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  1. Performance as a whole on the PS4 an XBOX have gotten to a point where changing any of the graphical settings doesnt effect performance, either some bad optimisation on their part or its the whole enhanced graphics engine being forced now necking the console, I do play this game on PS4 pro sometimes, its very stuttery, really low FPS id probably say sub 20s if im honest, i personally havent experienced any crashes but i have experienced alot of slowdowns an just poor overall running of the game, if a PS4 pro cant handle this game when it could easily once upona time then i feel sorry for those running a non pro console. It definitely isn't your PS4 thats the problem, turning off boost mode on your pro if you have it seems to fix the FPS loss a little bit, just seems like the entire console resources are being drained an iirc the XMB now takes more system resources than it used to limiting games from utilizing it
  2. I'm a little confused on the whole profile stats operations etc said to be merged in your post from my understanding but thats one of the main things that never merged into my PC account, i have all the raid emblems an past operation / alerts / event sigils an emblems but no scoring tied to them
  3. No definitive answers on if reshade is allowed or not in this game, i know captura people use reshade etc My question is can i use reshade in warframe without being banned that includes using RTGI (Raytracing) + other HDR features to make the game look that bit better
  4. Exact same boat, i was also interested in cross saving once i had merged my accounts in which i wanted to earn the trophies on my playstation account, most of them pop by doing simple actions but most havent popped specifically all the quest related trophies which if im honest i dont really wanna sit through them again but if i so have to i will, but what i find strange is play for 10 hours popped right after entering a mission but everything else doesnt, for most of the achievments to update on your profile just do 1 of the required actions like say revive 100 players just revive 1 more player an itll unlock
  5. So I've just succesfully merged my xbox account to my PC account, most of my things have transfered over but im missing quite alot of stuff.... about half of the relics i had transfered the rest are gone, a few frames didn't transfer, but everything else has besides stats. My account on xbox was created during 2015, my raid emblems an such have transfered over but i have not recieved my operation ambulus stuff, i participated in that event but i have no scoring or stats merged into my PC account were these ever going to transfer or will this be fixed later?
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