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Everything posted by Demigirlboss

  1. I don't think that punishment is really warranted though. Like, "Ah, how dare you drop your ability? Perish, miserable fool!" Meanwhile Inaros can hit 15k+ HP, Styanax and Frost can both get four digit Overguard with gating, Hildryn can just pillage and shieldgate all the live long day, the list goes on. There's so many Frames that can tank unrepentantly, idefinitely, without consequence, and that is fine, because that is the state of the game, and if DPS Frames can delete the entire tile without ever setting foot in it (cough Saryn cough), then tank Frames should be able to tank easily and effectively without being punished for bad luck or brief lapses in situational awareness. And even among tank Frames it is specifically Valkyr who has consistently received the short end of the stick because no one else has to deal with fake invincibility that doesn't actually make you invincible. Her being able to benefit from one of the most core comfortable survivability mechanics in the entire game is a Godsend, and it should've been deliberate. This does not need to be "fixed", it needs to be made unneccessary by removing the asinine backlash mechanic from Hysteria altogether, because it's a nerf for a game that we stopped playing half a decade ago.
  2. Nullifiers exist, as does just plain old running out of energy. Plus, a lot of higher level content like Netracells and I believe Deep Archimedea has energy drain modifiers. Even ignoring the significant boost to Warcry gotten from increased Strength, having more Health and Armour just lends itself to a far more comfortable playstyle. It may not be optimal or meta, but it is applicable to a lot more situations, and again, is just more comfortable to play, rather than immediately getting turned into the Tenno Space Program by a stray Corrupted Crewman if Hysteria drops for even a moment due to an oopsie whoopsie with a Nullifier bubble or forgetting to hit Emergence Dissipate.
  3. I do mod more, because she benefits greatly from both Umbral Intensify and Umbral Fiber, so Umbral Vitality is a must-have to get your money's worth out of them. Your point is still valid and makes sense, just wanted to point out that there are circumstances under which you mod her for Health.
  4. Baruuk with Reactive Storm is a pretty good example of that, and to a lesser extent Excalibur with Chromatic Blade, but both are augments and in the latter case you're still committed to a single Element, which is still kinda butts.
  5. A weapon that costs energy to use, with a constant (and in Valkyr's case scaling) energy cost has no justification, in my opinion, for being noticeably worse than sticc
  6. I think this post is kind of asking for Inaros to be reworked into something that people who aren't already playing Inaros would want to play, which I think misses the point of a rework. A rework is generally one of two things. Either it takes a Frame that sees next to no use due to an extremely subpar kit, and elevates them to something more of the playerbase wants to bother with (a la Hydroid), or it takes a Frame that already has some amount of a userbase, and refreshes it for more modern content or to make it a bit more well-rounded while still retaining the core of why that Frame had a userbase in the first place, such as Vauban or Titania. This Inaros rework is absolutely the latter. The aim here wasn't to make Inaros insanely good so everyone would want to play him (though Nyx desperately needs such a thing), it was to update him to be more useful and to enable greater build variety by freeing up mod slots previously spent on just catching up to newer content. But it still fundamentally retains the core of what makes people wanna play Inaros, which is "I like being hilariously tanky and utterly unkillable." This rework still retains that, while also making him no longer need an augment for functionality that is pretty fundamental to a tank frame.
  7. Let us pray that Saint Pablo, Patron Saint of garbage frames from ten years ago, looks upon this thread with favour, and blessed us Valkyr mains. Our faith remains unbroken, but not unshaken. We can only hope that for Warframe 1999, Valkyr stops feeling like she hasn't had an update to her kit since 1999.
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