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Posts posted by ExcaliburUmbra

  1. 11 hours ago, Heidelgard said:

    Also yea my idea needs more time and effort, but since it's about something that is very important in the game and that almost every player constantly use, I think it's worth to invest in it!

    Melee is an important part of the game, I agree. And DE also agrees, which is why they are reworking it to begin with. Sure the previous system has aspects that players like but it had a lot of issues that DE is trying to address with Melee 3.0. They might have jumped the gun by releasing 2.9 before they had 3.0 mechanics at least nailed down but they are definitely taking feedback into account - it’s the whole point of releasing the rework in separate phases.

    Do you like Warframe’s parkour system? Did you know that there was a time where it was completely different, with no aim glide or bullet jumps? The old system had plenty of unused features and outdated mechanics, but after the rework it is not uncommon to read players new to the game praising the parkour system as one of the best they have used in a shooter. DE “forced” players to adapt to the new system, but its obvious that Parkour 2.0 is certainly not “doomed” as your thread title suggests. More players are playing Warframe then ever before, even if some left after the parkour changes.

    I believe the situation with our melee system has many parallels with the old parkour system and I’m confident this rework will have the same result as well. 


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  2. What you’re asking DE to do is maintain three different melee systems, with everything that entails. With every update they do, every new weapon, mod, or stance they release, they’ll have to make sure it somehow plays nice with every type of melee system. I don’t think you realize what a ridiculous undertaking that would be. Unless you’re strictly talking about keybinds and not aspects that are planning on being reworked like channeling or parrying - in which case I would ask for more clarity in the OP.

    You say that the “possibilities” are endless, and I will agree as long as you are willing to ignore the time, effort, and money spent making the actual changes. Let’s give Warframe the visuals of The Witcher 3, the gameplay of Dark Souls, the story of The Last of Us, and the open universe of Star Citizen. After all why not, what’s stopping them?

    • Like 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, xZeromusx said:

    Electromagnetic Shielding and Guardian Derision are good reasons to not block at certain times and to require the complete control of blocking to remain manual. It's almost as if you haven't thoroughly played the game.

    I’d love to see how popular those two mods are in your average player’s melee build. Personally I doubt they are used by the wide majority of players, as most late-game content revolves around killing enemies as fast as possible rather then attempting to “tank”.

    In my opinion manual blocking was only useful for air control. Parrying is extremely inconsistent, and not worth building for as it relies on waiting for a single enemy to attack you in a game about mass-killing groups. Reflecting damage via channeled blocking was also next to useless when enemy ehp far outscales their damage. Finally the damage reduction of blocking itself varies from weapon to weapon, thus rendering it unreliable when you could simply use rolls and mobility instead.

    If DE does bring manual blocking back, I would hope they would attempt to actually make it useful in more circumstances. The proposed change of blocking adding to the combo counter would be a decent step as long as they don’t ignore the other issues with the system.

  4. 10 hours ago, (NSW)Evilpricetag said:

    It is, but Liset and the other landing craft has in game function with air support charges. 

    Why the Liset Prime wasn't considered a separate ship with a slight buff kinda baffled me. 

    It's like a deluxe skin. 

    It’s because Liset Prime is a Prime Accessory, which historically are cosmetic only and do not affect gameplay.

    If Liset Prime was released as a separate landing craft with actual gameplay differences, it would have to be farmable like the other landing crafts (eg, engines, avionics and ect from relics). Locking exclusive gameplay upgrades behind paywalls bit DE with the whole Founder situation, so I highly doubt they will ever do that again.

    • Like 3
  5. On 2019-03-23 at 7:21 PM, (PS4)Ahayah_My_Power said:

    Ok I got rid of the tags that don't apply.  But speaking of the galatine not being a longsword, it can still wear longsword skins. Also the Zenistar can wear long sword skins including the "Heavey Blade Dominion Skin" which makes the Zenistar look massively bigger.

