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Posts posted by JohnMarkLee

  1. Neither is Devil May Cry 4 and RPG.

    an* & also I consider anything that looks like Finally Fantasy or Skyrim an RPG... Doesnt need to be a MMO to be a RPG :P However off topic the AI in the game is pretty cool

  2. Here is the problem in AI set in different categories:


    Rescue Hostages:

    I am pretty sure everyone knows about these guys...

    - For 1 they are way to damn brave. They will run head first into a crowd of enemies and start combating them... WHAT THE HECK? 

    - Their pathing system is not very good. They will sometimes ruing around a box or get stuck on the stairs or something. 

    - They will not leave the area or follow you unless all the enemies are dead. They will jsut stay there and make a Last Stand... I give him respect for being so honorable but I am here to RESCUE you not to see you go K.I.A. 

    - Won't follow you until you are like 50 meters away. This is a very serious problem. I think they should stay at least 30-20 meters close to you at all times. 


    Enemies in General:

    These issues I find more serious since its in almost all missions.

    - When stealthing enemies tend to get "stuck" on each other or in a group while walking. Kinda annoying considered it will take forever to get past ti steathily. 

    - Enemies also tend to do weird things such as 360 walks or make a full 90 degree to turn immediately for no reason while walking then does another 90 degree to turn back and start walking it's normal path.

    - This might not be the most concerning thing but... taking cover on the wrong side of the objective they are taking cover on. Makes them easy targets.

    - Intelligence and strategies... game feels way too L4D-ish or Arcade-ish. I would like the AI to act a bit more like maybe the campaigns for console shooters. Maybe such as the COD campaign AI. Where they will take cover, shoot & prone intelligently. Also have actually strategies & tactics to fight you. For instance have a line of shield lancers block off an exit: 


    Example picture from Rome 2 Total War

    Or a group of Lancers charging while others provide covering fire:


    Yea I think you get the idea bout AI being more strategic or tactical...


    Invasion Allies:

    This will be more a bit about how useless allies are... I mean if we are going to help and fight aside them... At least make it seem like the Tenno and the Factions are in some type of calibration.

    - The things I said in the section above & hostage.

    - Have another person lead the mission instead of Lotus. This will make it feel a bit more cooperative with the Faction. Maybe Lt. Lech Kril or Gen. Sargus Ruk lead you when you side with the Grineer. While Sgt Nef Anyo or Alad V leading when siding with the Corpus. They can have lines for special objectives such as:

    (Notice when on Offensive you need to clear out the starting ship before headed to the actual Raid?) Sgt. Nef Anyo: "Now that we have cleared our ship. We must now raid the dog's galleon!"

    - Make AI levels balanced... allies seem to always be lower leveled or weaker than the enemy.

    - Make the battle feel more cinematic. When theres a large group Grineer and Corpus fighting. Have one side charge at the other or something. Or when after the Grineer charge and break the Corpus defense, the Corpus retreats to regroup with a larger squad and starts attacking again. 

    - Ally does not wander around in an empty room and head to where the fights are! 

    - About Lotus replacement idea. The mission leader is actually in-game leading you through the map making speeches or punch lines would be cool? For Ex: *Sargus Ruk charges head first into battle breaking the Corpus's line of defense, increasing the Lancer's morale as they follow him into battle* Sargus Ruk: "Charge! Grin... eer... We have... the pieces... of metal... scrapped from their... mechanical... asses!" (Something like that Lol) *Tenno follows behind the platoon* 

    - Alright to make things not seem too easy the bosses on your team will stop participating in the battle when you start to raid the opposite ship. (In offensive side). (If on defensive side) Boss partners will not be in-game until you get to the other ship. However they will not stop leading the mission. The Boss will also retreat if all of his units in a area is killed. Hes will not show up again until you are in a area with 5+ allies. (During this idle period he is still leading the mission) He will also have the ability to die. If he dies mission fails. (However this is very unlikely... Hes a boss fo crying out loud!)

