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Posts posted by JohnMarkLee

  1. Like blade said they have talked about this in one of the live-stream and shown some early concept are for it.


    It was in live-stream 23 or 24 cannot remember which one.

    Interesting... I really think they should make a roadmap or something... Lol!

  2. They are going to be adding this. It will be like the ship that takes you to all your missions.


    I am personally excited for this.




  3. I think the Dojo needs more variety of rooms so here some rooms I came up with:


    Private Quarters:

    Basicly these are "bedroom" or "living room" for a independent Tenno Clanmate. However this will not be just one room. Its a large room, maybe as large as a great, greater...etc clan hall, with about 4 or 8 private rooms in it. A clan member has the privilege to buy one of these private quarters for a certain price. (5,000 Mabye? :P) In these quarters they can check out their arsenal without leaving the Dojo, a window that has a beautiful view of space, and a bed they can sit in for no reason. This could also make barracks more beneficial. You only can build a limited amount of private quarters. In order to get more you build/upgrade the barracks.



    This is actually a screen shot of the prison cell the hostage is locked in. You can't see it clearly but if you go in-game theres a window with the view of space.


    Conference/Meeting Room:

    Most of you guys probably don't see a point in this room but... this room is a room with a long table and a bunch of chairs around it, that we can sit in by pressing x. Or to make it more Tenno like, empty room with a circle in the middle and we all sit on our knees or something. Just a room where all the high clan authorities can speak or something. (Most of you guys probably just going to say: "But we already have Clan Chat for that! this is pointless!" No hating! Plz...)


    Just a brief sketch from google images.


    Shooting Range: 

    A room where we get to test out of accuracy and stuff. Moving targets, still targets and even "flying" targets. As long as we can test our abilities with fire arms it will be great!




    These are screenshots of a Shooting Range from the game PlanetSide 2.



    The docking bay for ships! [see other discussion:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/199372-personal-ship/] Where you can access, depart or dock your ship directly from Clan 



    This is a brief example from the movie Star Wars.


    Club Room:

    Hangout room with a bunch of Tenno mini-games. Maybe mini-games such as:

    - Chess [PvP]

    - Checkers [PvP]

    - Flappy Tenno  [singleplayer] (Yeah I know the secret...) 

    - Ping Pong [PvP] (With our Melee Weapons >:D)


    Example from SWTOR.


    (Now these next ones are more of revamps of existing rooms)


    Clan Dojo Vault:

    Having a invisible bank is great and all but I think we should have an actual vault located in the beginning Clan Hall. Where all the deconstruction resources go. Also we should be able to deposit credits to use for the clan tax (For the upcoming Badlands), while we can deposit you can also withdraw. However you can only withdraw the amount of money you put in and if it was already spent on taxes you cannot get it back.


    Obstacle Course:

    - Race Option: Option to race clan members (Up to 4 at a Time)

    - No Timer: Remove timer

    - Kick Option: Now with the timer removed. Ability to kick the player, who is taking too long out of the, Obstacle Course. He/she will not be able to use it again until the next 60 seconds.

    - More/Different Course: More obstacle courses with each testing a certain skill such as: Running, Climbing, Jumping


    Duel Room:

    - Increase timer for each round. (In my opinion its too short)



    - More Statues

    - More Trees

    - Custom Clan Decals

    - Custom Clan Banners


    What do you guys think?


    [Things the community (you guys) suggested]

    - [kutsuu] Advance Foundry: Allowed to craft more than 2 things at once. I will add on to this idea for it being clan taxed from a range of 5%-50%. There should be a cost having the ability to craft more than two things at once. It cannot be placed at 0, that takes away the cost and 100% is just no cool.

    - [brothergrim01] More Diversity in the Obstacle Course. I agree.

    - [kutsuu] Weapon Dismantling Room: Where you dismantle your weapons and get your partial resources back. I don't really have anything to say about this except I think it should cost credits to get back a certain amount of each resource. Ex: 500 Credits- 10%, 1000 Credits-15%, 1500 Credits-20%, 2000 Credits-25%, 2500 Credits-30%, 3000 Credits-35%. Yeah I think you get the idea for every next 500 credits its 5% more (Except the 100% Refund). To get 100% refund would be 10,000 Credits. Getting your resources back is a big thing so I think its fair. Also forgot to say. This would be for all the guns you are trying to dismantle at the moment not each. Max you can dismantle at a time should be two 2. (More platnium cost coming to the market I see.)

    - [krizhadow] Medical Bay: Heal HP, regen Energy & Stamina. I don't see the point of this but YAY ON!

    - [Zerophobic] Combine the Obstacle Course & Shooting Range into a Training Room. Nice idea!

    [thechosentouch] Seats that can be sat in as decorations. Wow! Why didn't i come up with this lol!