    By “long swords”, he meant one-handed swords, not the two-handed heavy blades. Galatine cannot use the Dero Longsword Tennogen skin or the Kopesh longsword Deluxe skin for example. Similarly, the Skana cannot use the Heavy Blade Dominion skin, as it is a heavy blade skin - not a longsword skin. Zenistar is a heavy blade, so of course it would be able to use heavy blade skins.

    So yeah Tatsu would be the same, as it is a separate new weapon type, not a heavy blade or nikana. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Dr_Wonderful said:

    "For those of us that bought the Liset prime skin"

    That doesn’t answer a single one of my questions. 

    You’re asking DE to turn a cosmetic into its own separate equipment. Why bother when you can just use the regular Prisma/Dex Liset skins? “Because I bought it with money” doesn’t cut it as an answer. People bought Uru Prime but you don’t see anyone asking DE to let Uru Prime look like Prisma Uru (for reasons that should be obvious).


  7. Liset Prime is a cosmetic, like every other Prime accessory. No other Prime armor, syandana, sigil or sugutra lets you apply skins to them, why would the Liset Prime skin be any different? It’s like asking for Uru Prime to be able to equip the base Uru syandana look, or the Edo Prime armor to equip the regular Edo armor’s appearance.

    Plus then it would need its own ability (or at least an upgraded Liset ability) to justify choosing it over regular Liset, and obtainable parts so you can build it like every other individual landing craft in this game. 

    Finally lets say it happens and Liset Prime becomes its own landing craft. You equip the Dex Liset skin on it, and it ends up looking like any other regular Dex Liset. That’s how skins work for non-warframes, the model is replaced with whatever the skin is (eg the Braton Forest Camo skin on Braton Prime). So if you wanted that look, then why not just use the Dex or Prisma skin? What is the point of making it a separate landing craft just to get an appearance that is already obtainable in-game?

    • Like 5
  8. I’m no stranger to Conclave but I cannot play Lunaro. The game mode literally doesn’t let me jump or bullet jump, despite me resetting keybinds, deleting the relevant config files, and even completely reinstalling the game. So it sucks but I’m not going to bother putting time into a game mode that I’ll always be permanently handicapped in.

    Also not that great of a trailer in my opinion. Half of it is just cuts from older trailers, and the Lunaro gameplay shown makes it look slower then it actually is.

  9. 8 hours ago, (XB1)KiryuStark said:

    I will look for clarification in the devstream but the impression I got is you can have them but only in your own personal ghost clan dojo dry dock.

    Your Railjack is yours, not the clans. The devs confirmed that even at the dojo hangar, members will see their own ship docked there as opposed to one clan-only ship. If I recall right it was when they were showing off the hangar.

  10. I would find it jarring if it was the other way around. A “minor irritation” for you, but I use operator constantly for utility, killing trash mobs, and mobility - even to the point of completing missions mainly using operator abilities and amps. Having to return back to my frame just to move it further where my operator used to be (to prevent having to start from the beginning of the tileset if my operator dies) would result in a lot of wasted time and effort. Especially compared to now where I can just tap 5 to replace my frame and then continue my operator rampage.

    Gameplay should trump lore when it comes to mechanics in my opinion.

  11. I’d love to see the infested get a rework if anything. Visually they aren’t that intimidating and lack variety. Currently most of their units are comprised of infested Corpus and their robotics, with the only Grineer-based enemy being the Charger. I’d love to see more Grineer-infested units (infested Ghouls would be great) or even better tileset specific infested, such as Grineer runners or Corpus chargers depending on which planet you are on.

  12. People willing to prestige should be rewarded for their effort, but In my opinion prestige-exclusive mods and cosmetics are a horrible way to do so.

    More Forma, Kuva, slots, and catalysts/reactors are probably the way to go. Maybe even toss in riven mod packs or something. Keep all the unique cosmetics and equipment within the first 30 ranks.

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  13. Counterpoint: every single challenge type has methods one can abuse to easily complete the challenge. 

    They aren’t perfect by any means (I’d like to see a greater variety of challenges myself) but in their current state are more engaging and interesting then a “slot machine” in my opinion.

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