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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. To me this all seems linked into the appearance of the void trader .. 


    As soon as 'random' parts you didn't need suddenly became useful to you, those random parts are now even harder to get.

    Maybe this is some kind of stealth 'gotcha' and in a couple weeks after everyone's thinned out their prime stash he'll rock up with something really awesome for 1,000 Ducat .. and suddenly everyone will be smashing tower missions for whatever parts the RND gods will let them have. 

    that's actually what I think they're trying to do but honestly? It's a TERRIBLE way to prevent us from getting ducats. they honestly RUINED rotation c, they are punishing their players and it is a toxic change

  2. I've been noticing this change as well. What the hell DE, what happened to "Guaranteed Prime Part"? Though, IIRC, the statement did say "Guaranteed Prime Part OR Forma"

    I dont recall it saying that. However, if it did I believe you. My beef is even if forma WAS a drop, it was NEVER this common. My forma supply has nearly tripled this past week! its ridiculous.

  3. I just did a thorough search of the forums. NOBODY is noticing this rotation C change of the void tables. Are we really that blind? Im gonna guess 60% forma drop rate. It's fine to give me junk prime parts, but please remove cores and forma from rotation C. You guys at DE promised you'd work on the grind and you did right making rotation c a goal. Now you've REMOVED that and made it so much more tedious. Please change rotation C rewards back

  4. Or just use Boltor / Soma Prime like the rest of the cool kids do !


    Oh synnoid gammacor happens to be the most efficient weapon btw.

    Won't take you more than 2 to 3 ammo to pop their shields while all other syndicate weapons fall flat against Nullifers except Secura.


    So let's be more mainstream shall we ?

    not everybody WANTS to be mainstream and follow the meta, dude

  5. total eclipse boosts her to about 25k, and an augment like irradiated infusion bumps it to 70,000. Im pretty sure that kills vor in a few shots and ezmodes all the way to wave 50. Thats pretty much OP guys

    Mesa is a little underpowered at times, and needs support from other frames due to low armor and vulnerability.


    Buff Mesa's defenses a little.

    you're joking right? 95% damage reduction shatter shield isnt tanky enough for you?

  6. So, from my understanding, the Prime trader only pops up on one certain relay.


    What happens in the case that the relay he was supposed to spawn in, is destroyed before, or even after he spawns in?


    It would be a terrible shame if he went down with the relay. I still want to see:









    Could you imagine Primed Rush on a Loki/Ash/Rhino Prime?


    One can only dream.




    Back on topic though. What do you all think will happen with the trader? Will he not show? Will his existence be put to a sudden stop with a giant galick gu--- Lazer?


    Or will he prove to have superior orokin tech teleportation devices and/or overpowered defense with all the prime parts we've given him?


    Seriously, he could probably build his own city with all the prime parts given to him by now.


    inb4 he resurrects the age of the orokin

    there is no primed rush atm, however a corrupted mod called alacrity appears to be in the works with a bonus to sprint and penalty to health

  7. This is all a great point, so please don't get me wrong here.


    I'm not disappointed that Archwing exists.  I'm disappointed in its current state.  I'm disappointed that in its current state, it just ate up our precious holiday event slot.  I'm disappointed that we have a full bloom, mature game that could have had something done with it, and instead we've got this foisted on us en-masse as our big to-do.


    It's not that I think it lacks potential if I did, I wouldn't bother with the points, I'm essentially showing faith that I'll actually want those mods someday by bothering to get them.  It's that we've got a great game that we could have had a great event for, and instead we're guinea pigging something that isn't great yet.  Would have been much better to do this in the dead, boring depths of February, IMO.  If I started this game off a holiday sale in Steam last year and the event running was this thing, I wouldn't be here today to be disappointed by it.

    I totally agree. The event does feel like it was rushed out
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