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Posts posted by AandOE

  1. Just for the assassination mission, silly. :P The problem with bosses isn't that they're difficult, but that without phases to keep themselves from insta-gibbing from overpowered... anything... they aren't too interesting. Having to keep track of self-radiation procs, oxygen tanks delivered from the Lotus, Void Vor, giant Lechs, and et cetera all at the same time would give folks some strategy to think about. No one frame would be the end-all for one role, but certain ones would definitely make it easier.

  2. If the area was saturated with radiation, giving everyone the ability to hurt their teammates--but it was required to have them all not die--folks would use Mirage and other weapons more carefully. A stray Hall of Mirrors bullet and your teammate goes down, so the Mirage has to go revive them and thus almost die themselves? Nope, that HoM is not gonna be used, or will be used with more thought. XD

  3. I've seen people mention other stuff for 'end-game content', and it's true that a lot is based on gear right now... but it does take time to produce new content that won't automatically get broken. Making new gear is simply a way to keep us interested until such a time arrives. :3

  4. How about a super sized Lech? You'd have to run around the outside of an Orokin vessel gaining oxygen supplies while a building sized Lech swings one of those revolving doors at you. Since his backpack would be really big at that point, you'd have no problems hitting it, but dealing with a very large Lech in of itself would be the difficulty. Having Void Vor be the regular sized mini-boss that harasses you during the boss encounter would make this be Phobos' Void upgrade.

  5. Tile sets with hackable cannons to blow open un-Lotus-hackable gates? City bridges with health, to drop enemies to their doom upon strut death? The flooding of sewers to out parkour, or drown enemies and/or fellow tenno? :3 Placing beacons for the liset to carpet bomb? There are a lot of options for level management, whether it be outside, or in a vacuum.

  6. When they mentioned quests, these first 3 quests were definitely well made, but I was also envisioning smaller ones. Not exactly as small as an alert, but more than a single level, like 2 back-to-back defense missions, or Upload-virus-then-capture-target-then-sabotage-then-exterminate all in one level. (i.e. more than one level type in a single level) Fun stuff, like mobile defense to agro all of the exterminate targets together, or an entire level of capture targets, ya know? ^_^

  7. If the liset's middling and back-end floor plans were slightly wider, one room longer, and with a slightly higher roof, I'd feel less claustrophobic. As it is, going down the ramp makes everything feel too tight. Yes, I realize that it is supposed to be a small ship, but the old UI didn't have this problem as it always displayed the infinite reaches of space.

  8. I reported this problem back at the beginning of U14, and it's still there in all of its bright yellow glory. If it has something to do with the transfer screen's yellow swirling light volume carrying over, then it'd be an easy fix to swap it out for a different transfer screen. As it is, any water in the dojo now looks like a dirty swamp infested it, translucent tile/glass/etc are all bright dirty yellow, and everything else simply looks degraded. While I may not spend every waking moment there, it'd be nice to see it cleaned up for those times that we do.

  9. Yeah, but the Borderlands one makes it feel more immersive, rather than strangely duplicating yourself into a standing stance in the middle of a mob. Not to say that I don't appreciate our regular revive function, but some frames are just way more squishy than others, and we have plenty of bleed-out mods that no-one uses, ever.

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