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Posts posted by (PSN)ShuhanX

  1. Destroy it. Failing that, hide it until it ceases to be. Humanity doesn't need another weapon.


    Assuming we are 'already wearing it', well, two ways that goes:


    On the 'just a suit' theory, great, I am now potentially connected to it via a neural network, considering how many Neurodes/Neural Sensors crop up in a Warframe's construction, that leaves me very dubious whether I'd be 'ok' once it's gone. Bonus nightmares if the the Warframe has a mind of its own and it's a contest of willpower to restrain it from just cutting loose like Proto-Rhino. I'm not going to kid myself that I'd have the fortitude to control it. I might get lucky and be able to throw myself into something it'd be unable to survive, at least.


    On the 'body exchange' theory, basically I am now trapped in something that is not my body and I will ergo in this situation have 24 hours to make my peace. Whilst likely running as far as possible from every military or civil security force in the nearest distance, honestly, just go find myself a good sunset. If nothing else, I'd get to find out what the world 'really' looks like if Warframes are capable of seeing in 20/20 perfect colour vision. I'd actually get to experience something new which is not so bad as a way to go I guess. Prior issues of the Warframe having its own mind remain of course.


    And in both scenarios, if I survive I probably get taken in for questioning by the military/science and well...cue a possible catalyst for a very poor quality of life there on in. Fun? I think not...


    Honestly, best case scenario in any case is either not having it destroy things, not get into the hands of greater humanity, not infect me with Technocyte for interfacing purposes (possible depending on how all those Plastids and such are treated relative to the Neurodes and what not), or at least being able to enjoy a sunset properly for the only time in my life.


    Power is not a toy.


  2. Only thing I'd want an additional slot for would be one designated specifically for Augment mods. Similar to an Aura alot. Either that, or something purely for utility like Shock Absorbers or Handspring, as others have mentioned.

  3. I'd like for this to happen. I'm sure DE has plans to incorporate Warframe powers into the Archwing, even if it's only one signature ability. Ember's probably wouldn't be possible though, since they're in space and all. Maybe she just superheats herself and becomes red-hot to give her the buffs you mentioned. But then again, space magic so yeah, nvm then lol.

  4. I wouldn't necessarily "betray" her, as I wouldn't ally myself with any Tenno enemies. She's basically our space-mom, it'd be more akin to me leaving the spacenest and spreading my arcwings. I'd basically become a Rounin. I'd still pop in every now and again and aid my Tenno brothers and sisters. Keep a watchful eye on them, and when one is close to being captured or killed, I swoop in and lay waste to enemy, then leave. Like an Anti-Stalker basically. I'd make my own little settlement on some remote moon or abandoned factory.

    Then I'd make frieds with Darvo. Maybe he could teach me how to operate Corpus tech. Then I'd hunt down Alad's Zanuka Harvesters and...well...harvest them. Learn how to reverse-engineer the Warframe components to modify my own Warframe and gain new powers and become stronger. Stalker is somehow able to use at least 3 abilities from different Warframes plus his own powers, so obviously there's more to learn about Void Energy and the Warframes than Lotus knows of.

    I'd build a name for myself by hunting down the Tenno Hunters (G3, Harvester, Stalker) and study their tech from each encounter. I would raid Alad V's bases in attempts to save as many of my captured brothers and sisters as I can before they are dismantled. Maybe occasionally share some intel with Lotus as a reminder that I am still her ally. My goals would essentially be similar to Lotus, to rid the system of the Grineer's and Corpus' tyranny....only my methods would be a bit different.

  5. Eww, Nova Prime. I thought DE said they were prioritizing the older frames. I'd of preferred Banshee, Trinity or Saryn since it was gonna be a female. I guess we really should take anything DE says with a grain of salt. Now I'm worried for what the next male Prime will be (was hoping for either Ash or Volt) since they're obviously not prioritizing older frames anymore.

  6. This is simply magnificent. I always felt like Volt's ultimate was lackluster when compared to the other Warframes. This not only gives it utility, but also removes the pesky feature of being weaker in areas with no electrical conduits. DE should really consider these changes, I feel that Overload is the only thing that needs to be changes to make him perfect (aside from augment mods, of course).

    Plus that whole "Overload can only be used at full power in a room with electronic devices" weakness never made sense to me. Corpus units have robotics all over the place, and you would think Volt would be able to simply use the bio-electricity within the bodies of non-robotic enemies for Overload.

  7. Makes sense to me. After all he is teleporting, so it would be perfectly logical to have him go into some sort of landing animation when he returns to his original position.

    This particular problem is also the case with Teleport. Specifically after you execute the finisher animation. I've found myself stuck in walls (even when playing solo) many times and it seems to occur even more frequently than the Bladestorm bug.

  8. This seriously needs to be a thing. Gives us purpose and makes acquiring warframe parts feel more fun and immersive, whereas now it feels more like a chore. Gives the bosses more of a boss feeling to them, especially if we encounter them multiple times before the final battle with them. DE seems to be slowly but surely going in this direction based on Mirage and Limbo. I hope they do this for all of the frames, although that would take a loooooot of work and time, considering there is 20 plus warframes.

