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Posts posted by Kinperor

  1. You're underestimating Venom OP. As Flaze above said, you can spread it with just one spore to a whole crowd, and then stack more DOTs on everyone. 


    I have a video where you can see Saryn melt a crowd of infested: 



    The problem is, too much stacks and the game starts lagging. I'd say lag become really bad when the baddies reaches level 130-150 (they are tough enough to host a lot more stacks of venom). 


    Still, at lower levels it's still a very strong skill, and good pandemies are terrifying. Shotguns of any kind (except maybe Sobek) and Twin Vipers are great at spreading a lot of spores. 

  2. Double post: j'ai consulter la page d'acceuil en francais et la traduction pour "Tenno reinforcement" pourrait être mieux.

    Au lieu de "Amélioration de l'équipement Tenno" je dirais "Ajout à l'arsenal Tenno". C'est plus précis et ça sonne mieux.

  3. "On les appelait les Tenno": Si on dit "On les appelait Tenno" sans 'les' avant Tenno, ca sonne mieux non? C'est comme dire "On les appelait soldat", on ne dit pas 'les soldats' parce qu'on parle du ROLE de soldat, pas d'un groupe de soldat. Personellement je couperais 'les'.

    "maître de l'armure Warframe": Je dirais plutôt "maître des Warframes", c'est moin redondant. Je rajouterais un complément de phrase (ou une autre phrase complète) pour préciser ce que sont les 'Warframes'.

    "[...] furent abandonnés dans ces ruines": 'Ses' sous-entend que les ruines appartiennent à quelqu'un, 'ces' est seulement indicatif.

    C'est mon avis pour ces cas là.

  4. Alright, made a short video. Disclaimer: This isn't even close to the worst storm (spore-pocalypse, green sun, DOT-fest, whatever the name) that we got, but the process is the same. In the video below, you can see a bright green flash at the end (hence green sun) that last longer than it should. 



    Again, this is a small storm, nothing major there, but the effect grows exponentially with the number of enemies encountered and how much health said enemies have. Here's a pic I grabbed from another storm where my FPS dropped at 4 and I had to look away from the spreading spores:




    As you can see from all the numbers, there is a lot of DOTs going on on the other side of the camera. Venom really need some optimization. In the best case scenario you lose all your FPS for a big handful of seconds before every enemy is vaporized, in the worst case scenario you crash everyone's game.


    I hope this help you fix/optimize the ability Dmitri. If it doesn't, I can bring you along with my pet Vauban and we can help you witness the Storm first hand. 

  5. Oh, there's a thread about this already. Me and my clanlings were hard at work studying the spore-pocalypse (we call this phenomenon STORM). We got to a point where we crashed the client's game as well as the host's.

    I'll make a video later if I find a Vauban.

  6. Brace yourself, the reports cometh. Now with videos since I can handle Fraps filming now. Tho my internet doesn't keep up, because it take minutes to upload seconds-long videos... As a consequence of that, I will try to keep videos short and succinct, and use them rarely. 


    #60 TBF: Ledge malfunction. - Fixed

    #62 TBF: Ledge malfunction. 1 - Fixed

    #68 TBF: Mob trap. - Limbo


    1377019566-terrain-design-mob-trap-oroki            Lancer trapped himself there somehow. Theories: I pulled him in there OR he spawned there OR he did some wicked moves. FYI, he could shoot through the wall to the left.

    I didn't want you designers to get bored while everyone leave for Gamecom. 
  7. How did you get your Venom to spread to a holocaust of enemies like that!?


    For starter I got a Vauban and a Rhino off screen backing me. We were on wave 39, so the baddies there are REALLY though, and could easily take a lot of venom stacks. As for spreading said stacks, pretty much every one had an automatic rifle (Flux, Gorgon and Twin Vipers) plus 2 Dethcubes assorted with maxed Shred and ROF mod. 


    I grabbed like 4 pictures like that but that one is the best. I'm looking away because the venom stacks dropped my FPS to 4 and I was scared I would crash if I saw it directly. 

