A gun that shoots a sleeping dart to "stun" a target for 10 seconds.

    - Bait: This is more of a category of gear. You can place bait to lure animals in. Different type of baits can be bought from market and crafting from mission rewards. (see mission rewards)

    Ex. Meat for Preadtors, Veges for Peaceful, Carcass for Scavengers, Plankton & Small Fish for Marine.

    - Alert Whistle: A whistle that attracts predators and causes peaceful to migrate. 30 second cool-down.


    Trophies for Temple of Honor

    You will be able to donate to the Dojo as a trophy decoration for the Temple of Honor at the Market Stand.


    Mission Rewards

    Mission rewards are earned from the merchants. Exiting mission without visiting the mission will make you lose your captures. Rewards include:

    - Resources

    - Credits

    - Trophy

    - Hunting Gear Blueprints


    More Animals

    For all of this to work you need to add more wild animals! Comon DE! I dont care if it takes until Update 25! Just please make it happen!

  6. There should be sub planets or moons that should be playable like Earths moon for example: there'd be a boss on it too that could breathe in space with a special suit.



    The sub planets/ moons are suppose to act as a place where you can have a little more fun oppose to just being able to play on the ground tile sets or ships. When you're on a sub planet/ moon there will be zero gravity that comes with playing on the sub planet/ moon and you will be able to do anything you want in zero gravity like your in space. (We're called Space ninjas for a reason people)


    Requirements: You'd need to unlock all the missions that are required planet to play on the sub planet/ moon


    EDIT: This is suppose to be a FUN alternative to just doing the same old missions OVER and OVER again because it does get boring sometimes

    There are already moons..

    - Phobos

    - Eris

    - Sedna

    - Europa

    - Ceres

  7. I have been hearing about I don't know what it is... I know it is something that has to do with adding more lore into the game. Here's what I thought it is:


    Vor's Prize:

    The tutorial is changed into a story mission. One like "The Call Trailer"

    Vor comes to collect Excalibur as his "prize". Your character falls out of the pod weak and you walking slowly. The Lotus/tutorial shows you the Stamina and tells you that it regens Stamina...etc. You crawl to the orbs and pick it up. You are able to stand. Then Vor comes and hurts you. Frost, Nyx & Ash comes to protect you. You have Low HP & No Energy Lotus show you the Orbs for it. You pick up the Orb. The cinematic scene shows where Frost throws you the Skana. Vor shoots with his Arc Gun or whatever. Tutorial shows and tells how to block. Lancers come at you and Lotus shows you the fighting mechanics. Nyx has the guns for you on a higher platform. This is where Lotus shows you the free running mechanic or how some warframe abilities will help you with the environment. (Excalibur's Super Jump) You get handed firearms Lotus shows you how to quick melee (e), aim, switch weapons and shoot. All that good stuff. Vor teleports up the platform and kicks you off back under the cyropod as when Excalibur was at start. The ending cinematic from the trailer appears. When its Excalibur's turn tutorial shows (W + Shift > E) And the scene appears again with Excalibur cutting Vor off. The scene continues showing Vor is still alive.


    Then that leads to the 2nd part of the story...


    Vor's Revenge:

    This is where Mercury's mission links which random game modes change. Now we will still have the game mode but there will be a bit more story to it. And when you reach Tolstoj you won't know hes there you will just advance through when lotus states there is something we need there. (Spy Mission) and when you reach the arena looking place he appears in an ambush for revenge.

    Either that or it happens on Phobos with Lech Kril.


    So are my theories correct?


  8. I just had 4 grineer spawn out of a storage closet I had emptied 5 seconds earlier...

    I broke all the barrels, opened all the lockers, and had an enemy radar AND banshee sonar active just to make sure there's noone nearby, and those #@*&$@s just popped up as soon as I went 2 meters away.


    It happened 5 more times in the same mission.

    That must suck.. DE DO U HEAR DIS?!

  9. It's strange that the best way to "Stealth" these new missions is to rush past everything to get to the room with the Wardens in.


    If you go fast enough, enemies won't have time to trigger the alarm before you're long gone, combined with how spawns work means all the enemies that have spawned are far back so you just have to kill the 3 Wardens and boom, free stealth rescue done in a short time.


