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  1. Couple of issues/open questions: 1: What about Toxic? As long as it completely bypasses shields, it simply makes magnetic redundant if the only utility magnetic has is weakening shields. It doesn't matter if enemies on level 9999 have shields that recover so quickly that they recharge to full within a tenth of a second of not taking damage if, instead of having to prime them with magnetic, you can just kill them through their shields. Sure, you could make it so Toxin has reduced effectiveness against Corpus Flesh, but at this point, what is even its intended target? 2: Is there even a point in elements being strong against the flesh type of a faction that is always armoured or shielded? The only factions with exposed flesh health are the Murmur and the Infested, so what does it even matter if a damage type is particularily good against Grineer or Sentient flesh? It only comes up when I full-strip them and that in turn only makes sense if the armour provides so much damage reduction that stripping it is a better choice than simply using the element corresponding to the armour type. 3: What about Corrupted Enemies? Do they get streamlined to share the same health types? And if yes, what does that mean for fissure missions? Do freshly corrupted enemies also get the new resistances? 4: I think there might still be the unresolved issue of status effects not fitting the the intended target of their element. I mean, take slash: It's best against bare health, but at the same time, the bleed status is most relevant against the Grineer in order to bypass their armour. Or look at how Blast currently works: The accuracy debuff doesn't even mean anything for the vast majority of enemies blast deals additional damage against. Granted, Blast is getting reworked, but it's a matter of principle. Also: What does this mean? Are resistances determined by the (sub-)faction, or by the node? Those are different things. If I do a Kuva Siphon mission on Saturn, will the same Grineer that previously used Saturn resistances suddenly be using Kuva resistances? If a mission node gets invaded, will it be updated to offer resistances matching the invading faction or is Phorid suddenly going to have the same resistances and weaknesses as a Bombard? I'm sorry, but right now this sounds very convoluted. When picking my elements, should I be worrying about the faction I will encounter or about more-or-less arbitrary modifiers making it so the Sergeant is gonna be resistant to Cold and weak to Viral because that is just how the folks on Phobos like to roll? I think this all could do with some clearing up to be honest.
  2. Just after the hotfix today which brightened the Orbiter a little I have seen both complaints that the Orbiter is still not bright enough (I'm honestly in that camp, the colours can look very desaturated in there) and that it is already too bright. I think everyone would be happier if they could just change the lighting to be in accordance with their own preferences. Surely a hyper-advanced interplanetary ship serving as someone's base of operators could have a little mood lighting?
  3. Why did you, then? Do you not recognize that what made tragedy good wasn't its damage potential but the fact that it didn't have a LOS check? That's what makes a frame a respectable nuke frame. Not needing to have every enemy right infront of you in order to hit them. It's why frames such as Saryn and Volt dominate Sanctuary Onslaught and any other made that needs fast kills. Also, you massively stifled tragedy's damage potential with the nerf to Pageflight already. I'm sorry, but this is a classic example of a balancing patch touching too many things at once and going way overboard in the process.
  4. I believe there's a Lotus voiceline about it, but it plays very inconsistently for some reason.
  5. So, with the most recent crime against humanity hotfix, Nezha's new Divine Spears augment was hit with the nerfhammer. 50% less base range on the ability, mostly in an effort to adress certain degenerate builds that could be used to nuke everything in roughly a 60 meters radius. Why do I think this is bad: Because it nerfs the wrong part of the playerbase. Endgame players have fairly comfortable ways around this nerf. Throw in a few maxed out corrupted Mods and compensate for whatever is left on the wayside with Archon Shards. However, for newer players who don't have all these mods maxed out and who don't have Archon Shards, this nerf simply means that the augment isn't worth using. The range you get with the augment and Stretch is so pityful that there's no reason to bother with it. If you want status application in that kind of area, get yourself a Diriga with Manifold bond. Before the nerf, building range for Divine Retribution was a good idea because it was powerful. After the nerf, building range for Divine Retribution is mandatory because otherwise it isn't worth using. How this nerf should have looked: "Reduces the effect of ability range increases on Divine Spears by 50%". That's how. This way, the augment would still provide a good amount of power at base, but it would be prevented from escalating as much. Nerf the peak, not the bottomline. Running Overextended and Stretch on it would be equivalent to running a level 3 Overextended on its own without the augment. Or simply put a cap on it. "Range is capped at 25 meters". That would also be fine. There's several options, and they're all better than laying waste to the base stats of the ability in a way that costs 120k endo to fix.
  6. Holy S#&$, half the meta that was about to form after Dante unbound is about to die a painful death.
  7. Well, we did half-win it. Killed the Hydrolyst instead of capping it, so technically the bounty was considered a fail. Surprised me a bit, too, because I thought we had enough lures, but maybe one wasn't properly charged. Either way, we were running really short on time so I couldn't go get another one at the end. But yeah, it would have been a lot more relaxed and have ended in a lot more living teammates at the end if those people had simply had the patience to wait for a res instead of pressing the button as soon as they went down.