  3. There's a reason that falling out of broken windows is a terrible idea.


    They're too easily breakable. A thrown Glaive, no matter how much damage it does, is able to shatter "reinforced" glass. Thunderbolt explosions break them, a single stray arrow can go straight through. Somehow, the Corpus have never questioned the validity of calling them reinforced.

    Still you have a chance to run away. Only a idiot would just stand there and get sucked in. :l

  4. The only things I can imagine that would give them trouble from doing this is:

    What happens when you get sucked out?

    What will the ship look like from the outside?

    How and where will you revive?

    Will there be a chance to save your life like reviving others?


  5. Makes more sense to do something like this instead of having a UI screen for the planets but it seems to much like RPG which warframe is not. I think instead having quest or missions that people give you just make the game more immersive like they mentioned actually traveling in a space ship planet to planet and I also heard that the market place was actually gonna be put in-game.

    I already said in the beginning of the topic this might be too much of an RPG. I can see why you have complaints but this seems more fun than looking at map of the Solar System.

  6. Alright... This might be more of an RPG-style gameplay... However I heard personal ships or something like that is coming soon [https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/199372-personal-ship/]


    Lets get to the point! Instead of having some linked system of missions on a planet... Why not us actually going to the ground of the planet into a city or something with different areas? Then there can be people there to give us missions and quest. Explains with pictures used from Star Wars Universe:










    Planetoids (Grineer) & Space Stations (Corpus)













    [The Details]

    - General: Just be a bunch of civilians walking around in a civilization. 

    - Missions: There will be operatives around to assigning you missions.

    - Alerts: There is a type of futuristic phone booth around right? Except it looks like a terminal & its not really a phone. Its a computer thing with info on it. You click on Darvo's page and a bunch of alerts come on!

    - Operations: Same way with the alerts. However there is a NEWS tab and you click that instead for Inner-stellar News Channel. Tells you about which planets are having conflict or whatever you go to that planet and you do it.

    - Market: There will be stands and shops around the civilization.

    - Selling: There will be merchants around the civilization willing to buy your gear or whatever, then you get your credits.

    - [Additional Idea] Wild: Like Desert Skates, they will be in some city areas or remote areas and probably is eating out of the trashcan or something. 

    - Weapons: Are allowed to have armed however cannot kill anyone innocent.

    - [Additional Idea] Patrols: Grineer and Corpus patrols around the city. (Not like a bunch of them in one spot. That is $&*&*#(%&) Like 1 or 2 per block and 5 or 10 per map. They are just hanging out patrolling. They won't bother you unless you hurt them. Walking up to them, touching them, shooting randomly won't cause a disturbance. Will not go to jail killing them. Other patrols in other areas/districts will not notice anything in the other area/district. 

    - [Additional Idea] Optional Missions: I made some optional missions that can be found through the city. Some being... (You will not end up in jail doing these)

    - Law Enforcer, basicly sometimes patrols will run after a civilian and you can help the patrol by chasing after him. To avoid accidental conflict when you strike the target for the first time, patrol cannot be harmed. 

    Crime Partnership, which is the opposite. Instead of getting the runner, you attack the patrol that is chasing him so he can get away. 

    - Lost Valuables, civilian on the street lost something valuable to him. It will be somewhere in the 50 meter radius. Sometimes it will be laying on the floor somewhere, other times you see a thief has it. You can choose to stealthily take it from him to just attack him for it.

    Thug Life, a guy might ask you to kill a few to several patrols in the area for his organization (Proxy Wars Reference). 

    If you succeed you return the the guy for your reward.

    Charity, there will be some civilians who are sitting on the streets poor. You can decide option 1, their fault for not being born as Bill Gate's Kid and forget them. Or option 2, go up to them and donate credits. Ranging from 1 to 10000 credits. The more credits you get the better the rewards. You can get reward with: Fusion Cores, Mods, Keys, Resources or rare Blueprint PARTS. (Blueprint parts is really rare, like 1 out of every 100 people rare)

    Dead or Alive, the terminal/phone booth/computer will have a option tab for bounties. This will have a list of people with bounties on their heads. They can be assassinated or captured in the area. Some targets can be: Leaders, Advance Infantry (Napalm, Ancients, Fusion MOA...etc), Civilians.

