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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. I feel the drop chance is something around 0.01%. By the way, here is my conspiracy theory: there can be an algorithm that calculates how much consecutive time you have spent on the grind. If it exceeds certain hours, then they know you are grinding for something. The reward is disabled completely, forcing your wallet to come out.

    Oh I am so evil...

    fun fact the tables have been leaked and the rate is actually 5.5%

  2. And how can I be sure that the percentage in these tables are accurate?

    because they are datamined by the same guys that show the void traders inventory before he appears, leaks items mods and frames before they appear etc. All datamined stuff so far has been ENTIRELY true

  3. Or, you know, they might tackle the problem after 15.9, when you don't get T4 keys a dozen a dime any more. But yeah, let's leap to conclusions and yell at DE before the update is even out ...

    Seriously, guys, calm down a little.

    Actually the RNG itself is fine, they even did a post about it a while back then they changed it because it was predictable. The actual problem is that some parts have far too high probabilities assigned compared to others. And when you're looking for a specific part, you're much more likely to notice all the times you don't get it, because that's just how our brain works.

    Before you tell everybody the RNG is fine perhaps I need to show you *ahem* my sources on this recent issue. PM me if interested
  4.  The frame who needs the most rework is rhino i've litteraly seen 16 rhinos in 9 missions.(most with a boltorprime and low rank[just sayng])


     I think most frames are good and some even combo perfectly, (like valkyer and volt mentioned above) the real problem is probably the community them self they just search fot the warframe thats best, not the most fun or the one who they like most, for exemple my 3 main warframes are ash zephyr and trinity (banshe is in 4th),my friends is nekros, mirage and nix, me and my friend play them beacuse we like them not beacuse they are the best or something.

    So true, couldn't agree more

  5. llGVBgl.jpg


    Including a few other mods that do not show up there with those duplicates, it's over 70 Vault runs and not a single Narrow, Fleeting, Blinding, or Overextended has dropped.


    Something must be wrong here. Statistically this is getting down to the 0.0x% area. This aint a Korean MMO right?



    From what the dataminers are saying, all old-generation vault mods have a 1.3% drop rate, and all new ones have 13%~ drop rate. Have fun getting the old corrupt mods my friend

  6. LOL I farmed about 70 last night.Each of these primed mods take over 500 forma to max, so I should be busy for a while. In regards to the forma, theres always a kubrow,frame, weapon, sentinel, or dojo room that needs some (and the list should just continue to grow). I'm at the point where I'm more happy about getting r5's then a loki prime helmet or vasto prime bp lol

    .....do you mean cores? Forma is the puzzle piece that let you put polarities on weapons and build dojo weapons, dude.

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