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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. Maybe Banshee is blind. 


    Maybe she builds an interpretation of her surroundings through echolocation. 


    This means she may keep the wide face of her helmet towards where she is scanning.


    Just a thought though, because I quite like the pose. 

    woah that's an incredibly good idea. In this case I'd like to see a little bit of text with each warframe that would describe these characteristics. 

  2. The map is NOT too big, the map is NOT too big, THE MAP IS NOT TOO BIG.

    I mean aren't you tired of all tiny corpus corridors already?

    And in general the tileset compared to others looks graet and unique, but it still doesn't introduce something very refreshing besides wildlife. What about hazards? sandstorms?


  3. DE_Steve...


    Harder enemies SHOULD drop Rarer Stuff, but please don't make them the ONLY source of said drops.


    For Example, we've been doing a lot of Corpus and we're seeing nothing but Reach, Ammo Drum, Revenge, Ice Damage, and the occasional Armor Piercing.


    Surely that isn't ALL that various types of Corpus Enemies will ever drop at Lv15-20?


    My point is... will newbies NEVER be able to get Mod A, B, or C from <Lv30 enemies, they MUST go Lv30+ to get certain mods? Or can any mod drop from any level, as long as you kill the right enemies?


    I did several Mercury and Venus missions, along with a few on Earth....


    Absolutely Zero Redirection (Warframe) has dropped.


    One person said they got a Redirection in Saturn.


    DE_Steve, please please tell me you didn't set Redirection to only drop from Lv30+ stuff.... Newbies cannot survive without Redirection till Level 30.


    And not to mention, us Lowbies who still don't have a maxed Redirection don't feel like using 500,000 ammo drums trying to get Rank10 Redirection (not to mention millions of credits).

    If it's common, I am pretty sure it will drop in low levels. He was talking about rare mods.

  4. Thoughts? Well, no.

    1)Dodging is stupid. Cover is not, but nobody wants it become Gears of Warframe, as they say.

    2)Stamina already has it's purpose and not a problem only when you are not using acrobatics (which holds so much speed that Loki could be outruned by Truck Rhino without Rush mode).

    3)Assasin's Creed is not about assasins, it's about OMG JUMPING IS COOL, COOL KNIFE, THAT OUTFIT FULL OF SWAG XD. Although it's not Sniper Elite either.

    Cover is stupid, dodging is not. Atleast in warframe.

    OP's dodging idea came to my mind today btw. I was rolling and realized how slow and clumsy it is. I'd be super nice if it was replaced with a much faster and further leaping version. Like if you quickly leaped into desired direction and landed with a roll.

  5. I am very pleased with my Ash's animations, very subtle.


    Such a pose when he crosses his arms in the Dojo.


    The only thing i ask now is new crouching animations...

    Crouching - meh, not that important. It will probably change with those "heavy, medium, light" body type animations they've talked about.

    But imagine clearing a room of infested with your ash, he sheathes his sword while still standing aggressively and on alert.

  6. I wouldn't mind matching shooting/aiming and running animations for the idle anims we have currently. It looks weird when my Loki is hunched over all badass then starts running all 'Ohai guys, just trotting along here' *stops* 'GET AWAY!'.


    Suppose my post isn't really related to advanced idles...

    that was perfect example why it looks weird and why it would be so much better with these idles that depend on stuff.

    Besides player created levels and missions in distant future, what are other major goals for DE? Should we except major improvements to core elements of the game like it was done with mods?

    For example advanced melee mechanics, combos, dynamic and (PLEASE!!!) non linear levels with some sort of grid of tiles rather than a path of tiles.

  8. Idk about you, but I'm going to pop maxed metal auger and shred on my flux rifle and laugh maniacally while spinning in circles.

    finally someone with a sense of fun in this game

  9. So in addition to selectable animations coming soon, some tweaks to existing ones, it would be really nice to see animations smoothly merge with one another depending on your surroundings and actions. Or in other words:

    1. Idle animation is more aggressive, tactical (like the current loki idle) and tense when you are in combat or have just escaped combat. This would ease down as the time goes and eventually turn into the third one. (some frames look really fierce for no reason while being in a dojo or in no combat)

    2. More intense breathing animations after running, moving alot, maybe same as above. Animation when they are low on health, a more hunch, limping animation perhaps.

    3. Opposite of the first one (more relaxed, thoughtful) when just entered the mission, and in arsenal screen.

    Because some animations do look cool, and let's say I select the fierce and aggressive one. But it's completely out of place in a dojo or some kind of stealth mission and I am stuck with that one in all situations.

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