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Posts posted by Man_In_Suitcase

  1. Nyx's Absorb is still good for T4 defs/mds with max range and eff build, stand on top of it and nothin' will touch the pod apart from AoE blasts from bombards. You'll draw more fire too as you will have a hightened threat level, then cast Chaos to keep the off balance.

    The Loki RD aug tho has stolen some of Nyx's thunder atm, and I agree that her Psyhic Bolt abilty needs to be reworked, even her mod aug is too inconsistant to spare a mod slot for. I just hope DE can bring her a bit more up to par with her next 2 mod augs.

    I'd like to see the "threat level" mechanic reworked better in Nyx's abiltys tbh.

  2. He's not homeless! He's a wondering Vagabond!


    He's more like an angsty teenager, with the whole red and black thing going. I bet if he had a Liset it would be like an adolescents bedroom, dark, messy, with emo music blairing...

  3. Current Build:



    -Heavy Cal



    -Split Chamber

    -Piercing Cal

    -Vital Sense

    -Point Strike



    Hammershot is worth it as it'll bump up your crit from 5.5 to 7.0. I wouldn't bother with status builds as it real strength is crit based. Maxed Heavy Cal doesn't negate it's arch too much, even with Split Chamber.


    I've stuck Piercing Cal on mine at mo, I may put on a maxed Primed Fast Hands but for 1.3 reload its rather expensive. Where's your Firestorm mod at?

  4. New ult melee mode?

    Valkyr players won't like that!

    I'm a Valkyr lover, but never use her ult unless I need to pee or put kettle on...

    I'm hoping Excal's melee mode will be better than Val's tbh, I'm looking forward!

  5. I've bought it and the armor will scale size depending the Warframe's shoulders/build and with Ash's already beefy bug shoulders it'll big enough.

    Just put any armor on Rhino and then the same on a Nova and you'll get the picture.

  6. We need a Liset Jukebox, with the old UI music included, I really miss that and other people seem too. Perhaps we could unlock more tileset music after completing certain tasks within them, e.g research all enemies within that tileset to unlock X...


    Would be much improvement over that damn radio we're now forced to listen to. The old UI felt much more inkeeping to Warframe's "dark ambiance" which has slowly vanished over the last few updates, namely U14.


    As for functionality, the old map UI trumps the new by far.

  7. Its not the one rhino with iron skin that's the issue, but its half the team playing as rhinos with iron skin. They should make the energy cost 75 to control spam imo. And as for the heat daggers, OP.

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