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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. Banshee,Mag,Vauban (except infested abuse), Frost (except defenses), Volt,Hydroid,Ash


    Especially hydroid


    All appear about the same as ember does from what ive seen

    you're joking, right? Volt is lighting fast and has a shield/ steroid. Mag can give herself infinite shield with transference. Banshee has an incredible CC ult. Frost has very strong abilities that work just fine. Ash is still being used for t4 void all the time. Hydroid hasnt been out NEARLY as long as ember. Regardless of your point here, you are trying to be slick and dodge the issue. We are talking about ember here, she needs serious work, regardless of how you feel about other frames.

  2. I"m sorry but Aza is wrong. Ember is the least used frame (I literally never see her anymore) and needs severe work. Her 2, 3, and 4 all need a serious tweak/rework.


    Her ult range is pathetic, its poor duration makes using narrow minded give it a 7m radius, and its cast time is so long its literally gotten me killed various times. Her ring of fire has been nerfed so hard in the past that it is useless even when multiple of them are stacked. Her accelerant is nice but again, poor range. Her movespeed needs a severe buff, or her ult should give her a movespeed boost because as it stands, her ult revolves around running around slugishly for 10~ seconds doing mediocre damage and risking getting killed due to slow movement and extreme squishiness. Ember's original stats were based around her tankiness with overheat, however they REMOVED overheat and did not compensate her stats to fit her new accelerant power

    my point is they either need to make her super tanky and rework her all her powers except fireball, or they need to make her FAST and rework all her powers except fireball 

  3. Considering how poorly the damage of most powers scale, primed intensify would be very welcome.  I'm surprised to see so many people against it. There must not be a lot of high level players in this thread :/  


    Hell you can take practically any weapon to 45 minutes in T4S with enough forma and the right mods, but no matter what your damage will fall off on your fixed damage frame powers, no matter the frame.  At a much quicker rate.  It is IMO one of the worst balance issues in the game right now.


    Primed streamline is bleh.  Basically boils down to 1 free mod slot from fleeting (in addition to a higher power cost) or a slightly lower duration penalty if you still use the primed streamline with fleeting for 75% efficiency.




    Like narrow minded at rank 5 is the same thing as primed continuity except without the range penalty?  What kind of logic are you smoking?

    Highly disagree. Grab 4 corrosive projections, max efficiency and some power mesa, limbp, max power mirage, and an infusion oberon. 70,000 damage ult from mesa, easy 50 waves of t4 defense

  4. That is false, if you cannot survive for 7 ticks you're doing something wrong. Using continuity+constitution+r5 narrow minded gives you around 22sec to play around with WoF, is it really that hard to run to somewhere relatively safe cast it then run back to the action and spam accelerant? You have a gun and fireball too, if WoF isn't doing enough damage help it out a little. Also she has over 1000 effective hp when using quick thinking. She's a very good frame if you know how to use her.

    considering she is the most-requested rework frame, I think she still needs a lot of love. Just because you can survive with a quick thinking build doesnt mean she has survivability

  5. as much as I like this, it is not enough. Her ult range is pathetic, its poor duration makes using narrow minded give it a 7m radius, and its cast time is so long its literally gotten me killed various times. Her ring of fire has been nerfed so hard in the past that it is useless even when multiple of them are stacked. Her accelerant is nice but again, poor range. Her movespeed needs a severe buff, or her ult should give her a movespeed boost because as it stands, her ult revolves around running around slugishly for 10~ seconds doing mediocre damage and risking getting killed due to slow movement and extreme squishiness. Ember's original stats were based around her tankiness with overheat, however they REMOVED overheat and did not compensate her stats to fit her new accelerant power

    my point is they either need to make her super tanky and rework her all her powers except fireball, or they need to make her FAST and rework all her powers except fireball

  6. Ok we got primed continuity not too long ago and i see that the trader is back in a week. Could we please get primed intensify??? Its got the same concept as continuity with the plus 30% that is clearly not enough. This would make nova perfect because the enemies would be supper slow without ruining ur efficiency with blind rage. And since we are already talking about primed +30% mods, pls don't say streamline too because that is clearly op.

    you do realize you can already max nova's slow, it caps at 75% if you use transient fortitude and intensify. btw reddit posted info that was supposedly datamined about the void trader a week before he appeared. the following mods had a "primed" tag

    Charged Chamber, Fast Hands, Flow, Heated Charge, Heavy Trauma, Point Blank, Ravage, Streamline, continuity. think what you will.

