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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. Rhino. If you are getting shot up all the time and your aim is off, go with a Rhino. Build it for survivability, all the armour and health and shield mods you have. Maybe some duration or stretch for the stomp. Use your stomp to aim better, and save the iron skin for until your shields get a big whack. I think it scales off of incoming damage now too. I see a lot off hate for Rhino being a try hard frame. But, Rhino is a good for what you are looking for and is fun play with. 

  2. I don't play conclave. All it is is running in a circle and killing until time is up. None of my WF friends play it or my clan.  In just not into it. But when I do poke around in it it is pretty dead   

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