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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. Glaive Prime is actually pretty good.


    Using the correct build, I can have it 1-shot every enemy it passes through up until enemies start scaling up to 60+.


    This, people don't realize how good the glavie actually is. Build it with the intent to be thrown from your secondary. Not for channeling or blocking and you will have a lot of fun with your exploding hand rocket.

  2. The drop table for these are in dire need of a rework. If we take a look at the current situation it has a whooping 22 mods in its drop table. If any of you have taken a peek at the datamined drop tables as well you will know that the latest 6 have a very weighted drop rate as oppose to the original 16.


    In addition to this 7 new corrupted mods have also been “rumored” to be on the way. So that will bring the total amount to 29 mods for one mission. They should definitively not be adding more and more mods to the already diluted drop table forever. One thing they could do is to divide the mods to the different dragon keys. For example:


    Bleeding Key = 5 mods

    Decaying Key = 5  mods

    Extinguished Key = 5 mods

    Hobbled Key = 5 mods


    The last 2 mods could appear in all keys. This would give you a lot smaller pool to choose from when opening the vault. It would also partially help those who do these missions solo as they at least would have a general idea to which key they would try their luck with.


    Other than that they obviously have to start moving corrupted mods around somewhere around the star chart bosses, void trader, syndicate rewards, etc etc. Just not the Void as those drop tables are already way to diluted.


    Even if they remove the weighted drops of the newest mods and make them all "equal" down the line. I feel that nightmare mode with its 13 reward mods are a more balanced endeavor, and the corrupted mods should follow a similar path.


    Any other thoughts to the future of corrupted mods? 

  3. The drop tables are heavily stacked against you so you are not alone.


    There are 7 items in T1 Cap reward pool, 2 Keys and Boar receiver each have 26% chance while the other 4 have a bit over 5% chance each


    Also this video never gets old


  4. All we know for sure is that next prime will need Excalibur Prime, Frost Prime, Mag Prime, Ember Prime, Rhino Prime, Loki Prime, Nyx Prime, Nova Prime and a Brakk to craft.


    If you want to farm it the parts will drop from:


    Dark Sector (PS3 version) for Blueprint

    Adventure Pinball (forgotten island) (PC) for Chassis

    Epic Pinball (PC) for Helmet

    Star Trek (Xbox 360) for Systems

  5. D-did you just say an entire region of players is bad at the game? While also suggesting that MR means something?


    Someone is clearly broken here, and I don't believe it's the entire region of players.


    Yeah when I mentioned the same thing sarcastically my post strangely disappared. I guess it is ok to lable a entire region bad but not question the ones making such a statement.

  6. No matter what game you play there will always be some staple builds, weapons and gear that will be more used than the rest. Removing these does nothing but aggravate the players and they will soon find new staple builds, weapons and gears so the cycle begins again.


    So instead of removing the most used mods they should buff the current rarely used mods so people might actually use them. Also by removing the warframe ability slots they also reduced the unique builds that were around and actually made each build more generic and similar.


    Besides in what similar games does not health, shield, armor and damage populate the most mandatory features?

  7. T1 Cap seems too common. Like, in many excavation missions too, I see too many T1 Cap. Maybe just my feeling, but I see it way too often.


    This is no surprise. Random keys would be heavily weighted towards T1 Cap and T2 survival in my experience. Even though the data collected so far is not big enough to conclude anything we still have a little indication. T1 Cap well worth 25k rep

  8. Oh, I've seen them. But the "random" in RNG means the reward ball(imagine it's a ball) can randomly drop anywhere on any side of the reward table circle. No matter how weighted each percentage is, it's still random.


    Randomness is when there is a lack of pattern or predictability in events. The RNG system in this game has a pattern and that is that parts are very unevenly distributed. If they were truly random they would all share the same drop rate.

  9. You have boltor prime or synoid gammacor in your inventory? I bet you are. Probably active nova user, who often complains about RNG and wants mythical "lategame", but doesn't have any idea how this "lategame" looks like.



    Thank you for proving my point. You post quite a abusive post with calling people dumbos, prejudice wankers, facists and complain about them not being banned because you reported them for not liking your loadaout.


    And yet you start to attack me in the very same way you complain about being treated. A friendly hint, you should try and write quite a lot less hateful thread if you want people to sympathise with you.

  10. According to the datamined loot drops


    Onorix Blade, Fluctus Limb and Corvas Receiver each has a 7.5% drop chance


    Corvas Stock, Corvas Barrel, Onorix Handle each has a 25.8% drop chance


    What baffles me more is why on earth DE decided to make these parts untradable.

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