  9. All they'd have to do is place various rock/mineral pieces on the armor of the warframe itself. There goes your power source. Then from there, the warframe just increases it's mass after separating it from it's armor (cuz space magic) and uses it for his/her powers and seemlessly regrows it.

    Or make the mineral he/she manipulates be Diamond instead of generic rock. It'd have more utility and versatility, as it could refract/reflect attacks and energy. Would work well and look cooler than normal rock, if the diamond is attached to his/her warframe.

    Actually now that I think about it a diamond Warframe would be awesome.

  10. Your augments for Speed, Mind Control, Shadows of the Fallen and Crush are my favorites. Awesome overall. The one for Teleport confuses me though. Teleport already staggers the enemy and makes them vulnerable for finishers. Unless something about it changed since U15. I'd probably suggest some sort of radial stagger effect.

  11. Wow, thank you! :)

    Yeah that whole Volt shield ordeal has been something talked about for a long time, and I think the compromise I came up with, so you can have mobile or stationary each with their benefits and drawbacks, is pretty well balanced (Note: I suggested similar to Oberon's Hallowed Ground and Frost's Snow Globe!)


    About Ash's Teleport: Well, I changed it quite heavily in the first place:

    * Freeaim teleportation (shorter range though)

    * Upon landing, the nearest enemies (up to 3) are "finisher-stunned"

    * To do a finisher (should be universal imo) you press your action key (Default: X) instead of melee, so you can choose speed or damage

    * Upon landing Ash's meleespeed is greatly boosted, but just very briefly.


    If they would automatically do finishers though, no thank you, I'd like MORE control over my options, not less.

    Well the auto finisher thing is more so due to technical issues. In pubs, players frequently encounter an issue with teleport, where the lag causes the finisher prompt to either not appear at all, or simply take too long to do so. For solo, this isn't the case, but in pubs it's quite a debilitating bug.

    Perhaps an ability to toggle auto finishers on/off? That's assuming that DE doesn't find a way to remove or fix the glitch of course, which I'm sure they will eventually.

  12. He's comer after me whilst I was using (almost) all rank 30 gear, and he's come after friends while I was using all rank 30 gear. I was able to take him down with 2-3 arrows from my Dread each time. Good times, good times...

    Good for you. Apparently the Stalker especially hates me because he has always come for me at virtually the most inopportune time and I've been playing since the PS4 release. Yeah....Stalker has a lot of hate for me. I dread our every encounter. They always end in despair.

  13. Well our power source is the same, no matter how different our powers are. He's probably just cancelling out the energy source itself, not necessarily the powers specifically. Probably just somehow projects some kind of Anti-void energy pulse, then bye bye powers.

    Stalker is such a frikkin coward though. Nothing godly about a guy that waits till you're alone with weak weapons and cancels out any of your powers from the get go. I'd like to see him take on a squad of 4 with top tier gear.

  14. i like nova, her helmets are rather interesting they have this sorta japanese anime sc-fi helmet vib to them, and mag is also shorter then nova so dont leave her out, nekros i would like to have more like "meat" on his bones he looks like he would break a leg/arm every second xD




    ^ like so, ive seen the helmet design around other things as well and i really like it for some reason

    I actually like Mag for some reason, although I wasn't aware she was shorter than even Nova. As for Nova herself, idk she just feels less imposing than Mag does. With Nekros, I think they kinda did the skinny thing on purpose. Seems like they were going for a more skeletal appearance for him, since he's essentially the "grim reaper" of sorts.

    Although, I always wondered why they gave him his own exclusive Syandana. I feel like each Warframe should have their own personal Syandana.

  15. Limbo looks ok, but I hate his alternate helmet. Not a big fan of Nova and Mirage. I'm fine with Nova not being over sexuallized, but she looks like a little kid as others have said. I actually like Nekros surprisingly, give him the right color scheme and he can look pretty badass.

    Both of Ash's alternate helmets are aweful. Loki looks cool, but the only helmet I like for him is his Swindle helmet.

  16. This man knows what he is talking about.

    Lol well I've always had a great interest in Japanese culture. So any opportunity DE has to incorporate more of it into the game, I'm jumping right on board.

    Who's helmet is that? Looks pretty cool.

    But I think something more similar to Typhus (armor-wise) would be perfect for a true samurai warframe.

  17. a...samurai?

    Let's see...✓ - Dashing through enemies in a blink of an eye, damaging them, and maybe if it has enough "power", killing them outright?

    ✓ - Moves so fast that your vision just becomes white, then you're slashed into pieces?✓✓ - Moves so fast that one moment he's in front of you, the next moment he's up high above you, sword raised, aiming a crack at your poor Corpus helmet?

