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Everything posted by Ste-rakris_Ve-rakra

  1. Magnetic's main issue is it only effects shields, even buffing it to 1 shot shields every time would still make it useless. The reason it's in the bottom is because that's the only thing it's good for. It's mainly used in 1 faction. It's the same logic as to why the other statuses are so dominant, they are universally the better ootion in most cases. The status proc is the thing making Magnetic useless because it's pupose built for 1 faction that can just be poisoned. On top of that alloy armor having 50% reduction to magnetic after breaking the shield and gotta use rad for that. But no, people would rather just grab toxin and still delete them at level 200. If Magnetic had the Void bubble effect then it would probably get some uses. RIght now it's only good in 1 faction out of 6 total.
  2. Recently ive noticed the interaction doesn't happen when Nourish buffed every energy source.
  3. And now for some odd reason Dark Verse is inconsitent with damage, because anything that's blocked by Dante recieves less damage.
  4. Let's do this again a 2nd time and expand on my criticsms from the first, his overguard is competing against every other group survivabilty buffing frame. For him to even come close to them he needs to get unnerfed and have his overguard have a cap of 100k, that isn't an exageration, that's the amount needed because he's competing against A bunch of Invulnerability, Shield generators with Shield gate of 1 second or more, and Health Tankers. On top of the fact of Adaptation and Armor not working with overguard. but it works on Shield tanking/Health tanking. Now i dont want 100k overguard i just want it reverted to the original because again The nerf is an over reaction just because he's a new shiny popular warframe and small parts of the community dont understand that Protea, Hildryn, Mag, Wisp, Oberon, Trinity, Equinox, Harrow, Limbo, Revenant, Sevagoths gloom, Frost and Styanax can give better survivability since they just dont give health, they are doing somethign else besides the survivability. And dude is competing against others that do it better and have better damage on top of it. Protea gives energy + health orbs and ammo with shields, armor strip and a nuke for an ult. Dante gives crumbs compared to her. If protea wasn't stuck inside the Granum void and was released like Dante, she would be recieving far harsher nerfs. Why was my first topic redirected to the comments only for my voice to be burried.
  5. I'll say it, his overguard generation is not an issue, survivability with his overguard isn't really an issue since 50k regenerating overguard that doesn't have 99.84% DR is gonna be melted in a few seconds in high level. The complain that it's too broken is only a real issue anywhere outside of steel path, which you can survive with just more health and healing. At the stage of the game where he's gotten, Rhino was at the start. For Overguard frames in general they need to have a gimick to survive, Rhino has infinite scaling, Frost and Styanax have their own way of not getting hit Via CC or just killing. And Kullervo needs to abuse Rolling Guard and have a soft CC/more casting speed just so the .5 seconds of invul from overguard gate is just enough so that he can recast his 2 without dying. The only reason the entire nerf Dante became a thing is because there's a bunch of people using the new frame because it's fun. And some hate people having fun apparently. Dante's Overguard was never broken it was just the fact it's everywhere. As for his LoS, why is it always with the LoS. That nerf tactic is never good, nerfing range i get, but that will never EVER WORK. And it puts into question the other abilities that can nuke a tile without moving. I can count like 10 other warframes that can do what that ability can in a wider range and that's including Nezhas augment. The thing making Nezhas augment viable are the green shards, so for them to get access to it, they need to get 4 archon shards that could've been spent somewhere else into Nezha, removing 2/5 slots just to make the Augment work in high level. Because Armor is that punishing. 2 uncraftable archon shards, unless someone is trully going into the game every week just for archon hunts and they never get bored of it. 2 amber and 2 blues could've been better spent for Casting speed, Parkour speed, Energy on spawn, Energy capacity, Shields, Armors Health and regen. All of that utility sacrificed just to give corrosive 4 more status or like casting terrify. Also without toxin in the equation, Dante's Overguard Regen is competing against Shield Regen Titans. That gives a lot more invulnerability time than .5 seconds.
  6. 30% and comparing it to a team ability, faction damage, ability damage buff. What's more is if remember right Total Eclipse is range based so that even sucks further as a team ability since walk a little too far and its damage is gone and that needs a mod slot that doesn't benefit the user much. a 30% Multiplicative damage increase was the same as having the cap of 350% being additive. That damage is nothing. Eclipse is only around because of its high multipliers, without that it's nothing. Roar buffs, Heat, Electric, Toxin, Gas and Bleeds, on top of abilities and doesn't need a mod for team support.
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