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Posts posted by ExcaliburUmbra

  1. To be honest I’m not even satisfied with the “MOA” companions we have available to us currently. Hopefully DE lets us equip a skin that changes their appearance to that of actual MOAs with the head located on the chest and the weaponry on top.

  2. That’s honestly pretty odd to me. I’ve done plenty of radshades where I only had one relic and had to bow out after. And no drama happened, people were usually either okay with it or silent.

    Then again I haven’t done any radshares this month so maybe things have changed. Odd for that to be a requirement for radshares though.

    EDIT: As for “unspoken rules”, I can only think that “try not to be a jerk” applies. Wait for people to arrive to the elevator, hold the Cetus/Fortuna door open for those lagging behind, let everyone gather enough reactant before extracting in public fissure runs, ect. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)wintersfrozen said:

    Despite the already mentioned Helminth Charger I would like to see a Mutalist Moa as well as some form of Infested Kavat.

    The charger (after the update) looks like one hell of an infested pooch so I want to see what the cat version would be like.

    Kavats are supposedly immune to the infestation, and even hunt them as seen with the feral Kavats found in Orokin Derelicts.

  4. All Anniversary events I’ve participated had a way for new players to obtain previously released Anniversary gifts. I don’t see how this event would be any different.

    You’ll probably have to do a Gift of the Lotus Alert or something but you’ll get your skin.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Catastor said:

    never happened.

    Tiberon used to have a 5 star disposition, in case you forgot. They nerfed Lanka, Arca Plasmor, Sicarus, Amprex, Vectis, and Pyrana rivens in that same update. Here is the link to the forum post where you can see every change they’ve done up until now, with another wave coming this Prime Access.

    DE has also stated that they are planning on doing melee disposition changes after Melee 3.0 releases, so of course Gram and Redeemer wouldn’t have been touched yet.


  6. 2 minutes ago, llls1cKb0ylll said:

    Not sure if mastery rank means anything on weapon stats, theres low mastery weapons that scale way better than high mastery ones.

    When DE rebalanced the ranged (and later beam) weapons they sorted everything into MR brackets based on a sustained DPS formula taking into account crit and status. Melee weapons have yet to receive this treatment, but this is planned for Melee 3.0.

    The system isn’t perfect but DE obviously intends for MR ranks to indicate progression of power.

  7. I sold a Gram riven for 40p back before Chroma Prime released. The buyer then proceeded to inform me that Gram Prime was coming. 

    But hey the booster I bought gave me enough Kuva to roll the Shaku riven of my dreams so I guess it worked out.

  8. Honestly speaking I would prefer Attica Prime, as we still have no Primed crossbow weapons. I wouldn’t mind a Daikyu Prime either but I’d like to see more Prime variants for different weapon classes, like Nunchucks, Throwing Weapons, Machetes, Archguns and the like.

    • Like 7
  9. I imagine that this will be addressed with the upcoming changes to melee stances, as DE has shown a willingness to change how the stance mechanics function entirely.

    For example, their previous showing of potential stance changes (iirc it was devstream 114) involved splitting the combos into stationary and forward-moving attack chains, with a new gap-closing attack that launched you towards an enemy while attacking simultaneously added for good measure.

    Then again, said gap-closing attack was supposedly activated by blocking and then melee attacking, which is no longer possible with the removal of manual blocking so who knows what they are planning now. At least they are aware of stance mobility issues.

  10. On yesterday’s stream they stated the stats haven’t even been finalized yet. It looked like a crit-status hybrid with high attack speed from what was shown though. 

    I’m personally disappointed in how Tipedo Prime looks. The blade is no longer a symmetrical crescent, probably to focus on the “duality” of Equinox’s theme. Yet another Prime weapon that for me is a visual downgrade from the original sleek and functional Tenno design. Hopefully the time comes soon when DE lets us use the base weapon skin on the Prime variants.

  11. Since they are purely cosmetic, I’m fine with the Ephemera being an exclusive reward for players willing to go the extra mile - unobtainable through the market. 

    I do feel putting them behind rng isn’t really a “challenge” though. Blazing Step could drop in your first run to wave 8 in ESO, or it could take you literally weeks of playing. Why not just make it something like “complete 1000 waves of ESO” or something similarly consistent?

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