    DE already added nullifiers because we farmed too efficiently with 3 power strength mods. do we really want MORE power strength? I already have builds with mesa that can do 70k damage a shot with infusion and other buffs, and 35k damage per excal ult. Im sorry but, no more power strength please. Not till we balance some things

  7. I did two runs, but yeah it's really about luck. Rng is the name of the game. Learn to play it, people!

    *sigh* people keep missing the original intention of this topic, hence why the OP says "Do not just say it's RNG". It's not RNG we are discussing, it is the addition of horrible crap to the rotation C of various endless mission types. We feel PUNISHED for getting to rotation C, instead of rewarded

  8. Volt is a very underused frame besides his electric speed and shield. I feel like DE should give him a bit more love. Instead of increasing his base stats by a small amount or giving him an amazing visual update, why not slighty tweak his ultimate in order to balance with the meta, forever. Volt will never have to be reworked, and everybody will be happy with him. DE will be praised for their kindness and balance expertise. Volt Prime's ultimate is too complex and tactical for your feeble minds to comprehend, so I will put it as simply as I possibly can. 


    Volt Prime's overload launches 40 reedemer pistols into the air that auto-target all nearby enemies within 100m radius. These redeemers fire Radial Javelins at all enemies for 12 seconds, and upon impact the javelins explode into Miasmas that also apply 200 blessings to the squad for the next 12 minutes. Afterwards, the acid that is applied from the Miasma transforms into multiple max range vortexes. After the vortexes sit for 10 seconds, a satellite laser targets  all vortexes and fires 15 1 million damage antimatter drops at each vortex for 1 minute. After that the entire squad is given iron skin, volt speed, eclipse, turbulence, hysteria, warcry, roar, link, and shatter shield. This buff will be permanently applied to the squad for eternity, and this scales with max power strength. At max power strength it lasts for TWO, yes TWO eternities! After the nuculear holocaust is over, It will begin raining ash shurikens from the sky. These will strike the ground all over the map, and cause Hallowed ground and rhino stomps to activate everywhere. As soon the stomp applies statis, hydroid tentalces will begin mauling all units in a 2000meter radius. These tentacles will transform into Zephyr tornados which will proceed to launch enemies out of the map. Instead of corpses coming down from the sky, it will rain random prime parts for 13.7 minutes. In order to balance this, Volt Prime must be crafted with Forma Prime, which take 100 Formas to craft. These Forma Primes are also used for Tier 5 Prime Void Keys which must be used at precisely 4:20am on Feburary 29th in your timezone, in which you have a 30 second time frame to use the key. You must fight Stalker, Zanuka Hunter, and the G3 all at level 9999. Then you must bring Ruk Greedy Milk in order to get a chance for him to drop Volt Prime parts. This is perfectly balanced, because Volt Prime does not pay energy to cast his skills, he pays a mixture of ducats and credits(500,000 per cast of credits, 2,000 ducats). If Volt prime uses his shock on the codpiece of an allied frame, their frame and all it's weapons will automatically be forma'd without their consent. This is due to the fact that he is literally made of pure forma and is goddamned awesome


    TL;DR: 420th post Volt Prime best frame.


    Volt prime concept art:



    Edit: NEW JUICY INFO! MY DATAMINER JUST FOUND OUT HOW TO FIND THE VOLT PRIME BP! All you need to is load your Kohm shotgun with 1 million alloy plates (See: My Kohm suggestion topic) and fire all of them at the Dojo's oracle, and then Ordis will call you back to the Liset, malfunction, scream VOLT PRIME MASTER RACE, and then puke out the Volt Prime BP. Enjoy!


    Edit 2: Volt speed is also apparently reworked! You now run faster than light! So fast that you run backwards in time, returning to mastery rank 0, back on your first day playing the game.


    Volt Shield will turn you into a nullifier and negate all enemies from doing anything to harm you or your squad of immortal tenno

  9. Currently the Kohm shoots a giant wave of cluttered junk that does useless damage. Just swap out it's ammo for Alloy plates! Give us a use for the 1 million + alloy plates we have and they will clearly do massive damage. Imagine the panic as grineer are pelted in the face with the very alloy they use to grief us with their armor scaling!


    Pic for reference:



  10. Dude, RNG. I've been playing T1 Capture for THREE DAYS trying to get an Hikou Prime part. I have enough boar prime receivers to build a god damn castle. 

    No no no no no. You need to reread my post. I'm not saying "I'm not getting the part I want, WAHHHHH give me DE". I'm saying that you are guaranteed a prime part. You're talking about bad luck with prime part drops. I'm talking about prime parts aren't dropping, PERIOD. I would rather get crap prime parts then get NOTHING

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