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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. Ammo restores are a huge waste of resources as they put out more potential ammo than you can possible use in the first pulse and continue to do so for ~7 seconds. 2 pickups to restore all your ammo isn't a positive, especially not when that ammo type is rare.


    Oh they sure are rare if there are hundreds of them on the ground.

  2. Hello! I just wanted to suggest couple map improvements to the Grineer Asteroid Base tileset to make playing survival more enjoyable on that tileset. Currently the Asteroid tileset suffers from enemies getting stuck, because many tiles have multiple floors in them, but no stairs for the enemies to walk. Some of these problems also occur because of the very poor enemy AI.


    Room #1

    Enemies are able to jump down, but they struggle a lot when trying to get back up to the upper floor. They also have problems when trying to get to the ventilation pipe. Stairs would be very nice addition to this room, leading from the ground floor to the upper floor. Better enemy AI is required for the enemies to successfully climb up to the ventilation pipe.




    Room #2

    Just a quality-of-life improvement. This is room is enormous, but with only one stairs leading to the upper level.

    The location in the screenshot could use some stairs for quicker traversing through the room for the Tenno and the enemies.




    Room #3

    Similar problem as in the room #1: enemies have problems climbing to the ventilation pipeline. Better enemy AI should fix this one as well.




    This next one is just freaking hilarious. Enemies often get stuck in the area which is circled blue. However, sometimes they do actually try to get over the 'obstacle course', but they usually end up jumping back and forth over and over again. I think the Grineer do deserve a bridge over there, if they cannot even successfully navigate through their own base haha.



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