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Posts posted by Man_In_Suitcase

  1. Just wanted to say that, damn our poster boy is lookin' pretty fine with the PBR touch up. I know other things have gotten some love such as weapons, corpus helmets etc, but I'd love to see more, if not all Warframes get the same treatment down the line.


    Which frames in particular do you feel really needs some TLC?

  2. Valkyr Prime. But not as the savage rage Warframe we have now, but a complete polar opposite in character. Would love to see how she really was before the project, e.g being more graceful, and well, less psychotic in general. I'd like to see how her appearance and abilities would translate that.

  3. DE wants to blow up the void. Crush it. Is has something to do with the return of the Sentients I suppose.


    Chances are that we'll be seeing the Sentients as the new fraction in the voids in the future, and the Corrupted will spool out into the starmap. Extra/special loot in the voids sounds great too but as our dear Uncle Hek would say, did you really think it would be that easy?

  4. I'm thinking that the sentients are going to be replacing the void fraction as it's obvious that the voids are gettting a massive overhaul. But yeah, I'm wondering how the sentients will be introduced when the core fractions backstorys seems lacking. Nonetheless, still looking forward. Edit, off to bed bc I can't spell ^^

  5. Depends. If I'm going full melee warcry valkyr I'll take a kubrow anyday over a sentinel simply bc of health-link. The two compliment each other perfectly as when you inflict melee damage it restores your kubrows health and not to mention the crazy armor link on your kubrow if valkyr has maxed steel fibber...


    But in general, sentinels are favored over kubrows as they tend to have derpy AI from times.

  6. I've had no real issues getting Brakk or Detron parts, as I got them both in less than 5 spawns. However I'm in the same shoes as OP now I just want the damn sigils, and RNG now has cursed me all bc of that little fortune that was bestowed upon many moons ago.


    Does RNG still take tears from portuguese widows as an offerring i wonder...

  7. Guild wars 2. Haven't touched it since they released a complete rework of the skill trees, that has made almost most of may hard earned gear and builds redundant, I was very miffed then. Can't see myself returning either, as I'm simply not motivated enough. Just glad I found Warfame after! :)

  8. Abilitys wise she's well balanced, and I'm addicted to Sonar thanks to her mod aug. Banshee's pretty capable of locking down areas too. But if, when she ever get's primed, I wouldn't mind an armor boost as she's a glass frame. Some passives would be nice like too, like a reduced threat level. 

  9. When a Nyx in my squad used Mind Control on an enemy while I was Bladestom'ing, the MC'ed one was also marked so me and my clones ended up stabbing the thing continuously, and I got dizzy for a moment


    Yeah when I first discovered this I admit, it did embellish my inner troll pretending I didn't know it could bug bladestorm. And MC wasn't even togglable back then, poor buggers.

  10. Not while playing Warframe no, however if hoarding pre-war money, garden genomes and clipboards in Fallout 3 is anything to go by, that would explain why I'm now sitting on a mountain of unused resources and yet I still cannot bring myself to leave any behind no matter how small...But the catch 22 here that I don't want to spend any of the stuff I've amassed either.

    Warframe brings out my inner Gollum.

  11. I still main my male Raksa dogmeat, simply bc of his protect ability. I've gotten so use to having it around it's difficult not having it. My Carrier does more dps, but alas I'm not short of that. Although I do miss Vacuum, but still dogmeat take's the biscuit here.

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