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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. Baro items comeback, event rewards comeback, Halloween items comeback, anniversary items comeback, the console exclusives recycle, the skins can comeback potentially, color packs comeback, and besides Excalibur umra prime (but we still get Excalibur umbra) the china exclusives are all coming to the global build



    When they comeback they once again return as a limitied sale item. Which again stresses my point. We already have quite a few people frequently posting about Excalibur protoskin and other limited items. In addition hardly a day goes by where I see someone in trade chat requesting Excalibur prime or some unavailable vaulted frames, event mods, event weapons etc etc


    It is turning into "Freemium Isn't free" ep6 of South Parks 18th season which if any of you have not seen is superb. DE are also coincidental situated in Canada so maybe it is more true than fiction :)

  2. Added Saryn Orphid Profile Icons to the market for a limited time! These unique icons will be removed from the Market on November 18, at 2 p.m EST




    Why are more and more things turing out to be limited sale items? This just splits the community more. Specially those joining at a later date when they find a whole range of items and things they can not have any more.


    We already have founders items, skins, event rewards, baro items, halloween items, anniversary items, pc exclusive, xb1 exclusive, ps4 exclusive, china exclusive etc etc etc.


    How many more exlusive items do we need and is this a good or a bad things in your opinion?


    The first being; there was no Saryn nerf. Saryn inarguablely got better and is now much more fun to play.



     I'm sorry if you disagree but you are wrong



     Be constructive with your feedback if you want to see positive change,



    tldr; pull your heads out of your asses and be civil, jesus. 


    Mkay, kind of several counterintuitive points there.

  4. A warframe is only playable if it is "superstrong". All warframes must have the ability to clear the whole map with the press of a button, without any trade-offs or disadvantages of whatsoever. No sarcasm. I just want effortless fun.


    Saryn was deemed "superstrong" before, even though her damage actually did fall off rather quite. She had the ability to clear a whole map of trash mobs for sure. She had one extremely weak ability Contagion and the 3 others were applicable and useable. So when a frame that had those things you list are "reworked" and lose all those features and become a overly complicated and melee oriented frame that excels at nothing while also getting a nerf to her EHP there is no reason to voice any concerns right?


    Oh and the mindless super argument that every Saryn user ever or people who raise concerns "just want effortless fun" "lazy" "only press one button" is in no way over generalization at all.


    Some people even quote the OP as being elitist, when in effect that applies to any of those using such arguments as "I press more buttons therefore I am more l33t"


    This solution is also quoted as a way to fix players issues with regards to the game. Yeah loosing players is such a good solution I wonder why not more developers embrace such infinite logic.



    Which brings me to this


    So much denial in here. All these posts seem to just support blindly every change DE makes. They can show you all in your face cold, hard evidence and you'd still cover your ears and eyes and deny it. What the hell is wrong with you all? Saryn is completely all over the place stat wise and her skills are messed up just to create artificial complexity.


    pretending that there's no problems doesn't make it go away.


    It is not even possible to have a normal debate regarding any change when you get such indepth superb constructive answers as those I listed.

  5. Turned her into a melee frame? You realize she had other abilities besides press 4 right? Contagion always existed, they just improved it.


    Nice way of overlooking all the other things I mentioned and bringing out the "press 4 to win" argument.


    I main Saryn and had several reservation regarding this rework. In her previous state I used Molt, Miasma frequently and occasionally Venom. Regenerative Molt for the excellent removal of status and health regeneration. Miasma for stun and nuke when things get out of control and Venom when I wanna have a bit of fun and spread some mayhem in a choke point with high level enemies. Contagion I never used. Simply due to the limitation it's has to only affect melee. So yes Contagion always existed and was always her worst and among the very worst of ALL warframe abilities.


    Now she is even more gimmicky to play and less more straight foreward. Yes there is more synergy but why should I cast Spore on several enemies, cast molt, cast spore on my molt, cast toxic lash, hit enemies with my melee and then cast miasma to get max out of my potential? When I simply can shot the enemies with my weapon and get rid of them a lot faster than exhausting all my energy and having to use all my 4 abilities to reach some sort of peak with them.


