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Posts posted by JohnMarkLee

  1. Omg, you guys need to start reading properly.


    Enemies of the Tenno forum event, was made in 3 different parts.


    Submit an Infested

    Submit a Corpus

    Sumbit a Grineer.


    This was scheduled, and every week (if not mistaked) there was a different enemy type (infested/grineer/corpus).


    Here's the main topic about this.


    I understand that it was during different week. I am not stupid. I can read. But the click "here" lead me to Infested every time even on Corpus and Grineer submissions.

  2. So during Corpus and Grineer submissions I was confused cause when you go to the "Enemies of the Tenno" page then click the word "here". It lead you to the infested submissions. I was confused and thought this was something that had to be addressed so I waited and now its over and I had to search the submission pages?! What the hell! I'm not saying they have to restart the submissions just for me... but hell... they could of made things a lot less confusing.

  3. 9k affinity seems to be lacking, a good run on Apollodorus can triple that


    Sounds okay to me but 9 k affinity is a lil disappointing

    Ummm I really didn't notice it was that common... I must suck at earning them... Lol Alright I increase

  4. I would thought it would be cool for something random to happen at your Solar Rail. This would bring your whole clan and alliance together as it would a normal Solar Rail conflict. However these random generated events happen when you are controlling in control of a Dark Sector for a while. And if you are not in a conflict. Of course to put you through all that work you will gain some affinity and resources that drop in the Dark Sector its controlling. Some Events I thought about:

    3 Days of Control:

    Rail Malfunction

    The reactor is over riding, shields are down, and defenses unactive. Your clan members will be notified and will be able to enter the Solar Rail to do repairs. To repair you walk up to one of the broken ship parts and press "X". In doing so a mini-game appears. You might have to do the mini-game several times before its fully repaired.

    However some Warframes are more effective than others and will only have to do a mini-game once. Example:

    - Volt effective against Reactor

    - Trinity effective against Shields

    - Vauban effective against Defenses

    If these remain unrepaired they will stay useless until they are.

    Dark Sector Outbreak:

    Infested somehow is got aboard the Solar Rail and the Rail is now a victim of the Infestation. This will cause a Infested Operation for the Rail where other players may support. The missions will be an extermination. Players will need to win 50 missions to clear the infestation. Starting at 0/50. The owners of the Rail will have a week to clear it before it ends up like the Orokin Derlicts.


    Rewards for 3 Day Events: 3000 Affinity & 3000 Common Resource to all Clans (If was an alliance)

    5 Days of Control:

    Grineer Expansion

    Grineer will invade the Solar Rail and will trigger a Clan/Alliance vs Grineer Invasion Operation. Other players can also support and also go against the Rail. Player supporting the Rail will need to win 150 missions to succeed, and Hostile Players supporting the Grineer will need to win 300 missions to succeed. Game mode will be the new multi-objective game mode I heard coming up.

    Corpus Threat

    Corpus will invade the Solar Rail and will trigger a Clan/Alliance vs Corpus Invasion Operation. Other players can also support and also go against the Rail. Player supporting the Rail will need to win 150 missions to succeed, and Hostile Players supporting the Corpus will need to win 300 missions to succeeds. Game mode will be the new multi-objective game mode I heard coming up.


    "Note": Other clans/alliance can form a temporary allegiance with the Faction until the Rail Event is over. A "Spin-The-Wheel" thing will happen and will choose the next clan/alliance to control the Rail. Limit of allegiances: 10


    Meteoroid Shower

    Incoming showers of meteoroids about to strike your Solar Rail. You have 3 days to gather materials to construct a hyper-shield to stop the shower. If you do not succeed the Rail will lose 50% durability. Other players may not contribute who are not in the clan/alliance.


    Rewards for 5 Day Events: 7500 Affinity & 2500 Uncommon & Common Resources to all Clans (If was an alliance)

    7 Days of Control:

    Realm Divide

    Realm Divide occurs when the clan/alliance have stopped a Grineer and Corpus Invasion. They are proven to be too strong and a threat and both Factions come to a temporary alliance and try to crush the Rail. In a mega Invasion operation. The owners of the Rail will have to succeed in 300 missions and may have non-member support to win. Hostile players who support the faction will need to succeed in 500 missions.


    "Note": Other clans/alliance can form a temporary allegiance with the Faction until the Rail Event is over. A "Spin-The-Wheel" thing will happen and will choose the next clan/alliance to control the Rail. Limit of allegiances: 20


    ​Asteroid Strike:

    Similar the the Meteoroid shower except with larger resource requirements and a 7 day limit to acquire the resources. If  the clan/alliance succeeds in making a stronger hyper-shield they then have to take care of smaller pieces of debris that could enter the shield when the asteroid makes impact. Clan members will be able to enter the Rail and use it's defenses to blow the debris out of the system!


    Hostile Infiltration:

    One of the assassins have been brought to attack the Rail. No one knows who until they enter the Rail to defend in a Defense Mission/Boss Mission. The Assassins will be twice as strong as they are when they come to hunt you.

