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Posts posted by ExcaliburUmbra

  1. On 2019-03-13 at 2:44 PM, Fydro56 said:

    Additionally, with the new swapping mechanic, because channeling and blocking shared the same buttons as aim and shoot respectively, players can no longer channel or block manually. With this change, unique enemy knockdown mechanics like snatching and eximus' flaming area of effect abilities that necessitate active engagement through manual blocking would be made obsolete. With this change, countless channeling mods would be made obsolete and melee builds that rely on them would be ruined; several stance mod combos and and their animations would be removed. With this change, the unique dynamic of channel blocking that allowed for enhanced deflection of damage would cease to exist.

    Ultimately, this update removes complexity and functionality, resulting in a devolution of melee and a less fleshed out system; DE should avoid drastic alterations such as melee 3.0 that take away so many core elements of a system so deeply intertwined with the mechanics and functionality and enjoyment of Warframe.

    Before I get into this, I just want to say that I agree that more options are generally better, and I appreciate how well-written your post is.

    However, I feel that this topic is a knee-jerk reaction to changes that aren’t complete yet. Melee 3.0 is releasing in phases, and upcoming phases include a full rework of the combo system, changes across the board to relevant mods, and a replacement of the entire channeling system. Of course the current builds and mods relying on blocking and channeling feel “obsolete”, the changes that have spawned this post aren’t intended to maintain continuity but rather prepare for the future. 

    Players currently tout Warframe’s parkour system as one of the best movement systems currently in gaming, but there was a time where it was vastly different. Where Tenno were hindered by a stamina bar, where using spinning attacks with melee weapons could send you flying through maps at speeds the bullet jump can only dream of. Everything related to this previous parkour system: the mods, abilities, arcanes, are all changed or removed. What was arguably a “core” system regarding the functionality (movement) and enjoyment of the game is no longer here, and the game seems to be better for it.

    We are on the precipice of similar changes to our melee system. Changes that stand to fix many of the issues that it currently has while taking it in an entirely new direction - one beyond the limitations of our current melee mechanics. Maybe it would be prudent to wait to see how things all fit together before claiming that Melee 3.0 is a mistake. 

  2. Melee weapons will be getting a balance pass stat-wise for the Melee 3.0 rework. Fang Prime specifically was mentioned in regards to that. So changes are coming, no need to fret.

    The stat disparity isn’t because DE “randomly chooses weapon stats”. Weapons are arranged in power by MR level, with sustained DPS taking in account crit and status being the factor they are sorted by. The thing is, this only applies to ranged weapons (and likely recent melee weapons for continuity) as it was a system put into place during the ranged weapon rebalance of update 22.12.0. A lot of the older melee weapons like Fang Prime are from an era before DE started doing this, hence the seemingly odd stats.

  3. Twin Grakatas is an entirely different weapon though. It’s not a primary like the Grakata, it’s a secondary. Even if they were the same weapon class, the game distinguishes between dual and single variants of weapons (e.g. dual weapons have their own rivens and dispositions, augments for single weapons can’t be equipped on the dual version and vice-versa). 

    Sure it’d be fun but then things would be less consistent within the already convoluted world of modding.

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  4. The very reason you can customize your UI is because they have already started working on this. It’s just taking time since they have to go through literally hundreds of menu screens, but eventually everything will be affected by your UI theme even the HUD.

  5. On 2019-03-09 at 7:33 AM, DenoDagor said:

    How about THROWABLE SPEARS?!

    Just like glaives + Javlok.

    Actual melee weapon but has the same throw mechanic as the javlok on Hold E

    To be honest I’d be stoked for this. Especially if the throw did actually decent damage compared to the Javlok’s disappointing alt-fire.

    Stab some Grineer in the faces, turn and then nuke their friends.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Saturndoot said:

    Concerned about the stance dropping from coolant raknoids, will they even be around when the event ends?

    Supposedly this event will be reoccurring, according to random on reddit. Plus there’s always trading,

  7. DE has been pretty clear about what this update would contain melee-wise since they began talking about their melee rework plans this year. Aimed slam, fast switch, and new fx. No stance changes, stat rebalances or the like.

    I do also hope that the class gets updated soon but considering the backlash to their proposed “scythe to heavy blade” changes I bet they are carefully considering their options before they proceed.

  8. 4 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

    yes it doesn't need to compete with gram prime. but it does need to compete with war, broken war, normal galatine , zenistar, and most other weapons that aren't primed

    Not to nitpick on your example since you do have a good point, but imo Zenistar is less a “melee” weapon and more of an AOE denial utility device. If you just wanted to whack Grineer in the face there are plenty of weapons that do it better, but Zenistar’s unique charge throw makes it stand out despite that since no other melee can offer similar utility.

    Similarly I believe the easiest way to make Tatsu competitive would be a useful passive or ability, but sadly I don’t believe it has one. DE is usually upfront about including these things in descriptions or marketing pages, but nothing they’ve posted about Tatsu indicated that it would be anything other then a big slicer. 

    I appreciate that you are testing the Tatsu out, hopefully you find something cool rather then disappointing.

  9. Disappointing that they nerfed the damage so much in comparison. I’m sure the DPS is higher but if I cared about that I probably wouldn’t be using Opticor to begin with.

    Opticor in my mind is synonymous with the Halo Spartan Laser, a chunky but powerful beam of pure destruction. Obliterating targets upon contact with a single shot. If they want to go the faster firing + weaker damage route we have Ferrox already! Honestly if Ferrox Vandal/Prisma comes out stronger per-shot then Opticor Vandal it will be a sad day indeed.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, maddragonmaster said:

    well this weapon was hyped by DE so much i guess it seems more of a meh now we are testing it around.  plus i am not sure if the passive is working right

    I agree it could be better, but I don’t believe every new weapon needs to compete with Gram Prime. Lower MR weapons are more accessible to a wider variety of players. This is a whole new weapon class that has popular aesthetics so I doubt DE will ignore it like they do War Fans. 

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  11. Tatsu doesn’t need to be a MR18 destroyer of god-level Grineer. This is a game where even the starter weapons can be made viable for most high level content. 

    I bet they’re saving the crit-status hybrid stats for some Prime two-handed nikana in the future anyways.

  12. I haven’t played on Switch, this is all from the standpoint of using a Xbox controller on the PC version so it may be different.

    What I do is equip the echolure and aim with the right stick so the marker is sitting right in the center of the pitch bar. Then I make my first call without moving the right stick. The animal should respond, spawning the “target” marker in the center of the bar. I then make my second call, watching the target closely to see if it starts moving up or down and then aiming with the right stick in the same direction. Depending on how fast the bar moves, I sometimes use the left trigger to aim and slow my look speed down to make staying in the target marker easier. 

    Hope it helps.

  13. 1 hour ago, AngelSan25 said:

    Also the desert cammo skin don't apply to the karak wraith.

    The Desert Camo skin does work on Karak Wraith, I’m using them together at this moment. You got the blueprint for making the skin from the Cred shop, not the full skin. You have to make the skin from your foundry first before you can equip it on your Karaks.

  14. I feel it should just be replaced with a large radial shockwave that gives the buff to all players in the nearby area. I hate how finnicky the wisp is when on sloped surfaces or when near players with vacuum equipped.

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