    ✓ - Just stands in the center of enemies, does a small amount of motion, suddenly all of those people around him are slashed?...And if there's enough "power", actually die from the direct slashes?

    that's so cool!...Let's see....Let's make sure to name him after a sword too! Maybe a Japanese sword?...But no, Masamune's kinda overused...

    I know! Let's take something from Britain's lore! Let's name him Excalibur!....

    Wait what? He already exists?....I'm sorry. I seem to have forgotten about him, you know, not really having enough, erm, sword power and all.

    Your sarcrasm kinda falls to pieces when you do literally any ounce of research on samurai lol. Samurai =/= sword. Their is more to them than swords. Read my previous post. If only there was some way to quickly educate oneself on any given topic. It would be called....boogle? No....foogle? No no no....gooble...yes...gooble sounds right.

    On a more serious note, the theme and the powers don't have to have such a literal connection to one another. I don't know if you know this, but ninja aren't capable of turning invisible, teleporting and forming clones of themselves. DE doesn't have to base a Samurai themed Warframe on their primary weapons, trinkets or objects that are commonly associated with them. By your logic, Hydroid's powers should consist of whiskey and chests of gold lol. All DE does is create new weapons based on the theme, the powers are a completely different story. When Hydroid was released, they didn't base his powers on the weapons that pirates used. Unless pirates irl were secretly hydrokinetic. All they did was release a few new pirate themed weapons to go along with the Warframe. And of course have the appearance of the Warframe have a pirate/nautical design. DE can very easily give the Samurai Warframe steel/metal based powers and release a new melee weapon (Naginata or new Katana) and a new primary weapon (Yumi) to go along with it. Pirates are just as well known for their weapons (pistols, cannons and cutlass swords) as Samurai are know for Katana, but does Hydroid have any powers related to pirate weapons? No not at all, so why would a Samurai Warframe be required to have powers based on Samurai weapons? So please, enough with these Excal comparisons. We definitely don't have a samurai yet.

    I agree to you COMPLETELY... At this point I don't see why people are so offended as to why there would be another frame???....

    Well unfortunately, a lot of folks think samurai are nothing beyond their swords. And for some reason many people believe that having a Samurai means his powers have to be related to Katana. Both of which are inaccurate. Personally, I think DE could pull it off quite well and make it a very unique and badass Warframe. They're a lot more creative than we give them credit for.

  18. In concept, a samurai themed Warframe is insanely easy to pull off, I disagree with those that are saying the contrary. Make him a tanky damage sponge that controls steel. And no, I don't mean like Mag who controls magnetism itself. I mean actually controls physical alloys and nothing else. There are many things they could do with such a power. They don't have to make his powers revolve around Katana for him to have his samurai theme. Samurai use a lot more than just swords. Naginata, Yumi (long bow), massive clubs, Wakizashi, Fans, Kama, chained weapons....the list goes on. Excal has always seemed more like a sword-wielding ninja than anything close to an actual samurai. I'd say it take more than a single ultimate that lets hims summon swords for him to be considered a "samurai".

    Also, I cant understand why people say things like "we don't need a....". We already have a pirate, a ninja (two ninjas if you include Excal), a magician, a trickster, a rhinoceros, a paladin, a necromancer, multiple elementals etc. Really not seeing how a Samurai themed Warframe is going to hurt at this point lol. It seems like an obvious choice tbh.

    Typhus is an awesome concept in itself, but it kind of contradicts the samurai aspect. Being a glass-cannon kinda clashes with being a samurai, who pride themselves on their armor.

  19. Only being one Tenno doesn't necessarily mean you have to abandon the unique personalities that you have attached to each Warframe. I've always based the personalities of each Warframe I use on my perception of what the original wearers' personalities were. I see each Warframe as both a physical and mental representation of the first Tenno to ever don each Warframe. That a portion of each original's consciousness resides in their respective Warframe, and when donning these replicas, we essentially become that legendary warrior him/herself to an extent. The way I see it, our Tenno is a single blank canvas, with 20+ different ways to paint it.

    The fact that we have little to no information about the personalities of each original wearer in this case actually works to our benefit. Well, at least to my version of Mono Tenno theory. It allows me to still give each Warframe their own unique personality and playstyle, while still following Mono-Tenno logic.

    I kind of like the idea of our Tenno being a silent, unseen hero that acts as the avatar of the primordial warriors of legend from a time long past. Not the first time this concept has been done in science fiction, and for this game, it's a concept I find enjoyable. I think this allows us to maintain the spirit of both Mono and Poly Tenno theory, in the sense that we only use one Tenno, but can still adopt a unique personality for each and every Warframe we use. Lore-wise, things can essentially be an amalgam of both concepts.

  20. I would love more helmets especially if they are more ninja-like. And I also think they should make the blades that Ash uses as he bladestorms an actually melee weapon.

    Off topic, but I'd love this idea. I always felt that it was a tad odd that Ash doesn't have a Hysteria equivalent, being the only other Warframe with melee weapons integrated into his body. Maybe some day.

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