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Posts posted by Dalawantahr

  1. I did not even think about the 'Duplicates' and 'Fusion Cores' buttons now having no description... Yeah that is a bit of an oversight. I also think the various Tabs (All, Warframe, Primary, Secondary, etc) should in some way be merged with the 'Filters' function, because they are really all filters anyway.

    Agree but I'm trying to find out why they have made the filters the way it is, must be a reason behind this design. And found out another cool thing about this new UI. When we fiddles with a load out, say you rank up your Kubrow and have some points to spend, in the last UI was back and forth between arsenal UI and Mod UI using the back button or ESC key (well that's what I did anyway). But now when your in the Kubrow arsenal, there's a "Mod" button below that will take you straight to the Mod UI and already filtered out to only show Kubrow mods, how cool is that. Then you proceed to fuse things and your done, guess what the "Back" button do, take you back at the Kubrow load out in arsenal. 

  2. After I have the chance to look at the new UI more in-depth I think I can get use to it, I even dare say it's better. The filtering system is better, I just need to put a little effort to learn the new system. The filter is better on one example, if I like to try my luck to transmute for 'Shield Flux' that is common and with a polarity of Naramon ( -- dash) I could filter the UI to only show common mods with dash polarity and then filter some more with 'Duplicates'. And there's also more filters in the arsenal,  it's great. I have a couple of things to say that need an improvement:


    1) Transmute. When we want to transmute, I need them to show on top just like when we fuse mod so we can know for sure if we're using the right mod and don't accidentally use the wrong one. It's not a problem if we're using all duplicates 'tho.


    2) Fusing, there's no tool-tip when we hover on 'Duplicate' or 'Fusion Cores' icon, this might be confusing to new players.


    So good job UI Team.

  3. On my launcher the option is under that "cog wheel" -button on the top right corner.

    That is what I was referring to. Gonna check again, not home yet.


    Update: It's working, didn't do anything, guess they fixed something on their end

  4. I got mine to work with disabling 'Bulk Download' from launcher settings.

    My download was a success for the bulk one, it's just the 22Mb one having problem. But gonna try your suggestion when I'm home. But if I remember correctly the launcher does not have the setting button yet, when I click the launcher it immediately download said update and fail, and retry, and fail, retry again fail again. Going nowhere in circles.

  5. Same here, it's stuck on a 22Mb update why???? Any1 can help???

    I'm just gonna wait a while, and retry. If that doesn't work, I'm gonna transfer the files from my working copy. Support takes to much time especially now with the new update. You can try your luck with support, but I'm just gonna wait it out.

  6. Total apples and oranges... assuming you have mastered both I would say sell Paris Prime since you could get it again, but I don't understand why anyone would have to make this choice. Go to trade and sell some keys or something to get 12p and buy a pair of slots.



    Hard choice really, one is a good weapon and one is an event reward. But if you don't mind the farming if you need Paris P in the future, yeah sell it.


    PS: You should use thunderbolt on an Attica 'tho ;)

  7. +1

    You can no longer pick the mods by how they look, you can't scroll through and see "Oh, the blue-ish one with Nekros and Crewman, I am always installing it". You need to scroll through the whole thing, read each name, remember each name... I kinda wish we at least had a function like "expand all", which makes the mods be in one row (instead of two) and all of them (included the installed ones) be fully expanded.


    I don't like the collapsing idea, not at all.

    Yep, I was used identifying mods by how they look, it was quicker than reading the title and description. The only problem I have is adapting to changes that is too frequent for the mod UI. I still have trouble finding mods in the last one specially warframe mods because they are grouped into one, I had to remember the names of each mods to be able to find it quickly or else it would be a long day in arsenal. And to make matter worse, now I have to squint my eyes just to read the labels in the new UI, looks went out of the window. 


    If I I remember correctly, this UI and the last one was for our Tenno brothers in PS4. Hey it's great if it can actually help you guys with the controls, but it sure would help us if DE made a better filtering in mod UI (need confirmation on this, is the filter better now? Didn't have the time to try the new mod UI in-depth last night and I'm currently away from my PC).

  8. One of the guys that deleted it said that pressing the enter key counts as pressing yes.  And it can't hurt to add this as it does not take anything away and would no doubt save DE from some sad support tickets.  I mean some people spent 500+ plat on there kubrows.

    I guess an easier fix is to default the 'Enter' key to 'No' or disable it entirely, just wondering why is it defaulted to 'Yes' in the first place.

  9. >Deals AoE damage that scales


    But it doesn't scale anymore, that's the problem.

    It doesnt? What?

