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Posts posted by Dalawantahr

  1. What they meant about Loki not being a newbie friendly is in order to properly build Loki you'll need the mods, credits, resources and weapons which all new players are lacking. Use any frame that you feel comfortable with, learn the game mechanics, read the wiki and all. Amass resources, acquire all the necessary mods, rank up and build weapons. Then you can get back to your Loki. By then you probably develop a personal taste to which Warframe suits you best. But really a Loki can trivialize most mission if you choose so.

  2. I hope you aren't seriously interjecting that statement about the rich and how they came to be that way.  Wow.


    And let me add to your list of "ripping off" guidelines:


    5. Selling 'A' at an absurdly high price by exploiting the inexperienced buyer's ignorance (which is due to poor or illegitimate means of determining fair prices)



    Comparing the purchase of a car to an item in-game is illogical and impotent.


    In the States, we have many tools at our disposal to research a car's value.  Kelley Blue Book, NADA, Cars.com, local banks, and numerous other websites that give ACCURATE information in regards to a car's value.  I assume other countries have similar avenues of research as well.


    What tools do the new/inexperienced have to research an item's value in Warframe? 


    1) Wtrading.com?  Really?  This site is a joke.


    2) Monitor the chat channel to get a feel for fair prices?  With the lowballers and the price gougers, the kiddies desperate for plat and the Wolves of Wall Street, this is also not a viable option.  Also a joke.


    3) Friends? Clanmates?  Depending upon their own ethics and/or trading experience, this also leaves room for questionable prices.


    In the end of the matter the burden of responsibility lies with the seller to give a fair price.  To say that it is not a scam if the person is ignorant is arsinine.  This is how scams work.  They FEED off ignorance.   Yes, sellers are out for profit.  There is definitely no debate there (lol).  That does not justify however the ways a seller should conduct himself in obtaining that profit. 


    I am a firm believer that how you act even in a video game reflects how you act in the real world.  Call it "business", call it "economy".  I call it "deceptive and advantageous thievery".  We veterans should have the best grasp on the true value of any given item in the game, and should assume the responsibility of being fair traders.


    (Believe it or not, I have no problem with the astronomical prices that invariably occur and that seller's obtain when a new prime warframe or weapon is introduced.  People who pay absurd prices just to be one of the first to have said items know exactly what they are getting into.  They are paying for their foolishness and impatience.  No debate on fairness with them.  They are also part of the problem.)

    Wow ok dude.
  3. What is the point to go stealth anyway when you can Rambo all the way to the extraction point. There's no incentive to do it, unless it's for personal reason. I once tried it with the rescue mission 2.0. Almost had it too, but my rescued guy just waltz in a room full of enemies like it was a shopping mall. Double facepalm.

  4. Dream of Mirrors online did this once. Turned the entire world into PVP, and then people were allowed to kill each other even in the cities. Only the beginner city was safe any other city, or location in the entire game world was a full blown death zone, and the guilds took advantage of this turning it into a violent blood sport. One guild did it more so to an extreme, and eventually when the event was over the Moderators put bounties on that one guild making them free to kill by any player in the game no matter where they were...


    It was also brutal on new players because every time they tried to complete quest, or farm something here came a whirling death blow from out of no where. This idea is NOT ideal. I highly stand against PKing to the extreme. This is warframe were supposed to stand out, and stand together. If you want PK go play Starbound, Minecraft, random survival games, or the worst culprit of them all Starforge. Those guys bleed with their mindless, cruel, heartless PKing... Never giving you a chance. Beware the words you speak Hell is only a button push away for DE.

    Yep just as I thought it would be, hey it is what the OP is asking for. Let's entertain his twisted mind.

  5. There's always a trade-off if you use something, in this case a Kubrow. There's an upkeep cost, you now have to manually pick things, etc. But I gladly choose my Raksa Kubrow any day over any other companion, even Carrier, her CC and damage offset any downside she might have.

    And pls no to item fetching, unless it's an add-on thingy that automatically sucks, I rather have my kubrow do her thing, ready to pounce at a moment notice.

  6. I main my kubrow all the time now, i take her in every mission no matter the difficulty. She's a raksa btw, she's not even formaed and don't have the crit mod yet. Besides the cuteness, she kills things easy, and her cc helps a lot. Carrier is gathering dust waiting to be recycled by Ordis :p

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