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  1. After playing Dante a bit more... He feels like Kubrow S#&$. You mean to tell me at base, he only gives like, 200 overguard on his 2? For 25 energy, you only give 200 overguard? The actual hell? I can get more overguard on RHINO than I can Dante. Even if Dante gives overguard to everyone, that's still no excuse for the cost to gains. The ONLY WAY this makes any damn sense is if I'm with 3 Khoras who all have Venari and a pet active, so in theory I'm giving out 2.2k total overguard, which is just BARELY more than Rhinos 1.9k self overguard. His 3 barely hits any damn thing. You crouch behind a CHAIR and suddenly you can't hit anything beyond what's directly in your face. That is pathetic. The damage wasn't even that great to begin with, so why the line of sight? There are plenty of nukers, both ability and weapons platform, that can do Dante's job better for less. Mirage, Gauss, Mesa, even Gyre post "fix". Wordwarden, and Noctua by extension, is still S#&$. Until it can use your Invocations and Canticles, it will forever BE S#&$. Who cares about a single target turret that deals 50% of it's damage, when it's easier to buff up and one shot with nearly any weapon? Noctua doesn't even do good damage for it's costs either. Who cares if it can hit 4 enemies? My Nukor does the same thing, whoopdie do. Pageflight is the only good ability Dante has anymore, and even then it's meh. Not increasing status damage is whatever I suppose, at least it can act as a distraction to help make up for the paper thin survivability stats Dante has. I'm heading back to Helldivers until there's new content that's worth playing and DE learns how to properly nerf things.
  2. And just like that, it's Styanax all over again. Dante wasn't automating any part of the game, no idea what the hell you guys are on about with that. What to know a frame that automates gameplay that would fit your definition of "automation"? Mesa. Press 4 to win. Dante doesn't do that. You need at least two other buttons before his 4 can even do anything. Just to give some inclination as to how stupid this argument is, Peacemakers have a 25 energy cost and 9.68 energy drain at base. Dante requires two casts of either 2 or 3, both of which cost 25 energy at base, then his 4 costs 50 energy at base. So Peacemakers right now can be used for 7 seconds. For 7 seconds, you can kill everything within a cone of sight. Dante's Tragedy is heavily bugged, so half the time stuff RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU don't take damage because... Derf Anyo decided to give every single enemy a void barrier that can't be seen? And how about overguard? Well, because DR doesn't affect overguard like it does with overshield, overguard is much easier to take out. This wouldn't be an issue normally, but Dante has low survivability stats as his whole gimmick was suppose to rely on overguard. In total, Dante has an EHP (Effective Health Pool) of 819. Let's compare that to a few other frames that are "casters" shall we? Lavos has an EPH of 2775, Ember has an EPH of 907, and Gyre has an EPH of 1248. Dante can only "outtank" when it comes down to the really squishy frames like Mirage and Nova, who both have a way to reduce damage. Finally, what about fun factor? The concept of loading up on "Verses" to "recite" a poem or such is quite enjoyable, but it doesn't really add anything new. Outside of Wordward and Pageflight, Dante doesn't really have any unique skills. Both Triumph and Tragedy are just beefed up Light and Dark Verses, so really Dante only has 5 unique skills. Compared to Equinox, the first frame that had this "dynamic skill kit", Dante is one note. With Equinox, you're applying shields and armor, cc or debuff, DR or increased damage, and healing or slash nuke. So what we have, is basically Equinox after it's two halves combined, got old, grew a beard, and had to return to the frontlines because "these new kids don't know how to fight a war anymore". I would heavily suggest looking at the nerfs again. The only reason Dante is strong is because most people don't go to level cap. When you go to level cap, Dante struggles, simple as that. He can't nuke as effectively, overguard isn't as good as shield gating, and he lacks the general team buffs, armor strips, and cc that make him a worthwhile team pick compared to Gauss, Chroma, Octavia, Revenant, Ash, and the likes. Dante did need nerfs, but this wasn't how you do it. I'd recommend reverting all changes, then adding a short cooldown timer to each Final Verse, so it promotes players casting more than just 3/3/4, then removing the overguard regen so players have to recast 2/2/4 more often. Beyond that, nothing else was really needed, unless in exchange you buffed. Decreased costs, increased survivability stats, increased damage values, stuff like that if you want these nerfs to stick around.
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