  4. What if we take away the System Map Screen and just add a personal ship for the Tenno to relax in? It was have the System Map somewhere in the ship, so will it have the Arsenal, Foundry, Codex...etc in the ship somewhere. As we travel the System within our own personal starship. Could have three sections like:

    - Cockpit

    - Quarters

    - Entrance

    Maybe the same ship system as in SWTOR?


  5. some i didnt play ryse, but some assassins creed stuff would be cool. Which I think there might be some since there are some executions and counters.


    also how do you trigger finishers I had that one time with a staggered enemy but that was it.

    Its a bit bugged. When enemies are down u gotta walk away and come back quickly to finish them off. However it does not finish them off at all...

  6. We should have a max amount of alert reverting. They can't be still relax after 3 alerts without wondering if their ship is indeed under attack!


    At the moment, you're able to go full penta in as many rooms as you want,play dubstep at full sound, but everytime disable their alertness. It's a little cheated and this aspect it feels a little bit too easy now...


    Please DE, think about us stealth/solo players.

    Agreed :P

  7. Scavenge

    This is sort of a DayZ-like game mode. However its not really... So here is a brief summary: 

    - Large open, but not so open, Map

    - Out Post in the middle of the Map

    - Friendlies defending & guarding the outpost

    - Ammo, Energy, Health & Resources scattered throughout the map

    - Infested wandering the map

    - Survivors outside the outpost


    Now that thats over with let me explain this game mode. Every 10 minutes will be 1 in-game day. At the end of each day the cell can choose to be extracted and leave the mission successfully. Their objective is to hold out for how long they can. If the outpost gets overrun or the cell dies. They fail the mission. Now the outpost will have 1 ally Leader (Ice Leader, Life Steal etc...) and 9 other ally infantry defending this outpost in the center of the map. The area outside the outpost will be known as "No Man's Land". They will not leave the outpost for any reason. Every (3-7 minutes) so often a horde of infestation will raid the outpost. There will be a limited amount of supplies (ammo, energy, health etc...) for not only your cell but the ally too. If the ally run out of ammo they will be forced to use their melee. Now to gain more supplies you can go "scavenge" "No Man's Land". Exploring the abandoned rooms and places to look for supplies. Some supplies will be found in a bag. Containing a lot of supplies you can bring back to the outpost to resupply you and your allies. There will be infested roaming the map for their next victims. Obviously if they don't see you, you could easily stealth kill them. Some will be alone... Others maybe in groups. However alerting one may cause your cell to face off against a whole horde. Drops from killing the enemy will be decreased in this by mode by 25%. (Energy drops by 10%) You can also find survivors outside the outpost in "No Man's Land". These survivors can be brought back to the outpost for rescue and they will be added to the defending team. rescuing them will make them reward you with a mod or a resource. However in doing so that survivor may have a 10% chance of being infected with the virus. Attacking the outpost from within. 


    What do you guys think of my game mode suggestion?


    New Infested Types:

    I find a lack of infestation types so I think I would come up with some of my own:

    - Leaper: No change really except making them actually look like they are leaping and new look. They look more like they are teleporting than leaping. I also think they should have a better look. Looks like a grey runner.

    - Runner: Currently its called the charger but I think the name should be changed.

    - Bloater: This name makes more sense for the current Runner. Sense it is a kamikaze.

    - Ancients: No change they are great!

    - Cyber Brain: A jelly-like creature crawling around the floor. It looks for Robotic victims to take control of. When it jumps on a MOA, it will control it and attack you. It runs away from organic beings..

    - Crawler: Same as current but with the ability to leap on your warframe's head or a ally and exploding. Leaving behind goo blinding your screen for 5 seconds.

    - Ex-Tenno: Former Tenno infected with the virus. They stealth attack you from the walls or ceiling. Uses free running and has the ability to use weapons. (No does not use Warframe abilities)


    What do you think of my infested types idea?


    To Balance:

    - 4 Lvl 1-10 Waframes = Lvl 1-15 Infested

    - 2 Lvl 1-10 & 2 Lvl 10-20 Warframes = Lvl 15-25 Infested

    - 4 Lvl 10-20 Warframes = Lvl 20-30 Infested

    - 2 Lvl 1-20 & Lvl 20-30 Warframes = Lvl 25-35 Infested

    - 4 Lvl Lvl 20-30 Warframes = Lvl 35-45 Infested

  8. What really &!$$es me off are the people who don't realize a star system is named after the star. That is why we reside within the solar system. Our stars name is Sol. The Sol system is also correct.

    So unless the is another star we named Sol there can only be one solar system.

    The more you know...

    Solar = Related to a Sun/Star. We are not the only system with a sun/star. So it makes complete sense to me.

  9. If they make a roadmap then they won't be able to follow it and people will lose faith in the devs just like with Planetside 2

    They don't have to put accurate dates but at least a time they think they might get it done

    Ex: Next 6 Months

    And also tell us what they are working on...

