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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. As far as I know, there is no prime access coming with this update, though. I don't think they released a prime. 


    Yeah we all know that but a few pages ago someone mentioned that they had NEVER held back a update for any system. Which they have, and that was why I mentioned the last prime access release.

  2. Don't confuse Prime Access to the availability of Prime Weapons/Warframes/Accessories in the game. Prime Access is just a cash store purchase with no relation to farming capability. The new primes can be in the game without Prime Access if they wanted.


    That was my exact point. They held the PS4 update because they did not want people farming the new prime access parts before they started selling said Prime access.

  3. Maybe because "Prime Access" isn't an update.  It's a service that they want consistent across the systems.  


    So they don't have to update void tables or adjust anything in the game files for the new items arriving in said prime access? Strange because they actually forgot to put them in the void and had to deploy a hotfix to fix it.

  4. Or they could have been given a ETA with high certainty, and they posted that.



    Sony don't give ETA's. That has been asked so many time and the answer is always the same. It is done when it is done. It was submitted Jan 28th, Updated 6 working days later Feb 5th with a date of the 10th.



    This simply isn't true.  You must not watch many prime times or dev streams because you have a lack of understanding to the inner workings of DE.  Xbox, PC and PS4 are all handled by different sub teams.  No version of the game for any system gets held back for another. 

    They haven't tried at all to give Microsoft a chance, they're still waiting.  


    Different sub teams yes, they work on the updates but they don't deploy them. And they held back the PS4 release to get Nova Prime access released at the same time..... soooo......

  5. Except they aren't waiting on MS. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/392508-xbox-one-update-1510-statusfeb-5/#entry4330798


    "We tried to make them match but the Xbox One update will not be launching alongside the PS4 today."


    See the dates below?  Do you think Drew is psychic and know 5 days before when Sony is done with certification? Nope, it was most likely done and they decided to hold it back.


    Current Status (February 5th): U15.10 will deploy on Tuesday, February 10th!

  6. That's fifty percent. 

    Do we just say shucks to the other fifty percent? A Super Majority would be better. 


    That is my biggest grip with these hot topics. There are way too few people participating in these. It would be a very very VERY bad move to make game changing decisions over 1024 votes (example but most votes are only in the thousands)


    I have said it before and I will say it again, make a script to launch the hot topics in game so anyone can chime in.


    As a high quality PVC figure collector i higly advise not to buy it


    It is also quite small. I collect all manners of statues, busts and figurines and the Excalibur one is about the height of a DVD cover. Just on par with some of my busts. It is not as elaborate and vividly coloured as most other releases. I'm still on the fence about getting the Rhino one as I will most likely never take it out of the box.



    If they did this Ember or any of the other statues shown from the relays during devstream then I would not hesitate.

  8. One PS4 for Warframe, and one for everything else..


    One PS4 for Warframe would result in that before you can play you have to hit the correct key on your Dual Shock.


    Choices are: x o ▲ ◘, L1, L2, L3, R1, R2, L3, Touch pad, Share, Options, ↑↓→←


    16 of these keys would each have a 96% chance of locking your PS4 for a day while 1 of them would have a 4% chance to let you login.


    Alternatively you could go to the PS Store and buy Prime Access to bypass the login.

  9. I love it how the defenders of the let Homer's drinking bird do the work faction only ever have the same argument.

    Yes I abused rep farming myself and yes I find the changes great! 


    It is not really a argument when all the opposing side do is say "it is not fun". Guess what there already was a solution to that awesome argument. Don't do it then.....I know .... shocking...

  10. No one farmed rep for fun. The problem was that players couldn't have fun by playing what they wanted


    Do people play daily syndicate missions for fun? I sure as heck don't find them fun and actually find rep farming with my friends a lot more fun. So please do not define what is "fun" for everybody because that is just what DE is doing with this change.



     what this has done is nullify my 15% mastery sigil and cut my rep gain down by 10k in total daily gained with all missions done. Now I will not even look at syndicates anymore because at this point the way it is set its pointless.


    My feelings as well. Unless they devalue the offerings to keep in tune with the new daily cap.

  11. It was an unneeded change as well as anti-player. Needs to be reverted immediately.


    Seriously, syndicates and rep farming was about the only thing that kept me busy as I at least had someting to do for some kind off "end game". Halving the daily cap is just unphatomable. Being higher mastery rank is even a less rewarding now. In addition to this you should at least adjust all the syndicate offerings to match the new cap. You can basically afford nothing now with your daily cap.


    Time and time again players request less grinding and this is just another punch in the face and guess what it INCREASES grinding. Wow just wow DE. They year of quality is turning into the year of excess grind and bad decisions. Congrats you are make me want to play this game less and less.....

  12. I'm not against the pc releases not being held back. I was using it as an example of DE dating they won't do something but then doing it to another platform. In the past ps4 has always gotten the update on the day it passed cert. Lately though this hasn't been the case. I'm just saying if it's ready, release it like they do with pc. If the Xbox version is not ready, that is Microsoft's problem and they shouldn't be as picky or slow and try to keep up. DE fulfilled their end of this supposed deal but submitting both editions too cert at the same time. Now they're is no reason to punish one player base just because another unassociated company isn't ready.




    FEB 5/2015:


    The build is still in the cert process with Microsoft. We're aiming to release XB1 U15.10 alongside PS4 on Tuesday, Feb 10th if XB1 cert goes smoothly and it's approved by that time.


    Thanks for your patience!



    I could not agree more, PS4 is always getting the shortest straw and still people try to blame Sony for the cert process but in truth it is all on DE.


    Steve remember this?



    Apologizing for delaying updates for PS4 due to bundling too much content.


    Yet here we are again and with a new trend to wait for XB1 so we can release at the same time.

    Player retention on PS4 is getting worse and worse. Almost all of my friends have moved on

    and I login less and less as the constant waiting is getting old.


    Oh well, Order 1886, Dying light, Bloodborn, Dark Souls 2, Witcher 3, Battlefield Hardline all

    will all make login in less likely for many player I expect.

  13. just out of curiosity, did that 16355 towards suda fill it to max? if so i am thinking maybe the negative veil and positive arbiter values where calculated on what you would have earned towards suda if you would not have capped it? 



    it's not more than half, the 16k you got  got cut because of the max rep cap, but doing the math on how much you got on arbiters, had you not exceeded the cap, you should have gotten around 20k on cephalon, about 4k wasted, but only for cephalon.


    Yes I'm well aware of that but I posted as a reply to this post....



    no.. you will only get half of the steel meridian xp toward redveil. once your maxed with steel , even if its during a mission, you will not receive anymore xp for redveil.


    which is clearly not the case.

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