    It's also strange that the new mechanic of giving the hostage a weapon is highly detrimental (Even if you give them a ridiculously OP gun that can 1 shot anything in the mission) - Since:


    - They're not very accurate (Meaning they'll be unlikely to hit anything)

    - They get weird AI that makes them want to stop and shoot EVERYTHING (In a mission type with constant spawns, this gets tedious)

    - Their attack patterns are inconsistent (They'll fire a few shots here and there regardless of if it's a full auto weapon or not)

    - You lose your secondary weapon (In some cases this can be your best weapon)

    - They're less likely to follow you (Meaning they are at risk of being shot more and can get downed by traps and environmental hazards more easily)

    I have to disagree on a few things.

    - They hostage hit a lot of things when I give them my Kunais or Dex Furis and kills them.

    - I respect their honor of stand and fight but its not worth my mission success.

    - I have seen some hostages go full-auto.

    - I thought you could take it back. 

    - Yeah.....

  10. Name: Pouncer

    Behavior: Stays on walls and ceilings for movement, rarely goes on ground. Likes to nest in fungus sprouts growing off the ground. Avoids contact with any natural light source. Once it finds a prey, it will stalk that prey and try to hunt them in secret. May take minutes until it actually attacks you when it stalks you. If a player spots the pouncer, they will immediately be attacked.

    Attacks: Pouncer's attacks are heavily guerrilla warfare and stealth based. They will pounce you at the most unexpected times from either 3 locations. The wall, the ceiling, the fungus sprouts (They are camouflaged in). Pouncing will cause a QTE for you to get him off of you. Pouncing is similar to Left 4 Dead's Hunter. Friendlies will have the chance to shoot him off of you. Remember what I said about spotting him stalking you? He will immediately pounce you when you spot him, since you ruined his fun. Therefore he goes into a adrenaline rush. His attack speed increase and it will be harder to get him off in QTE. However the adrenaline rush cost his HP, leaving him more vulnerable to be shot at by other players.

    Environment Restrictions: Places with natural light/sunlight and places with electricity. 

    Example Picture:


    (Sorry for large picture couldn't find any smaller ones)

  11. I actually got a bit mad when I played Rescue 2.0 for the first time. They were saying how you'll have to stealth for the mission, but the thing is...what the hell is stealth in this game? Killing the enemy before they see you and hope the enemy doesn't notice? This game is still too much like a shooter to be said we're ninjas. I want some AC spice in this game.

    Wise words *_*

  12. I did Rescue 2.0 and I enjoyed the Stealth-ish gameplay. But seriously... If you want us to stealth... Turn off the spawns for the NPCs. Its driving me crazy. One moment I kill everyone in the room. Moving on thinking its clear. And magicaly more enemies spawn behind me and blow my cover. I mean seriously... If you are going to have them spawn. Don't spawn them in the same area. At least spawn them 300 meters away. NO! BETTER YET! DONT SPAWN ANY AT ALL!. Just spawn a few hundred at mission start. How is "stealth" suppose to work with random spawn of NPCs right behind you and just blow your cover without you knowing. Spawning cost my a lot of mission fails because the hostage was executed. A shield lancer spawned behind me and I didn't know. Therefore caused him to be executed while I was trying to hack, dodge enemy fire, kill hostiles.

  13. The stance mods are great but they lack combos. Only a few really good ones, while the others you can do without stance. However I look forward for new combos. However with an addition with these combo how about a finisher move? A move you only can activate when the enemy has below 20% HP and it will decisively murder them. Maybe triggered in a by a combo then by a QTE. For example:

    SHIFT + W, E then a QTE activates on target going PRESS X, PRESS E, PRESS SPACE then they get dominated.

    Maybe like in this video except this video doesn't have the combo part. Only QTE.

    or maybe even... TEAM FINISHERS! I mean seriously if you look at the trailers. You will see how the Tenno in them use so much team work against bosses you really never seen in-game:

    Launch Trailer

    The Call Trailer


    So heres how I thought it might work. There is a new Arura mod for Warframes. Take Down where it will allow that Warframe with the mod equipped to activate a team finisher for the whole team. Only one person needs the mod for everyone else to participate in the finisher. This Arura will only work for BOSSES. So here is how it works. When a boss reaches 15% HP a icon on the screen will appear. Saying you can now activate the finisher by X. Players will get a notification to join in by pressing X. Now the finisher begins and a QTE sequence start. Each player will take turns and only will have one turn. Upgrading the Mod (Max 3) will increase the turns to 3. On their turn the player can choose on of the following buttons to click for the QTE. 

