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  1. Here's hopeing i'm posting this in a suitable area of the forums. For this is of very low importance and i really don't want to be in trouble over this topic being "in the wrong place." So we've all grown accustomed to Rubedo being readily available in numerous locations without any second thought. Then one day, a random other person on the internet informed me that Rubedo has a half life. Also, the wiki mentions Rubedo to be related to literally the philosopher's stone i kid you not. Then the Void lost Alloy Plate, gained Ferrite, but importantly also gained a fourth resource (if i remember correctly) ARGON CRYSTAL. Turns out, Argon is a stable molecule. Hopefully someone smarter than me can help enlighten the rest of us on Argon and Rubedo, but if this is right then would it be too big of an ask to request the two resources be exchanged with each other? Would the community even care about such accuracy? Has the question of changing both resources with each other come up before? This would be a very simple replacing of Rubedo with Argon Crystal and vice versa. Seems apt for an update being called "Whispers in the wall" that's all about a scientist person to have the two resources better represented by their real world counterparts.
  2. Ash has become so useless in today's WARFRAME game, the only time i use him is with the Fatal Teleport augment to unlock rivens. i hope to add another useful opinion to this discussion hoping Ash gets help. And making his base warframe parts come from odd places when they used to be random drops from Grineer Manics (which made sense) goes into another discussion i'd like to call "The Grendal Problem" but now onto my opinions of Ash. Ash is built to be the representation of a ninja, and it would be fitting to have his abilities align with what ninja's are and do. i'm no expert on the arts of ninja's but it's been a subject i've watched videos from content creators who know what being a ninja is all about. 1. Shuriken; Should NOT seek enemies, but be at least five ninja stars, where they land they create a "slow area" that gives stacks of slash as enemies walk over the location and the stars stay depending on duration. 2. Stealth ability; This should be a reactive ability, just like how shade's ability works where you activate it, then upon being "almost spotted" you go into stealth depending on duration, but you can "activate it" by pressing the ability again. Does not need to be long but should be longer than five seconds. 3. Teleport; This ability should be completely changed. You should be able to target an enemy and, as long as you don't do anything Warframe like, as far as the enemies are concerned your one of them. Shooting an enemy while under this cover will cause enemies that didn't see you to randomly shoot other enemies similar to Nyx's confusion. 4. Shadow Clones; All alerted/aware enemies get a stealthy shadow to assassinate them. Without effecting any enemies that are NOT alerted/aware. And doing either or both alerted enemies or aware enemies works without making this ability a "full room clearer" like before, while being a "pseudo room clearer" as in endless missions all enemies are normally "alerted" but can be set to only target enemies that are actively attacking a tenno. You could be in a room of enemies and press this ability but if none of the enemies around you are actively attacking a tenno and/or alerted none of them get affected. What i would do for each ability's augment; Shuriken: Strips armor. Stealth Ability: Allows you to see the area enemies can "spot you." Teleport/Disguise: Keep the same/Use the enemies weapon instead of yours until disguise is broken. Shadow Clones: Enemies that survive the damage receive half of what the damage was in the form of Slash and/or Bleed status (unless immune). i'm not sure which ability, should everyone like my proposed changes, should be the subsumable ability as this change will make Shuriken useful.
  3. i'm not sure how i feel about how this topic was started with literally complaining about not getting affinity in a "one and done" mission type. You want to gain affinity in an EXTERMINATE? what? That's what endless modes are for. i would argue defense needs a reword because once the "thing to defend" dies mission fails versus if you run out of Life Support in Survival you still have the chance to run to extraction and survive the extraction timer if needed. The reason players use such strategies in Exterminate, Capture, and potentially Mobile Defense missions is because the end reward is why players are playing the mission. The enemies and by extension any affinity that can be gained is irrelevant. And you can't tell me you can't survive at least five minutes in a survival mission. Also, i don't know why players always recommend Hydron on Sedna but i recommend Titan on Saturn. Or if your feeling good the Survival on the Kuva Fortress. There is a special survival mission on Lua with special drops you could make use of that features corpus enemies but no nullifiers. Thermal Sunder is one of the few abilties available in the game that lets players use an AoE damage ability that can be on any warframe. In a game where the PvE is constantly being "balanced." Do i need to say that again? you may not comprehend bad that sounds.
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