    - [Additional Idea] Energy: +10 Energy for every patrol killed. +25 for every optional mission.

    - Optimizations: Everyone knows this is going to be quite laggy so heres what I thought. 

    - The type of game the map is hosted on is not based off the player but DE generates a server location for it. Ex. U.S. East, U.S. Central, U.S. West, EU. 

    - Map can only hold at max of 8 players. 

    - Planet/Moon has different districts or areas instead of just one large map. When you enter a new district or area your character will be transitioned to that district/area map.

    - Not a whole bunch of AI, maybe like at most 100 AI per map.

    - Allow Private/Solo/Invite Only servers. I don't think the server location will be possible for these so it will be based off of the host like the current system.

    - [Additional Idea] Wanted: No not Wanted Stars like in GTA or Notoriety Level like in AC3 & APB Reloaded. This is a system where when you fight the boss and kill him, the patrols on the planet will be after you.

    - Twice as much patrols will be around and less civilians. Earlier I said 5-10 Civilians so double that to 10-20. You will be wanted for 12 hours and they will go back to normal.

    - Stronger Patrols - So if patrols on planet were usually level 1 than they will be leveled 2. Enemies can go up to level 60! This almost forces you to be careful and stealthy.

    - This will not affect anyone else in the map except for the AI change and patrol investigations.

    - They won't shoot you on sight. First they will notice you, timer on top of their heads will count down 10 to 0. After that they will walk up to you and ask you questions. This will be a new mini-game like hacking puzzles. You have choices A,B & C. Pick the wrong one and they will get suspicious, 3 wrong answers and you will get shot at. There will be a total of 5 answers till they leave you alone until you change district/area. 

    - Ex Of Above: (Lancer) How are you today sir? (A) Bloodthirsty. (B) Get out of my face ugly. © Good how about you fine gentleman?

    - Any time they spot you, you may walk away without being alerted. However running, jumping & free running blows your cover. If they catch you the whole planet will be after you. So you better get to your ship and get outta there fast!

    - Other players might help you as you become a part of the Criminal Partnership mission.

    - For this to work servers will be hosted by host instead of the Server Location idea.

    - Space Port: Where you dock your ship and deport from.

    - Assassins: Stalker, Harvester and Grustrag Three may come after you in the area. Depending on the faction on the planet patrols will attack or help you. For Ex. Corpus Planet & Harvester, patrols will attack. Grineer Planet & Harvester, patrols will aid you. Stalker is faction less which means all factions will attack him. Other players in the area may help if they wish to also.

    - [Additional Idea] Escape Mission: I know that there is already a escape mission when the Harvester catches you. So that is what motivate me for this. If you are caught during a Wanted Session by the patrols. You will be transported into a prison on the planet which is a different mission from the planet/moon's districts/areas. The same rules will apply all weapons, abilities & sentinel are scattered throughout the facility. You find them and "extract". After extracting you will be in the beginning district with the space port. If you escaped stealthily you have a chance to escape the planet without causing a disturbance. If you made a big ruckess while breaking out then the patrols will shoot you at sight and they will not be buffed up leveled and doubled in numbers like the Wanted Sessions because they thought you were in jail. As the optional mission Criminal Partnership you are allowed to be helped by another player. 


    [About the Comments]

    I like how have are you are like: FUDGE NO! THIS IS NO WARFRAME MATERIAL! And the other half is like: HELL YEA! This is a awesome idea!

  7. Some Warframes abilities don't work the same way in PvP in PvE. That just annoys me so I thought why don't we just...


    - Shadow of the Dead: When its 1v2 or 2v2. You kill the other guy's teammate and he can be summoned to help you as a shadow for the 30-50 seconds. However modded or maxed you are...

    - Terrify: Getting close to Nekros will make him appear in and covering your screen with his face, like a Slenderman fashion. You are completely blind or can see perfectly based off of your distance between him. UI should not be affected.


    - Reckoning: Make it actually work please. Its completely broken right now.


