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  1. Definetly should be fixed. Especially for guns that don't even change their model when transforming. Like sure of we go from a pistol to a rifle, the pistol skin wouldn't fit the function of the gun, in this case just give us the option to select a skin for each mode. But especially in the case of the weapon transforming into the same type, there's no excuse. Some guns don't even change at all, just get some void squiggles arround and that's it.
  2. Literally did them for 8-10 weeks straight and didn't get a single shard. Haven't touched them since. Massive scam. We have way too many sinks for shards, with the fusions and now the 3for 1 tau, and 1 SINGLE guaranteed drop per week...... Bro to even get one frame to 5 reds is 15 weeks, not even counting if u want taus..... Now do that for like 4 frames and include the combined shard colours and ur never getting it done. There should be a repeatable way of getting shards, don't care if it's a hard mission or a long one, just make it repeatable and not with a 0.00000001% chance.
  3. I have some tables with stuff on them arround the arsenal and now can barely even see them, and my floof collection is just a dark blob. Very bad update, toggle should be made so we can actually see, atleast it's not as bad a some previous updates that made me game run at half fps, but those had toggles......
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