    And as I mentioned in another thread:


    Lets make it so that you need to scan a enemy, shot him with your secondary, hit him with your melee to do any damage with your primary weapon. Great synergy and also great fun right? Would you all hail that as a great rework?

  6. Because a 250% damage buff is totally a botched ability


    OMG higher numbers.... L33t skilz


    It is really hard to consider any change to Peacemaker not being anything other than a nerf. Now peacemaker is affected by Strength (dmg), Efficiency (energy drain) and Range (size of reticle). That is 3 out of the 4 options. The last being Duration which is needed for her 2 best abilities. Namely Shatter Shield and Shooting Gallery. So we got a ultimate that is so heavy to mod for that it almost becomes pointless to mod for all 3 instances it require unless you want to forgo the rest of her abilities.


    The ultimate of any frame should be useable and a part of their kit, but since Peacemaker was so powerful it was turned into a novelty instead. Even my 3 forma Duration Mesa had a useable Peacemaker that I could use if I all of a sudden found myself overwhelmed by enemy numbers. In addition to this she now becomes even more vulnerable even if you have a shatter shield active due to the fact that she does not have 360 protection with her Peacemaker.


    The reticle has to be turned and will decrease all while the rest of your view is being blured. At the same time you are rooted in one place. So any mission that has any slightly high level enemies you are susceptible to being one hit by enemies from your blindspot. Bombards, Napalms, Draks, Butchers, Prodmen any radial disarmed enemy can walk straight up to Mesa and whack her to death as Shatter shield only reduce bullet damage. Not melee.


    So from being useable from low level to high mid tier it now has the possibility to become just a low level skill unless you find a tunnel spot and stand in one spot defending it. Which is exactly what DE does not want. On PC players can use macro's to make her turn 360 all the time and be less affected by such a change than the console players. Since I play on PS4 holding down a mousebutton and going AFK to watch youtube has never been a actual playstyle.


    Mesa is actually one of the best designed warframes that have arrived lately. She has one of the most amazing visuals designs. Have 3 really good abilites and only one a bit underpar. Namely Ballistic Battery. Even so all 4 can be used and useful. How many other warframes can one say that about? But since the nerfherders started screaming everyday in the forums she is already got a rework which I find kind of sad. Her Peacemaker was powerful but not as all winning as people would have it to.


    As all the other things that got nerfed they mostly worked with a good constellation of frames that complemented each other to make a good farming group. If you want there is no problem swapping Mesa for a Excalibur in a Draco run as his Radial Javelin can still clear the map with ease. So what do you really accomplish rather than move the meta to something else while possibly stomping over Mesa along the way?


    Fixing the immense grind that causes such instances to appear would be a more solid approach than destroying X amounts of warframes along the way just because they helped the players alleviate the grind.



    Guess what is tooted over the recent Saryn rework. OMG more damage numbers......forget forced synergy, reliant on massive amounts of energy, damage over time, lower EHP, turning her into a melee frame, loss of corrosive proc on miasma, comboing all her abilities to do less damage than before:




    but boy them numbers, derp derp....

  7. Why would I chat to other players re recruitment when I only did alert auto matchmaking or ran solo void runs or with friends on my friends list.


    I never used recruitment as I never knew how useful it was.


    And therein lays a big part of the problem.


    It is under publicised, under assisted and needs to be reworked and made a whole lot more 'front page'.   


    Its not negligence, its just that matchmaking was never mentioned, explained,. highlighted, pushed out to players or its usefuleness defined in a way to maximise player use of it.  


    So over the duration of 2 years no one ever mentioned recruiting ever?. Have you also not traded ever since launch? There are even hot tips while loading missions that state "if you find a mission too hard to solo try it with friends or recruit other tenno"  Also being a multiplayer co op game I still find it very hard to grasp the though that it never crossed your mind that recruiting for missions was a thing.

