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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. This happens when you fail defense missions. It looks like an unfinished walk of shame feature. If you lose a defense you choose your punishment, the loss of reputation to team, skill or honor.

    But thats all i can speculate from this. Kinda sucks that it bugs the game and you need to force quit to do anything. But if my thinking is right this might be an awesome thing for defense.

    why didn't i know these things. Why didn't they talk about it in livestreams. what is going on? xD

  2. The artwork makes this game unique...


    Loki having a hammerhead shark design isn't a great design, but it was never fixed, and It makes the frame unique.


    The stances make the frame unique, and if you can't handle that then I'm sorry, use a different frame or always move so you never see the idle stance.

    don't you dare call loki hammerhead head a bad design decision.

  3. - vauban with secondary or in a dojo is a complete joke, makes me laugh everytime. 

    - banshee and loki look similar, but loki is really OK in that stance compared to banshee, which has the worst idle of all in my opinion. Banshee should feel light, flexible and at the same time show her incredible power just a little bit.

    and in general most of the idles have arms too high up, looks almost like a parody.

  4. I feel you mate.


    Are you using an Nvidia graphics card by any chance?


    I get a CTD and then a Windows notification "Display driver stopped working and was restarted".


    It seems every time I'm almost done with a long mission, especially when running solo, this happens. It's so frustrating.


    Mine is usually WAR-75603 although sometimes I don't get the crash reporter and sometimes I even have to hard restart my PC as the game just freezes with intermittent sound.

    Yeah completely same, except that sometimes I don't even get to see the crash report window because the game is in a "not responding" state and won't close. I am not even talking about PhysX effects that I loved but can't use because of additional crashes.

  5. After playing CS, actual recoil control is no problem for me. Its only about getting used to "working" with the weapon's recoil and pulling your mouse down.


    - Happy Burston User

    well yeah but someone above made a perfect example. That burston somehow manages to stay still.

  6. Bought burston for it's "accurity" which was not even there when I used it. It kinda works like a shotgun now, dealing large damage over tiny split-second but is terribly bad at medium or longer range.

  7. That is half of why Serration is a problem. That's the primary source of the inconsistency- it takes so goddamned much to increase Serration up a rank past like Rank 4, especially for players who can't farm Xini and the like. That, and how random/annoying the drops for damage-increasing mods gets.


    Why can you suddenly change the ammo type of your weapon just because you used it a bit?

    I seriously do not understand what you're talking about. Leveling mods is easy and has allways been so, in fact it used to be harder when fusion core drop rates were lower. And FINALLY I don't need to farm anywhere to level up my serration, i can simply fuse random sentinel mods and cores (which i get anywhere anyway) into it and credis are not are not a problem either.

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