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Posts posted by (PSN)ShuhanX

  1. Not these will be in the update after this one, update was already sent when buffs were released on PC.

    The Ember buff was 15.11 though, that was a full week before PS4's 15.10 was sent to Sony. Ember buff was released for PC on the 21st, they sent 15.10 to Sony on the 28th. So I don't think we can rule it out quite yet. At least not for the Ember one, Nekros buff is highly unlikely.

    @MiloGiacomo, ah that sucks then if that's true. So we basically have to wait another 2+ months just for Ember to be playable. Do you happen to remember at what time in the Prime Time vid that she said it?

  2. The art is breathtaking. The general appearance and style gives me the same feel of how the designs were for the first generation warframes, which I love.

    I also like the fact that you made this frame more utility orientated and didn't go the "tank" route, even though he has a very tanky appearance. DE needs to make this frame happen.

  3. I absolutely adore this concept. Though I may be just a tad bias, as I love werewolves lol. Even disregarding that, your concept not only introduces a much needed new status proc, but the powers have great synergy.

    Possibly my favorite aspect of this warframe is the fact that it's 4 ability is not a "clean sweep" power that just insta-kills everything in the room. I like that it is instead treated as a means of supporting the other 3 powers. Warframes like this are a very viable answer to the "press 4 to win" dilemma, because the 4 further enhances and supplements his other powers. 4 actually promotes the usage of the other 3, something that needs to be a more common occurrence in this game. Very well done!

  4. It's definitely not cheating, I don't see how anyone could make an argument for such a thing. Although, there are those that simply don't find Prime Access to be worth the price, as opposed to simply not being able to afford it. Even still accusing someone of cheating because they took a fully accessible shortcut for content that you can otherwise get for free is just plain childish. Just ignore them. Spend your money in whatever way you choose.

  5. I'm hoping that they return to it at some point - hell, I feel that such a thing would be the PERFECT way to incorporate a lot of the older events.


    Imagine a replay of Gradivus (well, one that's streamlined based on the lore that happened): you ally with the Grineer against the Corpus because of what Alad V is doing in his labs to track him down and end him, and once that's done you work with Frohd Bek's faction to kill Ruk to preserve the balance.


    Indeed. I would gladly replay the older bosses, if DE decided to give them all this treatment. I think a lot of us Tenno just want an actual reason to fight these bosses beyond simply acquiring the corresponding Warframe parts. Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. Current boss designs follow the opposite of that premise. 


    As an older player, I said the same thing about Nekros. It's not fun. I have no problem waiting a week and having to work at getting a new frame. I also have no problem with a little RNG. The problem comes when you put up 3 walls.

    3 is the magic number. Most frames have 1 or 2 walls.

    Normal boss frames have 1 wall: RNG

    Vauban has 2. Time and RNG. But the part is guaranteed to drop.

    Nova wasn't bad once the bugged drops were fixed.

    When Nekros was released, he had 3 walls, a triple-stack of RNG, and the community was mad. In a perfect match, you did 6 normal missions to get 3 keys to do 3 derelict missions to get 1 key to do 1 boss attempt for 1 RNG piece. Horrible, but little did we know it would get worse.

    Valkyr had an event tied to her release. This, imo, was the best way to release a warframe. It probably took the most work, but it was all up to the community as a whole to unlock Alad V. Imagine if for this latest archwing event, each time we saved a relay, we got a step closer to unlocking Itzal. People would have grinded a lot harder to make sure the relays survived, and all the while, platinum buyers could have bought Itzal ahead of time to feel special.

    Oberon was too easy. He got shoved into the game when Hek was still old Hek. Most people got him in less than 10 uninteresting run-throughs.

    Zephyr (was?) is clan tech. Zzzzz

    Hydroid. Guess what? You thought Nekros was bad? Here comes New Vay Hek. Oh god, do I really need to explain? Even now the keys are still a pain in the butt to get.

    Mirage. It took 4 players to properly obtain Mirage, it also had a time wall. Other than that, it was fair and engaging.

    Limbo. Initially I hated the RNG during the excavate missions, but again, it was only 2 walls: RNG and Time. Compared to Hydroid, Nekros, and Mesa, it was an enjoyable experience.