  8. Revenant.


    What this man kitten said. I was coming in that thread to suggest the same thing, because honestly I'm a bit tired of greek mythos names or whatever. But that's just me. 


    I'd vote for Revenant at any rate if I could.

  9. Link to my submission: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/33/1376687417-2013-07-29-00006.jpg


    As you can see, this is Nyx ulting in the middle of a pack of heavy gunner. It doesn't need to be the exact same set up, but COME ON.


    Nyx is there, giving ZERO S#&$s whatsoever about the heavy gunners, and she's about to blow them all to bits!


    Reasons to choose that as a log-in:


    1. Nyx is featured (Nyx is awesome)


    2. Nyx is facing the adversity and about to reverse the battle


    3. The pose is cool and reminiscent of Excal's kneeling while there's 4 Grineers behind him (except Nyx is floating and facing 4 gunners)


    4. That's a crowning moment of awesome for Nyx's ult right now (that only shines in such situation)


    5. It's hilarious when you know what is about to happen


    plz DE, plz 

  10. Great, feedback on feedback! I want to help you guys as much as possible but sometimes I'm just not sure whether something is worth reporting or should be reported with more details...


    About off limits: Ok, I'll just forget those. I was just on the fence when I saw the spots we could reach which just kinda existed.


    About "clipping": So if I get it right, mesh clipping is about characters clipping together (or with props) and collision bugs are about characters going through stuff they shouldn't be able to go through? I didn't know there was a distinction honestly.


    About strong wind: They're completely acceptable IMO, more interesting than invisible walls at any rate. I was just high lighting that it was possible to throw your character by using the wind about 20 meters away. 


    Otherwise, message gotten. I try to report even minor bugs when I come across them, because details matters when you want a nice and tight map. 


    Finally, I want to point out that it's not just me (OP) that brings out some quality reports, there is an handful of individuals (in and outside) this thread that does it as well (but you're probably already well aware of that). Maybe I happen to make more reports, but that doesn't really matter, it's a team effort. (Until you include bounties on bugs I mean. If you do that, don't forget me!) 


    Now go poke the other designers so that they give feedback too if they have comments about the reports I submit! 

  11. Ever more reports (minor stuff today):


    #62 TBF: Odd lights.


    1376618579-light-glitch-odd-light-corpus            As you can see in the red square, there is some odd light on that door, cutting short by place and being just segmented in weird ways. AFAIK those light shouldn't be there. Dunno how to replicate.



    #63 TBF: Weird shadows. (Fixed?)


    1376618568-light-glitch-weird-shadow-cor            It's hard to see in this shot, but there's a patch of shadows in the highlighted area that is out of place.



    #64 TBF: Clipping pillar.


    1376618568-terrain-glitch-clipping-pilla            Couldn't replicate successfully 100% of the time, but sometimes when sprint-jumping into the highlighted area from the right makes you clip inside the pillar.



    #65 TBF: Clipping shelf. 


    1376618570-terrain-glitch-clipping-shelf            Going under the shelf and then walking over the container at the bottom of the highlighted area will make you clip with the shelf above.



    #67 TBF: Cat walk to the void.


    1376618580-terrain-glitch-transcending-c            I had the misfortune of running fast enough to get under the cat walk as it lowered, and it pushed me in the void (dun dun). Strangely I teleported back instantly, I dunno if I'm the first one to have this issue or something.



    #68 TBF: Transparent door.


    1376618579-terrain-glitch-transparent-do            Speaks for itself. I dunno how to replicate, but I do know that walking inside the other tile (where the door is located) will make the transparency go away.



    Have a good one. 

  12. Perso I use a site named Noelshack for my pics. It doesn't need an account, I can upload several pics at once easily and forget about them later. The only downside I could see for you guys is that it's a french website.