    Maybe he meant the penalty that comes with absorb in U14.5. Taken from patch notes:


    Nyx Changes:

    • Nyx’s Absorb has had it’s passive energy drain significantly reduced from 10 energy per second to 4 energy per second, and instead now has an energy drain based on incoming damage. This drain is 8 energy per 1000 damage. These drainage values are affected with the use of mods.


    I don't really play Nyx but I think this nerf was ... damn!

  10. Maybe because you interrupted it mid process whilst still rearranging files, it may mess up its file structures or corrupted some very important files and the only thing it knows how to fix it is to download the whole game. This is just a guess.

  11. Again, my argument is valid. 

    For two of your styles, you described 'Iron Skin' as the primary ability and to just stand there, ignoring the AI of the enemies and just have some live target shooting. 

    Now, for the first style that you spoke of, in you paragraph, that's a tiny bit more special. Roar for damage increase, Stomp for enemy stun and Iron Skin for surviving the time between Stomp uses.

    (even if most people do that anyways, and is not anything special)


    The styles I believe should be here are the ones that are really cool and new, like the Shield Flux Iron Skin combo that I never heard of.

    Then let's agree to disagree then, but I don't discriminate between play styles since it's a subjective matter. Iron skin is a no brainer but so does the stuff that you mentioned in OP, they were supposed to be played like that.

    Oh btw you can't spam iron skin and you can't 'literally' know when irons skin wear off unless you have an Iron Skin damage indicator that we don't have. An educated guess maybe.

  12. Actually kinda easy to get 3K if you have teamworks and atleast three players


    1 player is keeping the scanner going while the other two defend the excavators.


    it takes about 30mins to get past 3K so I kinda want an upgrade in challenge since right now as it stands missions is easy to do and quick to complete.

    Have youj tried doing it on Earth? You might find the challenge adequate.
  13. I suggest doing the mission now because I think enemies on Europa are bugged and stop scaling at lvl20. Or enemies on Earth aren't supposed to scale indefinitely.


    Either way hurry before they fix it

    Soooo this is why so many says it's easy with the Corpus, we got our butt handed on earth but we managed to get the 3K. Needed 3 reload of a Marelok (fully modded 4 forma) just to kill a Grineer. And the constant energy drain, we had zero energy, spent all our energy restore.... Earth is hell, better do it at the corpus tileset.

  14. After one run on earth with just a little over 1K points we  did one run on europe against the corpus on the new ice-tile-set (wich is beautifull) and got easily to 3400 mark with just 11 or so excavation units.


    So that´s not so grindy as it may sound, because the event startet recentlyy and just one hour in my team was set. Just now enjoing the latron prime :)

    Different story on earth, all 4 of us had to use all our daily revive, when we hit 2K that's when the grineer were getting tough. What was killing us is the energy debuff, we had none to protect ourselves nor the excavators. Even though many excavators were lost but we still got some points of it. Does the corpus drain your energy?

  15. There is not a perfect way to 'melee only'. It depends on what kind of playstyle you have or want.

    For example, a weapon with a channel efficiency build requires different mods from a normal weapon. And normal weapons share only some particular mods (generally 5-6). The other ones changes between weapons, and following the weapon role. 

    For example, a mod like Pressure Point is essential on every weapon, but a mod like Reach could or couldn't be used. 

    That's just it, I'm trying to learn a new play style, melee only. I've been meleeing with a Nekros that is buiild with survivability with the usual suspect mod Vit + QT + Equil + Rage + Natural Talent + Max Efficiency to compliment my desecrate, there are no frame melee mod whatsoever like speed mods, stam mods, defense mods like reflex guard or reflection. I was wondering if anybody has found a substitute build to use on a non-melee frame.


    I mean, things like these. You have to choose one Warframe and a Weapon, and then think about two builds with synergy. 

    I'm getting dizzy trying to figure things out lol, so yeah currently formaing my Ash and build it base on Smoke Screen and Teleport with Orthos Prime.


    @HollowFrame thx for your answers.



    Does anyone actually care about stamina? I mean, boo hoo, I can't wallrun in the middle of a fight... but why would you want to?


    The only thing you really lose is the ability to block, and on squishier frames I use Reflex Guard to block even with 0 stamina. It's pretty OP right now. Tossing on a Reflection can actually do some decent damage at higher levels.


    Otherwise, Vital + Rage + Life Strike seems to be the combination with the most sustainable health. It means losing a damage mod off the weapon tho, so you might be better off with a frame that doesn't need it. Being somewhat susceptible to burst damage, I like to drop in QT as well (frame permitting).

    Maybe if someone do use combo a lot then maybe stamina is needed?


    About Reflex Guard, some says it's 'God Mode' you just stand with your back at a wall and do nothing, you won't even get a scratch, but some says it's not worth it at all. I'm confused which is it. And I will definitely going to use Vit+Rage+Life Strike.

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