    - Mouse: Warframe uses gun in QTE sequence [in trailer when they were shooting]

    - 1,2,3,4: Chose one ability for Warframe to use in QTE sequence [in trailer when they took turn using powers]

    - Shift + E: Warframe uses melee in QTE sequence [Ash wall attack in The Call Trailer and Excalibur slide attack in The Call Trailer]

    While everyone watches the scene of their warframes cooperatively and brutally killing the boss. You just take your turn sit back and enjoy the cinematic.


    Problems with Take Down:

    Im still figuring out how to get it to work with bosses in quantities. Captain Vor & Lech Kril, Henya Pack, Alad V & Zanuka.

  14. Having a zanuka follower would be really cool. Ah oh god no not on the dojo floors! The floors were just waxed too. T_T



    *Sits at his Corpus Business chair, starring for a long while at his Grineer-style Computer, while sipping on his Tenno-style Coffee* Yep, we totally need this. I get too lonely when Solo'ing an Orokin Derelict. Well, at least the Stalker's there from time-to-time to keep me company. Right Stal- OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE YOU DO- GAH! STOP THAT! TAKE THIS! MUHAHAH! HOW YOU DO LIKE IT- AHHHHHH-*Transmission ends*.


    Them joke comments :P

  15. So I seen the new pets stuff coming and I thought about this "companion" system. Where you will have a companion who comes to aid you in missions when you feel like playing Solo because you know... Sometimes other players get annoying? And you want some friendly company. So I thought of these 3 types of companions. Who will all go in what is currently the sentinel slot.


    What is currently already in the game. Deathcube, Carrier, Shade, Helios, Wyrm, Djinn.


    I saw the new lama looking thing on the Devstream. Looks epic. So this section or type of companion will consist mainly of animals. Taimed animals. Addition to this feature could be a new gear. "Tranquilizer" Which has a 10% chance of catching, trapping and capturing a wild animal you find in a mission. 90% you will kill it, or it will escape. Increase the chance of each by putting rare resources in them. For example:

    - Detonite Injector: Increases chance by 5% for every Injector you put in the tranquilizer to directly catch the animal. By default you will have a 90% chance of missing, it not working, or just slowing it down.

    - Fieldron: Increases the time by 1 seconds for every Fieldron you put in the tranquilizer to contain the animal. By default it has a 5 second time before it wakes up.

    - Detonite Amuple: Decreases the chance by 5% of the resistance of the animal fighting back. By default it has a 90% chance of morale and it will try to kill you, run away or break lose.

    Note that when it wakes up it will immediately run away. No matter if its a offensive type animal. Ex. Desert Skate. Now that you captured the animal you need to tame it. The pet will have a max tame level of 30. For every 7 levels it unlocks a new ability that it will use on it's own free will. Each requiring a certain amount of stamina it needs to use it. Yes stamina regens for 5/s. Max Stamina will always be 100. The more wild it is to tame. The more it will not aid you during missions (Level 14 or lower) or abandon you fully (Level 7 or lower). If it abandons you during the mission you do not lost it. To increase the taming level you must:

    - Fight with your pet +100-500 Xp

    - Keep it alive during missions +150-750 Xp

    - Feed it +50 Xp per food (They will also have a favorite food which is x2 Xp of regular food)

    You can also upgrade their abilities just like yours.

    So here is a brief example:

    Desert Skate



    - Rubedo, Salvage

    Favorite Foods:

    - Morphics 


    - Claw Wip ~ Normal melee attack for Desert Skate. (Level 7) 5 Stamina

    - Camo ~ Goes underground with 50% less visibility to Desert Skate. (Level 14) 25 Stamina

    - Screech ~ Screams at an enemy breaking their morale. 50% of hostiles in 75 meters perimeter will run away in terror, or because their ears hurt. For 5,10,15 seconds. Similar to Nekro's Terrorize. (Level 21) 60 Stamina

    - Rapid Pellets ~ Desert Skate will rapidly shoot med-range pellets from the tail. Causing more damage from each pellet from impact. (Level 30) 100 Stamina

    The difference for captured and bought pets are. Bought pets unlock 1st ability on level 1 and have a have a 50% better chance of being by your side.