  8. How is it not publicized enough? Region redirects you to it, and it's always there until you disable it.

    The only way to avoid it is if you never visited the chats in the first place, which I'd find a little odd.



    Yup a little odd it a understatement. About the first thing players do is get into recruiting. That someone has managed to overlook it for 2 years is more than a little strange.

  9. You brought up saryns changes and people being upset about them and your perception of DE, which i did not and started talking about them.


    Did I now? Strange then how you in your second sentence of your OP link to a reddit about Saryn changes to prove a point of how little people in the community understand about software development. Also poster #6, #7 and #13 brought it up before I chimed in #16. Yet somehow I brought it up, yeah sure.



    My entire op was about the development model and and someone harping on the Devs about their development style and how constructive feedback is preferred. If you don't want to talk about the topic that's fine


    On the contrary I actually did, you just choose to skip anything except one sentence


    You are so busy rambling about the Rapid Application Development model that you seem to miss the entire point.



    If you release content that need to be bandaid for months or years to be working as intended then you are bound to lose players a long the way. They have succesfully reworked and released content over several years but they have also missed the mark on quite a few as well. Instead of fixing issues they instead keep trucking and release new content that need to be tweaked and fixed.


    It is like a high speed moving train that keeps racing forward no matter if the breaks falter, the engine overheats, passengers jump of, the track is broken, new passengers have trouble getting on, not stopping for at intersections, end stop is china etc etc etc


    "Oh but this is a good development process" means just about nothing if you don't release content players are happy with and have no players to continue to develop for. 


    Why should they need to have a indepth understanding about software development? Do everyone driving a car need to have knowledge of how a internal combustion engine work before they decide if they like a car or not? Do you need to know how to code for iOS 9 before enjoying your new iPhone? Do you have to write a paper on dielectric heating before heating your food in the microwave oven? Nope....


    So yes his experience changed and he stated his opinion thereafter. One do not need to propose an alternative development model to form a opinion.

  10.  The irony in your post though is that peoples ideas and feedback are ignored/blown off yet thats the very first thing you do because mine or the other post disagree with your obviously angered view so you toss it to the wayside as opinion and conjecture.



    You are so busy rambling about the Rapid Application Development model that you seem to miss the entire point.


    If players are leaving the game and deleting their favourite warframe slots it does not matter what kind of software development process Warframe follows. If the players are not longer happy investing and playing their game it is a lose-lose situation. No matter of white knightism can fix that.


    If you release content that need to be bandaid for months or years to be working as intended then you are bound to lose players a long the way.

    They have succesfully reworked and released content over several years but they have also missed the mark on quite a few as well. Instead of fixing issues they instead keep trucking and release new content that need to be tweaked and fixed.


    It is like a high speed moving train that keeps racing forward no matter if the breaks falter, the engine overheats, passengers jump of, the track is broken, new passengers have trouble getting on, not stopping for at intersections, end stop is china etc etc etc


    "Oh but this is a good development process" means just about nothing if you don't release content players are happy with and have no players to continue to develop for. 



    This because this really slapped me in the face with exactly how little people in the community understand about software development.



    Why should they need to have a indepth understanding about software development? Do everyone driving a car need to have knowledge of how a internal combustion engine work before they decide if they like a car or not? Do you need to know how to code for iOS 9 before enjoying your new iPhone? Do you have to write a paper on dielectric heating before heating your food in the microwave oven? Nope....



    On the idea that its an opinion, id challenge that you propose an alternative to Warframes apparent development model


    So yes his experience changed and he stated his opinion thereafter. One do not need to propose an alternative development model to form a opinion.

  11. I realize people may not really care, but I felt the need to educate at least a few people so as to reduce the comments like this that show plain ignorance to the process of developing software.


    You can not "educate" personal opinions. Besides who is to say your view is the high ground and puts you in a place to educate anyone?


     It's easier to attack the devs out of spite than admit you don't actually know how you would fix the issue yourself. 