    As for the pictures themselves, I keep a stockpile of screenshots in the original folder where Steam puts them, then I go over them looking for shots that belongs to a same tileset, I open them one by one in Paint and save them (modified) in a new folder purpose made for that. I keep the originals in case I need a bigger (clearer) pic.

    Once I get about 20 modified shots (arbitrary number), I upload them to Noelshack (or your image hoster of choice) and post them here. Once I posted the pics, I remove the modified pic into another folder where they don't clutter the incoming shots. I do the same thing with Steam's originals.

    As for the posting part itself, I have a sticky post (on Windows 7) with "[spoiler.][img.][/img.] [/spoiler.]" to abuse ctrl+c and ctrl+v. Space is included to make sure text won't stick to the picture most of the time. The rest is pretty straight forward, put a number/title, stick the URL of your image inbetween the codes you pasted first. Rinse and repeat.

  13. Enemies/Bosses.


    But really, I think some of your categories are overlapping OP, new enemies and new factions can go together, or lore and new factions. 


    EDIT: Removed two to keep the fundamental one IMO

  14. #49 TBF: Clipping terrain.


    1376525543-terrain-glitch-terrain-clip-g            A metal part is clipping through the rock.



    #50 TBF: Clip in pillar.


    1376525548-terrain-glitch-wall-clip-grin            Ember walked into that pillar easily (and is still inside in that pic).



    #51 TBF: Clipping terrain 1.


    1376525548-terrain-glitch-wall-clip-1-gr            Minor clipping from a piece of rock that won't stay put.



    #52 ...!: Cranked.


    1376525549-terrain-glitch-wind-crank-gri            If you walk against the wind long enough, you will eventually be sent flying back, as if you cranked yourself or some such. I honestly don't know if I want it gone or not.



    Tune in next time as I find a way to ride a sand skate and become best friend with it. (May or may not happen as described.) 

  15. Thanks Skree, it's nice to see an orange title every so often. You guys are becoming rarer in my threads! Given, so am I, but I'm finishing my summer contract this week so I should be able to make more reports soon . 


    #34 TBF: Weird shadows.


    1376525524-light-glitch-weird-shadow-gri            Speaks for itself.



    #35 TBF: Clipping rocks.


    1376525518-props-glitch-no-model-rock-gr            All (or most) of the pink rocks in this picture can be walked through.



    #36 TBC: Sunken container.


    1376525523-props-glitch-sunken-container            Well the container is definitely not a ground level, but I'm not sure if it's intended since it has sand around it.



    #37 TBF: Minor terrain inconsistency.


    1376525521-terrain-design-inconsistent-t            The square to the left highlights a piece of rock that seems cut short from the ground below it. Square to the right highlights sand that also seems cut off short.



    #38 TBC: Invisible wall.


    1376525522-terrain-design-invisible-wall            There's an invisible wall in the vicinity of the red square, which I find to be superfluous since the cable leads to an actual wall anyway. Make THAT block the player, not an arbitrary invisible wall.



    #39 TBC: Off limit-ish stuff. (This report and the following ones highlights areas that are very close to being teleported back, devs can decide themselves if it's fine for players to go there or not. Minor stuff really.)


    1376525521-terrain-design-off-limit-acce            Ember and Excal found themselves a cozy home on that pipe. Whether or not it is right or wrong I don't know. Seems kinda off-limit to me.



    #40 TBC: Off limit-ish stuff 1.


    1376525528-terrain-design-off-limit-acce            Ember could get under the highlighted bridge. Again, dunno if wanted. Add a teleport script or not, it's your call really.



    #41 TBC: Off limit-ish 2. 


    1376525533-terrain-design-off-limit-acce            Speaks for itself.



    #42 TBC: Off limit-ish 3.


    1376525533-terrain-design-off-limit-acce            Speaks for itself.



    #43 TBC: Off limit-ish 4. (Last off limit for today)


    1376525532-terrain-design-off-limit-acce            Speaks for itself.



    #44 TBF: Unnatural hole.


    1376525535-terrain-design-unnatural-hole            That hole there doesn't look right. Feels to me like it's giving sight to the void behind.