    - Mind Control: Makes enemy player's teammate look like you, not the hologram thing like in Chaos. His Warframe actually looks like your Nyx walking around and stuff. This will, if they are ignorant, make him/her mistaken him/her  partner for you and shoot him because when ability is on friendly fire is on for their team. However he can still see the actual you so be careful.

    - Chaos: The current one is good. However like the idea above except both players are like that.


    - Radial Javelin: More effectiveness or damage torwards somebody. It doesn't really do anything. 

    Ash & Loki

    - Invisibility: More transparent.

    - Smoke Screen: When enemy player is in range, the smoke bomb explosion will temporarily stun and blind him.


    - Avalanche: Same problem with Reckoning & Radial Javelin.


    Now I have not had all the Warframes yet! So if theres anything else you guys wanna say about other warframes don't be afraid to share. Also the please don't complain about being OP. Ash currently is 1-hit KO Blade Storm... Unless they change that also i don't really think it matters.

  8. Can we have it where when the windows break the enemies get sucked in and die? We also can sucked in but at a slower rate and our movement speed is decrease to get away!


    Q&A from Community:

    Verryn: The only things I can imagine that would give them trouble from doing this is:

    What happens when you get sucked out?

    What will the ship look like from the outside?

    How and where will you revive?

    Will there be a chance to save your life like reviving others?

    Just thought about some of this stuff.

    1. You are hanging from the edge.

    2. In a invasion mission when you help the Corpus invade. You are outside and can see the ship. So I think they already have that taken care of.

    3. Continued from #1, you partners can go towards you and try to pull you in. Same system as Revive just hold X. However the they guy on the other side has to move his mouse back and fourth to help you get him in. Faster he moves the mouse faster it will be to bring him in.(This could be quite a mini-game like hacking puzzles.) If he doesn't move the mouse you can "revive"/pull him until 50% and it starts to drop back down. He will die when timer goes down and his character release his grip cause he can't hold on any longer. Lock Doors will lock the windows automatically, regardless of someone being at the terminals, if a Tenno dies and falls into space or if a Tenno is saved. 

    4. I think I answered this at #3.

    Additional Author Comments on this Q: Yes there can be more than one guy on the ledge. No you can't save them both at the same time. Funny additional idea... You can see the dead players body floating in space on every other window excepted the locked one.

    Pain_LT3: its interesting idea, but if you got sucked out and team mates hacked console to close windows how they would they pull you in, wouldt they get sucked out too if they aproach open window?

    1. LOL! You got to be real dumb to lock the guy in the window out! My only answer to this would be the guy in the window dies.
    2. Also yes the could of been suck out if they approach the window however. The indicator to pull them in will appear when u are only 5 meters away. Then your character will already be animated to approach the window careful and thats when all the pulling starts. If you get like 2 or 3 meters close indicator will not show up and you will also be sucked in.
  9. Nekros: No.


    Nyx: Mind control makes the screen blurry. Chaos does the same and removes your opponents energy.


    Ash: Well, it's working as intended. So I don't see the problem.


    Oberon: Reckoning actually doesn't work for some reason.

    Alright thanks for the info!

  10. Nekros:

    If you kill someone on their team can you use Shadow of the Dead to bring them back?



    Does Mind Control or Chaos do anything?



    Who Blade Storm so OP?



    Reckoning doesn't do a lot of damage?

  11. would your personal ship be customizable like clan dojos are?  would dojos get hanger bays for their members' ships?  can you bring people onto your ship?

    I also ask these questions, however I don't think you should be able to build more "rooms" like as Dojo. Maybe build something but not as good as Dojos. We don't want personal Dojos it would ruin the clan features!

  12. I like it. I also wouldn't mind seeing a little more versatility in the obstacle course. Maybe at the terminal give the option of 3 - 5 different courses to run. The dojo is a nice change from the daily grind and I too would like to see a little more interaction in there.

    Yea... Different type of obstacle course that test different skills!

    - Climbing

    - Running 

    - Jumping

    I would also like them to add a race feature where we race each other!

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