    I will post this again:


    It has been clear since the very first inception 20 oct:




    That people were concerned and had a lot of very good input in regards to this "rework". Nothing happened. It was then shown in a even worse state in the most recent Dev stream and you could literally feel the akwards silences and dismay from the panel when they tried to show of her "great rework" as a buff. Still they went even further and nerfed here EHP and passed it onto the global build.


    So claiming that people have not been suggesting ways to fix the issue is just plain wrong. There have been a multitude of proposals both before the update hit and a 60 page thread after the update hit. Where again many constructive post about how to fix Saryn have surfaced. This is also true for reddit:










    and lots more threads.


    The problem is not lack of solutions it is DE's adamant stance of forcing a frame that many loved into something completely different. Game development or not people play games for fun and if you ruin xxx xxx amount of peoples fun the statement:


    "This schizophrenic game development, and the way it harms the game and the players, is getting really old"


    is actually true. If players are leaving the game and deleting their favourite warframe slots it does not matter what kind of software development process Warframe follows. If the players are not longer happy investing and playing their game it is a lose-lose situation. No matter of white knightism can fix that.

  12. 4 Scorpions, 2 Bombards, 3 heavy gunners, 5 hellions and the rest as regular people. Some of everything. PLus, there isn't much difference besiddes the amount of cover anyway. Sub anything in or out as you wish., Nullifiers? Drones, Juggernauts? The Simaralcum allows uys to recreate any situation almost exactly as it happens.


    Create a plausible setting.


    Do a T4 surv 40+ min, T4 mob defense, T4 defense 20+ waves, Draco, Sechura,  Raid, just about any mission where your actually play the game over a extended amount of time while under pressure from constant onslaught of enemies. Theory and practise are quite different things

  13.  I pitted her against 20 level 100 Ancient healers, and killed them all within less than a minute, but using the spores (which spread over a MASSIVE area), Toxic Lash to spread Toxic damage too, and then Miasma to do 4k damage EVERY SECOND FOR 4 SECONDS! THATS 16K DAMAGE JUST FROM MIASMA!


    Hmmm.. let me guess. You used the simulacrum. Because that is so indicative of a real game enviroment where you can calmly max your energy and pace around in your own time experimenting. Sure, lets balance things after a simulation and not the game. You should work for DE because they seem to be doing the very same thing.

  14. Now Saryn seems to be very gimmicky to play and less more straight foreward. Yes there is more synergy but why should I cast Spore on several enemies, cast molt, cast spore on my molt, cast toxic lash, hit enemies with my melee to get the most out of procs and then cast miasma to get max out of my potential? When I simply can shot the enemies with my weapon and get rid of them a lot faster than exhausting all my energy and having to use all my 4 abilities to reach some sort of peak with them?


    Ok lets make it so that you need to scan a enemy, shot him with your secondary, hit him with your melee to do any damage with your primary weapon. Great synergy and also great fun right? Would you all hail that as a great rework?


    It has been clear since the very first inception 20 oct:




    That people were concerned and had a lot of very good input in regards to this "rework". Nothing happened. It was then shown in a even worse state in the most recent Dev stream and you could literally feel the akwards silences and dismay from the panel when they tried to show of her "great rework" as a buff. Still they went even further and nerfed here EHP and passed it onto the global build.


    Seriously, how can anyone applaud this complete botching of a warframe as something good?

  15. DE Rebecca stated:


    A couple last points:

    1) Venom and Contagion are being renamed completely, confirmed.
    2) The proposed OP has also undergone changes - Saryn's Energy Capacity is increasing, Health and Armor are also being positively adjusted.
    3) Ability Durations and more are being adjusted, final details on this will come with the Update notes when it ships as it is still actively being tuned.

    We'll have a megathread up when 17.10.0 hits with all the content on PC (which will be today or tomorrow).



    Sounds good but I still have some trepeditions about completely pushing her into another direction. If they turn her into a melee tank I already have other warframes for those needs. Oh well.

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