  8. Just finished a tridolon this evening and by the end, I was the last guy standing. Everyone else had gotten downed over and over again and instead of giving someone else a chance to pick them up, they insta-revived. I get wanting to be back on your feet again rightaway and I also get that sometimes you don't wanna endanger a teammate by making them stand in place and wait for the revive to finish, but please, take at least a second to look if someone is moving towards you to revive and whether or not you can be revived somewhat safely. Also, consider the mission type. It's one thing if it's just a quick regular mission and you just got unlucky and don't wanna slow everyone down, but if the entire team is taking a beating and you know that you're likely to go down again, you gotta give a team revive every chance there can be, I'm gonna be honest: Failing a mission in Warframe just from a complete team wipe is hard (outside of specific mission types such as Netracells and Arbitrations), but spamming your revives is a promising method to do exactly that.
  9. In Disruption, unlike all of the other Lua Nodes, Sentients don't spawn in after a certain amount of time, but rather are triggered by one of the Conduit interference routines. However, their level remains the same across the entire mission. Last week, I played 14 rounds of it and by the end had enemies well above level 100, however the Sentients spawned in by the interference routine were still level 40, which is just the initial star chart level of Apollo. Made them feel a bit pathetic, ngl.
  10. Efficiency still works, but if you look at an ability in the upgrade tab, it doesn't show you the actual energy cost, it just shows what it is at base.
  11. After Puncture and Cold damage both received an extra effect in update 33.6, the only status effects that are well and truly pointless at this point are Blast (which had its five minutes in the sun before the shield restore archon shard was brutally murdered) and Magnetic. There's not much reason to ever use these, the only time you really see them put on a weapon is when people are gearing up for Profit Taker and trying to max out their elemental coverage. And it's not hard to see why: Magnetic is only good against shields and absolutely miserable against armor, meaning there's no niche for it against a faction other than Corpus. Even against corrupted it's really more of a downside since punching through shields with the wrong kind of damage is generally still easier than getting through armour with the wrong type of damage. Blast is just as niche, dealing bonus damage only to Grineer machinery, Infested Ancients and Murmur machines (which are generally the weaker murmur enemies anyways) and it's status effect is even weaker, being only a minor boon to survivability and only against ranged enemies. I think that just like Puncture and Cold, these two damage types just need an extra effect in order to be viable, maybe something that would give you a reason to run them even if you aren't up against targets that take increased damage from them. My ideas would be: Magnetic: Each stack of Magnetic Status additionally slightly increases the status chance of all other elements against the target, maybe up to 30% or 40% at max stacks. Might make it an interesting option to make primer weapons more efficient. Though it would still have to compete with viral since it also takes cold, so maybe we could use dedicated magnetic mods, just like the radiation mods added with Whispers. Blast: Every time a blast status is proc'd, a small explosion (without self-stagger! Otherwise melees with blast on them would be unusable without some kind of knockback resistance) occurs, dealing a portion of the damage of the hit that inflicted it in a small area. Basically, I'm thinking something simular to Gas, with the damage being maybe roughly equal to the damage of three or four tics of Gas. Less than a full Gas status will deal over its duration, but more within a short span of time.
  12. Even then, there's no reason why Machetes, Heavy Blades, Two-Handed Nikanas and Dual Nikanas wouldn't be included when regular Nikanas and Rapiers are, since they are all very obviously types of sword. And I mean, Sword and Shield literally has the word sword in it. Besides, that's only a matter of interpretation. As far as I'm concerned, this could still very much be about bladed weapons as opposed to blunt implements or ranged weapons.
  13. The describtion just says "Art of the Blade", however the effect is for some reason limited to swords, nikanas, dual swords and rapiers. Personally, I think it should just apply to any class of melee weapon that would typically inflict its damage with a blade (as opposed to, say, a hammer), so apart from the types it already applies to, it should also affect - Heavy Blades. - Daggers. - Dual Daggers. - Two-handed Nikanas. - Dual Nikanas. - Machetes. - Scythes - Heavy Scythes - Blade and Whip - Claws - The Ghoulsaw - Warfans - Polearms Not sure how I feel about Sword and Shield in that context because basically none of the sword and shield weapons in the game actually strike with an actual blade. Also, whilst we're at it: At least make the damage boost multiplicative to mods. 10% additive is basically nothing. That's half an unranked Pressure Point. Considering the passives you see on some other frames, I'm sure a true 10% damage boost wouldn't be game breaking. The attack speed can stay additive since that stat scales a lot less aggressively, but the damage boost is just so aggressively irrelevant it's basically just in there for flavour at this point.
  14. There's better options for energy economy these days. Energy Nexus has the same mod drain as Hunter Adrenalin and Rage and will generate 180 energy a minute and Equilibrium can be combined with Synth Deconstruct on your companion for a super steady flow of energy pick-ups.
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