    Now these are my favorite. Also the newest type I thought of. These mercenaries will fit in to Proxy Wars. So as you progress with reputation with a organization or faction or whatever. Say you get to the point where they reward you with a mercenary. These guys will help you throughout your missions. They are similar to pets however here is the catch. You have to pay them. DAILY. Each day you have to pay them 5000 credits. Now, now calm down. Might seem like a rip off but they are mercenaries. However here is the thing. They will have a affection level. When you level up your mercenary the price goes down as he or she begins to like you. (No not sexually/romantically as a FRIEND) For every affection level he/she levels up they will -200 credits from their paycheck for you. At level 20 it will automatically be set to 1000 credits daily. And at level 25 you will get so much affection that they will be by your side forever with no cost. Giving gifts will also increase affection. Unlike pets mercenaries can have multiple favorites. The rarer the favorite the more affection xp you will gain from them. You will be able to upgrade their abilities just like the pets. Also if you do not pay them or don't have enough you will get 2 warnings. On the 3rd warning they quit.

    Brief Example:

    Section Kordova (S.K.)


    Acceptable Gifts:

    - Alloy Plates, Polymer Bundles, Circuts

    Favorite Gifts: 

    - Orokin Cell, Fieldron or Fieldron Samples in quantities of 5


    - Fire at Will ~ Fire the Snipetron in a constant fire rate until SK runs out of ammo. Thus causing him to reload after. The high fire rate will cost his accuracy. (Level 1) 2 Stamina per Shot

    - Snip Butt ~ When enemies come in range SK will smack them with his Snipetron. Causing high melee and damage to target. (Level 10) 25 Stamina

    - Fieldron Appliance ~ SK will inject both the Tenno & himself with Fieldron increasing their shield by 50% for the next 5,10,15 seconds. (Level 20) 50 Stamina

    - Assassination ~ Unloads a single bolt to a target ,killing the target instantly, however this does not instantly kills a boss. Instead takes away 25% of their HP no matter their HP length. On impact the bolt releases a energy wave vaporizing surrounding enemy shields and decreasing their movement ability to those surrounding the target. (Level 30) 100 Stamina


    Guardian Yerii


    Acceptable Gifts:

    - Alloy Plates, Morphics, Ferrite

    Favorite Gifts:

    - Detonite Ampule, Detonite Injector or Detonite Samples in quantities of 5


    - Pole Swing ~ Normal pole-weapon melee attack. (Level 1) 5 Stamina

    - Shocking Strike ~ Yerii's pole with charge a electrical strike that will cause electrical damage last for 5,10,15 seconds. Doing damage over time. (Level 10) 25 Stamina

    - Roller Blast ~ Similar to Excalibur's Radial Javelin. However instead of releasing javelins the ability causes Yerri to spread sticky rollers, similar to those of the Seeker's, everywhere. Sticking to enemies and instead of blowing up it injects them with a toxin. This Toxin slows down their mobility and agility along with movement and does poison damage over a period of 5,10,15 seconds. (Level 20) 75 Stamina

    - Grin-Bi-Jutsu ~ A Grineer version of the Bojutsu, Art of the Bo, which can also be used with pole weapons. Similar to Ash's Blade Storm, Yerii will go into a adrenaline rush and brutally and decisively kill all hostiles in the area. However not teleporting he will just run to them. Unlike Blade Storm he can be damaged in doing so. He will keep fighting until his stamina runs out and then he will rest and do nothing until he gets at least 50 stamina. (Level 30) 100 Stamina



    - Companions should be able to be equipped online.

    - You only can have 1 companion equipped at a time.

    - On Solo there should be a special Crew-Play mode. Where you can play with 3 of your companions. 1 Each Type.

    - Along with the Specters you can send your companion to Dark Sectors to defend. However you can only choose 1 companion at a time. They will act like normal AI enemies but along with your modifications and upgrades. Sentinels acts like Ospreys/Drones. Pets act like infested. Mercenaries act like humanoid enemies.

  16. The QTEs probably aren't a great idea for an MMO that potentially suffers from nasty lag.

    I would like to see infested become more threatening and I miss the old infested lighting.

    Lag is mostly due to the continuous spawning in missions. There should be a number of enemies spawned in a mission. Then 2 more packs waiting to be spawned after limit goes down. DE states spawning more enemies make it harder. No it just makes it more frustrating. What they should do is make the AI smarter and tougher. Make them more tactical and stuff. Instead of just spawning hordes of them like a Left 4 Dead game.

  17. Warframe is already scary enough. I mean, just look at the Harvester; took dozens of hours of continuous farming to get all those Detron pieces *shudders*.

    Lol thats different. Work-O-Phobia. :P

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