  10. Stealth is what makes me keep playing this game really (and the events).

    The game gameplay is almost the same throughout everything. Can we please update what makes this game so fabulous to me?

    Here are my suggestions:

    - When AI patrol: THEY DONT GET STUCK. So annoying when you have to stand there forever waiting until they separate or else your stealth will be ruined.

    - AI interact with each other. If you are going to have people near each other. Make them have a conversation or something. This is a addition to the last suggestion of fixing them getting stuck.

    - AI will go INVESTIGATE if they hear noise or see a body. They don't really investigate currently. They are basicly alarmed and somehow know EXACTLY where you are. As in investigate I mean like a Lancer sees a dead Trooper and go up to the body and go check it or stare at it. Also if they think they heard something they walk into the room and start looking around. (Right now they just walk in and know exactly where you are, then you get shot at.)

    - Will not be alarmed if they are being attacked by a Wild. Really sucks on Phobos how its going so well and a Desert Skate comes in and ruins everything. Also if Nyx uses Mind Control or Nekro uses Shadows of the Dead. They won't be know you are there unless they see you cast it. Unless your the Shadows/MC Victim comes near you and gives away your position. The AI will just think its mutiny or a revolt. Or their comrad has gone completely insane.

    - When the alarm is pulled the enemies won't know EXACTLY where you are. However they will be running around being more cautious. However when they find you then everyone can be alerted and such. 

    - When one person is alarmed and sees you... currently somehow everyone else knows? WUT DA FUDGE! Only that one person who sees you should know! Unless somebody else sees you or he makes noise (gunfire, calls out to his partners).

    - Last but not least. Their vision. (Idk if this is a Ash thing) However they only see you unless you get real close. You can be directly in plain sight and they won't see you!


    Now since you have seen all my suggestions what do you think?


  11. I don't see the problem. If I mind control a Napalm it's to make him stop shooting me, then if I'm lucky he'll take down some of his friends as a bonus. I think adding invulnerability for controlled targets would only create more problems. I do agree the effect should be more visible so people can focus on other enemies instead.

    Its a waste if they kill him when you mind control them though... :/

  12. If players are killing your mind control target too fast, then they didn't really need it to be controlled in the first place.

    Problem is I mind control the Nalpam since its the strongest one there... Thene veryone starts shooting at it RIGHT AFTER I mind control it. And they weren't doing anything before!

  13. Right now Mind Control is hardly worth upgrading or being used. This ability gains you nothing at all because of:

    - 75% of the Time, Team mates don't pay attention and kill the victim.

    - Only last for 30 Seconds.

    - Only can be used on 1 enemy at a time.


    This is ability has to be changed in someway... Maybe?

    - Partners cannot kill the mind control victim unless it gets under 10 seconds & Increase the duration to 60.


    - Partners cannot kill the mind control victim unless it gets under 10 seconds & Increase the amount you can mind control by 3 Victims.


    - Make the glowing Aura for noticeable... Lighter 


    To be honest I am a bigger fan of choice 1.

  14. Dude we have trade and 75% off plat... don't be this way...


    A) Go find some rare mods sell them for 10 plat, 10 plat= 1 warframe slot or 2 weapons slot (if im not wrong...)

    B) Wait till u get a 75% off plat, spend $5 USD and there u go...


    Are u gonna tell u dont have even $5USD to spend in this wonderful game??? come on! there is even a lower price i think its $2 USD !!!! come on dude


    There is no DLC packs, no Plat only weapons, No plat only warframes, No plat only members benefits... theres nothing!!!


    The only 3 stuff plat only: Excalibur prime, Lato prime, Skana Prime, solar landmarks and Founders badge... oh yes and clan emblem....


    Excalibur prime: just 1 forma more in there

    Lato,skana prime sucks they are not the best in game or are OP...

    So every plat only item is just for lust...


    Don't take me wrong but are u 12 years old or under?? 'cause u sound like one... (its not in the offensive way I mean its just a question being under 12 is not a bad thing)

    Do you know how hard is it to sell? Its like everyone in trade is broke...

  15. I looked through your post too and I like the idea of the Assault mode. This'd be a Grineer vs Corpus Invasion on a selected planet right? So 5/5 to get a reward from either beating them off or destroying their fortress. I love how it combines Sabotage style mission with Defense. It's a nice idea and I support you on that :)

    Thanks for the support then. I agree with your editing mode style at bird-eye's view. running around to build everything is a hassle...

  16. Maybe the mission could be made more difficult so we don't need to do more than 1 mission at all?


    I think Command is going to be a problem. Sure we are helping them but we're not their generals nor will they listen to us betrayers.

    I actually hate the fact we need to do such short missions 5 times for a single reward...

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