    #45 TBF: Head clip.


    1376525536-terrain-glitch-head-clip-grin            Drop kicking (sliding while jumping) toward the highlighted area will make you crouch in an over crop and make your head clip.



    #46 TBF: Ray of light.


    1376525536-terrain-glitch-light-ray-grin            It looks like there's some light peeking through the lower part of the wall, like it wasn't fused right with the floor... Don't give me that look, I told you poor shots were coming.



    #47 TBF: Clipping mob.


    1376525542-terrain-glitch-mob-clip-grine            There was a Grineer that clipped with that handrail there, but I couldn't replicate myself.



    #48 TBF: Access to the void.


    1376525541-terrain-glitch-outside-sight-            It's hard to see but Ember jumped across the hole and got a footing on the wall. When crouching into the wall and looking at it directly, you can see through the wall and into the void... No, I have no clue what he was doing there, don't ask me. I'm blaming acid.




  16. Hehe, tileset not even 24 hrs old and you are already at it ;). Granted, I'm one to talk, as I took some screenies of 'issues' myself (mostly container clipping, if I remember right): which will be uploaded eventually....

    Didn't want to miss out on the fun (there's already plenty of bug reports that popped up yesterday) and I'm planning to stick around, so might as well start early.

    @ Phoenix: It is. Took it upon myself to help out the devs a bit, and it added something to do through out my rounds. (Talking about my other Explorafun threads too.)

    @ sxc2: Make yourself at home.

    @ Tsrintox: Save as in, you used the base "print screen" function of your comp? Cause Steam let you do screenshots with F12 (very handy).

  17. First thing: I know they're settlements, I named it "Garrison" for alliterative appeal.


    Second thing: I usually have general feedback, but I'll wait before doing that, I wanna tour the settlements more. 


    The glitch report is the real attraction anyway (you guys can participate too I guess):



    #1 TBF: Weird shadow.


    1376357059-lighting-glitch-weird-shadow-            Red square highlights the actual glitch, yellow square is a locker submerged in sand. It would be a glitch, but I'm letting this one fly since sand is expected to surround and submerge stuff like that. Just saying I saw it.



    #2 TBF: Weird shadows on letters (two instances). 


    1376357060-lighting-glitch-weird-shadow-            Speaks for itself. Noticed that glitch on an awful lot of fences (which I suspect were copy-pasted). Maybe fixing one will fix all the others. Link to the other instance here: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/33/1376357074-lighting-glitch-weird-shadow-3-grineer-garrison.jpg



    #3 TBF: Faulty mob spawn.


    1376357069-mob-spawn-trapped-mob-grineer            A grineer spawned on the other side of this door (where there is nothing) and could be seen sometimes poking through the door (as lancers often do) with his gun. Dunno how to replicate.



    #4 TBF: Clipping container.


    1376357065-props-glitch-clipping-contain            Container is clipping with the wall behind it.



    #5 TBF: Floating rock and black wall.


    1376357068-props-glitch-floating-rocks-a            If you go where Ember is standing, you can clearly see the rocks around you float. In addition to that, if you stand where Ember is and look in the direction of the grey arrow (or Ember's Ignis) you can see a big rock wall that is all black.



    #6 TBF: Snow particles?


    1376357068-props-glitch-snow-particles-g            I am not sure about this one. I mean, sure the deserts are dusty (understatement), but that doesn't look like floating particles of sand or something, it looks like snow. More instances: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/33/1376357076-props-glitch-snow-particles-2-grineer-garrison.jpg  and http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/33/1376357074-props-glitch-snow-particles-1-grineer-garrison.jpg



    #7 TBF: Text flicker.


    1376357076-props-glitch-text-flickering-            Highlighted text can be seen flickering whenever lighted by a flash light.



    #8 TBF: Weird shadow instance and terrain clipping.


    1376357084-props-glitch-weird-shadow-and            Red highlight is a patch of shadow that shouldn't be there, orange highlight is some minor clipping between two patch of soil.



