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Posts posted by Man_In_Suitcase

  1. taking away one of the major aspects of continued participation by long-time players is not wise decision by those of the company.


    Couldn't of said it any better. For other high end Tenno and myself it was the only reason to login daily to farm R5s. I never really bothered with Interception power farms either as I could happily farm both rep and the latter.


    Most players will have an abundence of Orokin cells already as Vor drops them, they had been added to T3 survs, Draco is good area farm them. So I mean what really is the point of them in T4 survs? Not only have you effectively diluted their once reliable drop rates, but you've diluted the drop rates for prime parts furthermore. 


    Another issue being that in light to the recent Syndicate rep changes, which I actually like, you've also made the T4 keys much more difficult obtain as they are locked by a RNG'd key pack. 25k is now alot of rep just for a roll, especially for newcomers. So what we are left with here is not a single, but a nice double whammy of RNG...   

  2. If your a real collector shut up and just do the grind for your collection. Sure its hard, and a total waste of resources but when you have all 6 of them and everyone else is limited to the 2-4 they decided to go with. You have access to all 6, the only block is a effort wall. If its not worth the effort then don't do it. If it is worth the effort, do it and get your reward. For pete sakes, I ended up having every single faction at -44k at one stage because I had to switch to farm keys before they removed them. Afterwards I had to begin the long journey re-maxing Arbiters and Steel did it suck sure, but I did it cause they had something I wanted.


    I agree with this. I've only just finished maxing out all syndicates for their top teir sigils and a few extra mods and enjoyed doing actually, as I've felt like I've earned them. And yet I've still got partner with Perrin. Now if they were tradable, I'd have it sure, but at the expense of having much less gratification doing so.


    Why is it that many players seem to want insta-grat, rather then work towards something. At least grinding for sigils etc has much less RNG involved. I really hope syndicate comos do not become tradable.

  3. ZOE.

    Nuff said.


    Indeed, using Itzal's Blink and meleeing everything in sight reminds me of fighting Anubis in ZOE 2. I'm just waiting for Archwing to become of an more integral part of WF now, as it feels somewhat detached for the rest of the game.


    I hope they make Archwing missions in the future challenging, running Uranus Interceptions is the most fun I'd have in awhile.

  4. Loki vs Noob Saibot. Both are pretty much on par with each other's abilitys, Noob's super annoying teleporting uppercuts and Loki's switch teleporting and Decoys would make for an interesting tussle.


    However, Imagine Noob's make a wish fatality on poor old Loki....

  5. LOL dat neck. In all seriousness tho, the gold on her neck looks just, well yellow and not actually gold unlike the other primes I've noticed. You can colour her gold bits in any colour which is kinda cool.

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