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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. frost would end up turning the water into an ice skating rink


    That would be so BADASS!



    hydroids abilities would be cool but his puddle would be weird



  2. some spongebob common sense right there


    i wonder if the fire will actually go off XD


    Oh, and Volt too! Technically he would be able to kill everything in the water instantly.



    I'm more curious about what would happen when volt uses his skills in water...


    I'm so slow posting stuff ;_;

  3. EDIT: "First MIssion"??? What first mission? You implying they go there unranked?


    You said ''You just got taste of what mobs should be ALL THE TIME'', in caps as well. ''ALL THE TIME'' includes all the beginner missions as well. I am just repeating what you said. You make absolutely no sense.

  4. "These supposedly level 12 enemies deal twice the damage compared to the enemies in T4 Void mission. Something is not right here."


    It's a Special Event for 3 days worth of Booster. It makes perfect sense. Why are YOU surprised?


    What is the point of having enemy levels if they won't indicate how powerful the enemies of the mission are?

  5. How the hell can't you overcome this with skill? If you mean your skill, I can understand, but you can't generalize it like that.


    The problem is this: damage types that are supposed to be good become absolutely S#&$ against Infested. Let's take Gas for example. In high-level Defence, there at usually at least 5 of each ancient unit near the pod simultaneously: 5 Toxins ones buffing each other and the other ancients, 5 Healers buffing each other and the other ancients and 5 Disruptors buffing each other and the other ancients.



    Now, please, tell me from which one should I start because EVERY enemy in that cluster has 90% resistance to Gas + the general damage resistance from Ancients healers + 90% resistance to launchers and Warframe powers from Ancient Disruptors.

  6. This is 100% entirely false. Don't be a mindless player. Pick and choose which targets have priority, which is generally the ancients. If your weapons aren't enough to down them in time and they build up, then you need to go to a lower level area and train some more.



    Oh no! Infested do more than run into us and die now? 


    Leave them be. They're fine. Infested are still in need of a buff and more variety.


    If you prioritize your targets the resists won't ever get that high. Now the Infested can actually overwhelm a squad if they aren't coordinated. Working as intended.


    The problem is this: damage types that are supposed to be good become absolutely S#&$ against Infested. Let's take Gas for example. In high-level Defence, there at usually at least 5 of each ancient unit near the pod simultaneously: 5 Toxins ones buffing each other and the other ancients, 5 Healers buffing each other and the other ancients and 5 Disruptors buffing each other and the other ancients.


    Now tell me from which one should I start because EVERY enemy in that cluster has 90% resistance to Gas + the general damage resistance from Ancients healers. Note that the RADIAL POISON proc's damage is reduced by every ancient.

  7. Goto the wiki and read the "Easy combos" article; if you attack fast enough then there is no "*pause*" to worry about.


    And here we come to another disadvantage of Iron Phoenix. You will need to have a certain Warframe with a certain build to make it fully worth it.

  8. Using the jump slam usually gives enough time for you to hit them while theyre down as to finish them, slash weps work to some extent too, but not as well as elemental / elemental combos.


    We wanted more difficulty, and we got it, I dont like it too, but we can only wait till its changed


    Difficulty and challenge should be possible to overcome with skill. You cannot overcome THIS with skill. Note that ancient eximi will have the base powers of ancient units + the power they get for being an eximus unit (life/energy drain, fire aura, poison aura etc..). In high-level survival or defence, you will have almost immortal enemies with one-hit fire auras.


    • Toxic Ancients - Do poison damage and gives all nearby enemies poison damage. Ancient and nearby enemies are resistant to poison and gas damage.
    • Healing Ancients - Links with nearby allies, any damage they take heals the Ancient up to 150% health, and it scales up to reflect having health > 100%. Also reduces damage that nearby allies take.
    • Healing Ancient now has Fossilized health, to be consistent with the other Ancients (was Infested Armour).
    • Disruptor Ancients - Aura that reduces radial and power damage taken by nearby allies. Attack damage energy, rather than completely drain it. Attacks of nearby allies have the same effect.



    Thank you for posting this!

  10. ...


    Yes, but before that you need to execute many other attacks, including the *pause* before the third strike, making the combo extremely time consuming. You have already killed twice the enemies in that time using Crimsom Dervish.


    Let's just quit arguing and use whichever stance we like the most. I am sure that both stances are equal in terms of DPS and AoE if used correctly. 

  11. is it bad because its boring or because it does doesn't do 300% damage while slowing you down greatly?


    Because it has absolutely no AoE and reduced DPS. Attacks with Crimsom Dervish are wide horizontal slashed, while Iron Phoenix has diagonal and vertical slashes and stab attacks.

  12. It seems like the Aura of Ancient Disrupters reduce all damage, exluding Corrosive and Heat, by 90%. For example, my Hydroid usually deals about 400 damage per tick, but when a Disrupter gets close, it only deals about 40 damage per tick. The Aura even nullifies the Gas damage type, which is supposed to be good against Infested! Same happens with Blast damage, it is supposed to be good against Fossilized units, but its damage gets greatly reduced after a Disrupter shows up.


    I think that the damage reduction should be removed, because the Disrupters are already able to drag us with their hook and take out all our energy.


    EDIT: It seems like Toxin Ancients reduce Poison and Gas damage, Healing Ancients give a small general damage reduction and Disruptor ancients give damage reduction to Warframe Powers and other radial attacks (Penta, Ogris, Angstrum, Castanas, TORID?).


    ^ Thanks for Neah for clearing that up!

  13. wow these responses...


    This is a good post.


    Too many people completely ignore Iron Phoenix. That's pretty sad to me, especially considering how much I love that stance. Now if only I actually used Swords...


    I used Iron Phoenix before getting my Crimsom Dervish. All I have to say about Iron Phoenix is that it's just bad.

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