    - Grineer Infiltration:

    Wave 1: Lancers, Troopers, Shield Lancers, Butchers

    Wave 2: Scorpions, Ballsitas, Hellion, Elite Lancers, Seekers, Scorches

    Wave 3: Flameblades, Eviscerators, Heavy Gunners, Bombards, Commanders, Napalms

    Wave 4: Eximus Units, Guardians

    Wave 5: Grustrag Three

    - Corpus Infiltration:

    Wave 1: Pod Crewman, Crewman, MOAs, Shield Ospreys

    Wave 2: Elite Crewman, Shockwave MOAs, Mine Ospreys, Railgun MOAs

    Wave 3: Tech, Fusion MOAs, Anti-MOAs, Sniper Crewman, Drone, Oxium Ospreys

    Wave 4: Eximus Units, Leech Ospreys

    Wave 5: Harvester

    - Stalker Infiltration:

    Wave 1: Stalker Illusion

    Wave 2: Map turns Dark and Stalker camos in the Darkness

    Wave 3: Stalker 

    The infiltration will last 12 hours and can be taxed to players who want to enter, however is free to the clan. 

    Unlike them coming to you in a "regular" mission. They will only drop 2 rewards EVERYTIME. 1 Weapon/Part & 1 Mod. This will balance it out a little because it will be too easy to get the items this way.


    Rewards for 7 Day Events: 15000 Affinity and 50 Rare Resources, 2000 Uncommon & Common Resources to all clans (If was a alliance)


    So what do you guys think? No hating please! :)

  5. "you added X planet's moon, why not Y planet's moon?"


    "and it would clutter up the star map"

    This is Earth's moon were talking about though. It should of been here from the start. However all because they added one moon doesn't mean they can't add more. As fro cluttering the system map. They are adding a new map introduced in Devstream 29. 

  6. One of my clan members pointed out that the Observatory is like a Jedi council with the placements of the kneeling spots. It would be pretty cool and immersive to have it as a more dedicated meeting spot where you can display things on the center area.


    As for the commanding idea I don't think that would really work through the observatory. It would be kind of unfair since there are tons of matches going on and there would only be a few people commanding in each. If you want more of a Natural Selection type spin on the new missions the commanders would have to queue up with everyone else.

    Im not sure if what you mean by unfair. 

  7. Idea:

    So you know how the Observatory has a Holo Map in the center of it? I came up with a bunch of ideas such as:

    "What if you could command from there?"

    "What if we could communicate from there?"



    So a RTS or MOBA like game mode. This could be used for multiple things. Such as in any time if a Warlord or members with permission can access it to "Command". If you're clan/alliance is in a Solar Rail Conflict and there are players in missions going on right now you have the option to access their mission and see the map from a bird-eye's view. From there you can see the players and the AI they are fighting. You click a unit or highlight or box and set them somewhere or send them to attack the players. 

    However I saw Devstream 29 with the new multi-task objectives game mode and stuff and make a optional task:

    - Destroy Communications Array

    This will cause the "Commander" to loose control of the mission and can no longer control the units.

    ​Brief Example:



    Inter-Clan Communication:

    Alliance chat is changed to be located at the Observatory. Where you can talk to each other and discuss plans there. Clan Warlords or other members with permissions can put up notifications for meetings at the observatory.


  8. Chargers NOT crawlers.

    Chargers also just.... charge... that's all. The Kubrows do have a pack mentality to them (albiet it's minimal), and if you attack even one, the rest will turn, even if they are all busy with something else.

    Oh thanks for correcting me! I got them mixed up with the "C" If U dint come I would of got more replies of me stupidly calling them crawler... LOL!

  9. proxy wars? what proxy wars....am i behind on something?

    One of the End Game Content:

    - Badlands

    - Proxy Wars 

    - Focus



    This has already been added and the name was changed to Dark Sectors.

    Proxy Wars:

    More factions/organizations are coming to the game and you can claim a allegiance with one of them. In doing so you earn reputation in their ranks unlocking special operations, alerts, missions, quest by your allegiance. In doing so may cause a negative impact on other factions/organizations. Example:

    - Side with Grineer

    - Corpus despises you

    You can also unlock special weapons and decorations. There will also be sacrifices such as:

    - Corpus requires a Orokin Artifact for you to show loyalty


    Confirmed to come at Update 14. A system of having focus "lens" to add to equipment and Warframes level 30. These are all the lenses in the system:

    - Warrior

    - Guardian

    - Tactician

    - Ward

    - Elemental

    - Channeling

    When you add a lens to a warframe or equipment it will started earning focus points for all affinity earned after level 30. The higher mastery rank the more focus slots:

    - Mastery Rank 5 = 5 Focus Slots

    Focus points unlock special abilities that act as a "beast" mode.

    Full Example:

    - Place Warrior lens on Level 30 Rhino

    - Rhino is now a warrior

    - Rhino earns warrior focus points

    - Unlocks "Rage" ability (Not real I made it up)

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