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Everything posted by mubsmubs

  1. Omnia SP cascade is bugged, can't purge some exolizers because of invisible rifts. Not sure about non-SP or non-omnia. Every time I encounter one, I'm forced to extract and it's getting on my nerves.
  2. Many thanks for this info. I might have to test with utility abilities like dispensary at some point.
  3. Are there any options for non-vazarin users? Also I've noticed that enemies stop targeting the warframe in the simulacrum, but apparently that's not the case outside of sim.
  4. I'd buy cosmetics, but definitely not heirloom bundles
  5. I've read in the wiki that during operator mode, if you have ANY ability active (not just channeled ones), your warframe only gets a 90% DR instead of full invulnerability. I thought this might be the reason I often find my warframe dying, especially in high level (lvl ~1k) void cascade, where I'm often in operator mode and have at least one ability active. Do high level/level cap runners have any strategies in keeping their warframes alive during operator mode?
  6. Dunno if it's just me getting too used to Citrine literally flooding the map with them; but I'm running Dagath with energize, equilibrium and Energy Generator Dethcube and I still manage to run out of energy. Did they mess with orb drop rates or am I just imagining things?
  7. Oh yeah, totally mixed up the different shield gate systems. Lower shields are now disincentivized in the new one. (Edit, since I can't delete this reply) Catalyzing Shields lowers your shield stats but leaves shield gate duration at a constant 1.3s. So, there can be a reason to lower your max shields in order to get a more consistent and reliable shield gate duration via augur set and this mod.
  8. I was wondering if the new shield gating system would be any better than the current one, since you'd be investing mod slots for shield/shield recharge mods without any extra useful stats like the augur set. Current/old shield gating would guarantee you 1.3 s of shield gating at full shields, no matter how much base shields. With the new one, it's not guaranteed for some builds to get to that duration with just one ability cast without nuking efficiency, considering the new scaling. You can opt to slot in the new Catalyzing Shields to guarantee that 1.3 s, but again, you'd be sacrificing a mod slot as opposed to just using Decaying Dragon Key with the current system. Please do keep in mind that I have done just the barest minimum of math on this, so feel free to give out any corrections.
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