    #9 TBF: Shifting skybox.


    1376357082-skybox-glitch-shifting-sky-pa            The color of the sky when seen through that hole is not stable. It is blue or black depending on the angle. You can also see the ray of lights peeking through that have weird properties. http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/33/1376357084-skybox-glitch-shifting-sky-part-2-grineer-garrison.jpg Pretty sure those are meant to be light rays, not sand or something.



    #10 TBF: Access to the outside of the map.


    1376357083-terrain-design-map-limit-brea            Ember got up there by wallrunning (rather easily) to the top. From there, you can see broken map edges, endless fall, and other really weird spot. I don't like invisible walls/ceilings in general, but I think this one is justified until you find a way to polish everything that can be seen up there.



    #11 TBF: Broken corner.


    1376357091-terrain-glitch-corner-separat            Red square highlights a corner where both walls are poorly joined together. Orange walls indicate a wall (behind Nyx) where there's a ray of light at the bottom, like if light could peek through (it shouldn't be able to AFAIK).



    #12 TBF: Head clipping.


    1376357095-terrain-glitch-head-clip-grin            Going through these windows can be problematic at times, either cause they're a hair too small or your head clips on the top part all the time. I think the problem is generalized to windows like that.



    #13 TBF: Movement hindrance.


    1376357095-terrain-glitch-movement-hindr            That little piece of red rock is just annoying, I think it would be better if it didn't block your way like it does now. Or at least make it clearly un-walkable, AFAIC it can go both ways.



    #14 TBF: Wall clipping.


    1376357096-terrain-glitch-wall-clipping-            A joint of the wall could be seen with two part flickering over each others. It still somewhat visible, but not as bad as when witnessing it in action.



    #15 TBF: Wall clipping (spawn tile).


    1376357096-terrain-glitch-wall-clipping-            Those two rock walls are merging pretty poorly together.



    That's all for now. I want to apologize in advance to the devs, I try to take shots as good as possible, but times will come where I need to take a pic in a cramped hallway and where everything is very dark. The map looks great all around, but it (obviously) need polish and work. It is also pretty screenshot-unfriendly at times.  

  18. For terrain glitch/bugs: pictures or video help a lot. Just taking one quote from your OP as an example:


    "Also, I've had two instances now on a certain Grineer level where I've fallen into a pit of noclip pipes expecting to be reset back to before I fell only to be trapped down there for the rest of the level."


    That tells jack to the developers most of the time, unless they happen to know precisely which tile on which map you're talking about. Off the top of my head, there are about 5-6 tiles (rooms) throughout the 3 tilesets (Galleon/asteroid base plus the settlement from today) that fit your description, and most have enough pipe that I would definitely don't want to search them one by one. The bug you described isn't limited to just pipes either, so I can't tell if I need to find pipes to replicate.


    I hate to be that dude who quotes himself, but I have a handful of threads dedicated to glitch reports that are followed by two Warframe Staff (and other bystanders in some case), here's my biggest one: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/64185-grineer-asteroid-explorafun-feedback-suggestion-glitch-report/?hl=explorafun


    Pictures tells the whole story really, I need like 2-3 lines for extra description or replication process if needed and that's it. Text or images can work, but a picture tells a thousand word. 


    Another thing to note: Developers are busy. It's preferable to be concise most of the time, as it is rare that they will have the time to read long posts like yours. I'm not advocating "TL;DR" in general, but I do advocate being straight to the point unless you're building a real case. Especially here where you go off-topic, why would a dev read a wall of text where only half of the stuff concern them? Here's one of the Warframe staff (Scott or Geoff, can't remember which is which) on the subject of preferred feedback: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/82926-can-i-please-have-an-answer-from-a-dev-regarding-preferred-methods-of-feedback/#entry905038


    Not trying to be antagonist for the sake of it, I just wanna help you give better feedback and avoid things like the 2-3 posters you got at first with rather tasteless sense of humor.

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