    Mesa. Time wall x3 RNG wall x1. It would be a whole different story if each invasion dropped 1 whole key, but they split it up into 3 parts, and then added a weighted RNG (prove me wrong) scale to make sure that you get at least 2-10 duplicates. This did nothing but hurt the community. This type of boss encourages under-handed behavior. People were lying to join keyshares. It's overall the worse boss to date imo.


    Precisely. No warframe should ever have more than 2 walls in front of it. 3 or more is just torture. Even though Mirage took a full team to acquire, we at least gained some lore along the way which made it feel a bit more tolerable. As you said Nekros, Hydroid and especially Mesa are absolutely abysmal as far as the amount of walls they are behind. Although I think Nekros was the least frustrating of the three by far.

  6. In a perfect world (no, not that kind of perfect world) bosses would each be at the end of a quest crammed full of lore about them, their respective zone and a bit of over-arching backstory.


    It would start as you unlock a planet and gradually expand as you work through it, bringing each area of the game to life and giving you the various components of each Warframe as you progress. Finally, at the end of a planet, you'd be faced with the boss that's been one step ahead of you the whole time, mocking and taunting you at every opportunity. An awesome fight would then ensue and, once complete, you're given the final part to whatever Warframe drops from the planet.


    It's almost as if this gives us lore, immersion, clear progression and reduces RNG grind on top of everything else.


    So basically, what the tutorial missions were? I completely agree with you. I never understood why DE decided to abandon that approach. Mind you, I had already been playing the game for several months before they introduced the tutorial missions, but when I played them just for fun, it felt so awesome. The game had a level of immersion that had been absent for some time. There's no real sense of progression with bosses anymore. You just do a bunch of random missions, unlock the boss node, then kill said boss. The way that the progression went with the tutorial missions with Vor was very well done.


    You encounter him for the first time, trying desperately to stay alive, being hopelessly outclassed, venturing to specific parts of the map as you receive a myriad of taunts from him and informative/instructional transmissions from Lotus, go to other nodes for specific missions learning more about the boss, then finally you take him down when you have gained enough power and knowledge to do so. THAT is how bosses needs to be, I really wish DE stuck with that.

  7. This is why they keep keywalling bosses!!!! Stop it. Stop giving in to their s***** tactics. Don't give them money for keywalled items.

    While I couldn't agree with you more, DE makes it very difficult not to do such things for warframes hidden behind grindwalls, hidden behind keywalls, hidden behind timewalls. Mesa is probably the first Warframe that I've ever been inclined to outright purchase with plat and it seems like DE has no plans to change this tradition. If it's something like Limbo or Mirage, then I'm fine with that. But if they do anything that is the equivalent to Mesa's grindwall or worse, it's going to be quite difficult to not just outright purchase the next Warframe.


    If anyone if going to be "blown away" by this new warframe, chances are nothing will blow people's minds more than the grindwall he will probably be behind lol.

  8. I find myself getting ever so close to walking the same path as the OP. Mesa was probably one of the most disheartening grind-fests that I've come across in some time. DE seems like they are finding newer and more creative ways to make the grinding problem even more of a problem as time goes on. I'm getting to the point that I cannot bring myself to farm for anything anymore. Even parts for certain weapons are becoming grind-fests. I want to love this game, but I find myself becoming bored with it the more I play it. In situations such as these, it's better to just go on a hiatus of sorts and hope things improve.

  9. They're my two favorite frames, so I'll be happy no matter what. However, I'm inclined to go with Ash. Not only is he far more popular than Volt, but he's also Steve's favorite frame. I think part of thw reason Nova was primed was because of her popularity not only within the fanbase, but within DE as well (being the Design Council's creation and all).

    Also, based on the color pattern for primes, isn't the next prime supposed to be black? I don't see them making the "Ninja" themed Warframe white, and making Volt black. Ash seems more likely atm.

    Hopefully we'll see some cool passives like Mesa. Perhaps some sort of bonus when equipping "assassin" weapons (daggers, dual daggers, kunai/shuriken, etc).

    Whichever frame they prime, I just pray they do their designs well. Wasn't feeling those neck rings lol.

  10. They could just make the quick block ability usable by holding down the quick melee button. Hold quick melee down for more than a half a second and it engages block. That way, you don't have to worry about mapping it to another button and it's faster than holstering your weapon.

  11. I pretty much agree with these results except I'd say that Rhino beats Valkyr, Nekros beats Mesa 8/10 times, & Mirage beats excal. 

    Oops, my bad I skipped over Mirage and Excal, the Tie was supposed to be for Mag and Banshee. I completely agree that Mirage takes Excal. Idk, I think Valkyr's Hysteria would tear through Iron Skin pretty fast. Plus she has invulnerability on her side and a speed advantage. With Nekros, I think his squishiness kinda hurts him. I mean, Mesa can jam his weapons while buffing her's, has a mini Iron Skin and her Ult should take out his minions pretty fast.

    Either way, these match-ups would be epic, especially if we saw them animated like the game trailers are.

  12. Old Star chart was pretty sick, and charged melee attacks is a given. Oh, and I miss Argon Crystals not existing and RNG not being total s@!%. I also missed the impact that you felt with melee attacks, however I guess it would be a bit too jumbled now with how fast melee is with the stance system. Other than that everything else generally got better over time.

  13. i want a banshee prime ... im tired of this bladestorm spamming skilles noobs =)

    i cant understand people which are able to enjoy 3 single hits on their comp over and over, moving is important for me, very important, as well as all possibillities a warframe and the different weapons offer to us ...

    my 2 cents for

    I wouldn't necessarily generalize it like that. Believe it or not, there are actually skilled Ash users in this community that make full use of all of Ash's abilities and don't just spam Bladestorm. Most frames have ultimates that are "press 4 to win", Ash is hardly unique in this aspect. Noobs tend to spam 4 on any frame that it's viable for (which is most).

    On topic: Nova is the Design Council's brain child, so that and popularity are probably the reasons she was primed. She's popular with both the fanbase and with DE. Banshee is quite unpopular compared to Trinity and Saryn (although I admittedly want Banshee as the next female prime) and they probably want to finish cloth physics before priming Trinity. So that, combined with the aforementioned reasons may be the reason why they broke the "seniority priority" rule for her. Plus as the above poster pointed out, they did say older frames are likely to be primed first, which means that while most primes will be older, they will prime a more recent frame from time to time. Nova being primed actually falls perfectly in line with what they said. Volt and Ash have been requested more than any other male frame for the past few months, they both have seniority and popularity on their side. Plus Ash is Steve's fav Warframe (unless that changed since he said it) which has to count for something lol.

    Alas, we have no way of truly knowing what DE bases their prime order on, so even if it seems likely for Volt and Ash to be the next primes, it's unfortunately just as likely that Hydroid, Vauban, Nekros or Oberon will be the next two prime males.

    We'll just have to wait and see.

  14. With all the divided responses, it seems Stalker is working as intended. Obviously not everyone is wrecking him, so there isn't anything wrong with his damage or hitpoints. He already nullifies just about every power.

    I wouldn't say that. Most of the people that have an easy time with him are either Loki users, or those that have at least one insanely OP weapon. The fact that he either one shots you or you one shot him is indeed a flaw in his design. Solo players have an especially difficult time with him. At no point does it feel like you stand on even grounds with him. He either towers over you or vice versa. I think it's reasonable to want Stalker to scale better in Solo play.

    If Stalker needs a buff in anything, it's his spawn and drop rate. Mods like Serration shouldn't even be in his drop pool.

  15. I'm one of the folks that firmly believe that the Arbiters of Hexis are indeed Tenno. The Tenno we play as that don't speak can be explained by them taking a vow of silence due to their service under Lotus. We can scream and grunt, so it isn't as though we don't have voices at all. Based on Hexis's understanding, we are nothing more than tools for war. And its implied that there are things about ourselves that Lotus keeps from us. I think it would make sense that she have us swear an oath of silence to keep us from being defiant. Its a pretty easy way to prevent us from asking questions.

    We are not the first Warrior-race that has put such things into practice. Of course, DE hasn't confirmed whether or not Arbiters are Tenno (unless they did in a Devstream that I missed), so this is purely speculation.

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