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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. The higher your weapons' or Warframes' rank is, the more XP you need for the next level. Levels 1-20 are a cakewalk, but after that the XP required to level up gets quite high.

  2. Health Orbs are indeed pretty useless at the moment. Changing the amount of health restored per orb would be a nice way of ''fixing'' this. Each orb restoring 20% of health sounds nice.


    Either just give a TL;DR or be less cryptic. We all know you have mega-threads of "fixes". 


    Apparently most of the members here do not like self-promoting without asking if anyone wants it first. 


    I believe that promoting threads without permission of the author of this thread is now against the forum rules as well. You did right asking if we wanted to hear your idea.



  3. I'm be stright up with ya brah, I already have a quanta and I have no intention of putting a forma into it, not because it's horrible, but because the weapon is already so damn good that I can bring it on ODDs and go to wave 20 with it. It's god damn powerful so I dont think it would be a waste to forma it at all.


    You can go to 20 with a Lato...

  4. The gas won't damage ragdolled enemies




    My Torid is supposed to deal 400 damage per tick, but how many 400's you see there? None, even though there are at least a dozen of enemies in that pile.


    Crits are indeed broken. I have no idea about the radius though. It feels bigger, but visually it has not changed.

  5. Pointed Wind is freaking useless. It halves your attack speed without any buff to your damage. There is literally no point in using it, other than for the extra mod points. And even in that case, using the quick melee is much more DPS than attacking with it while wielding a dagger.


    EDIT: It also has one combo less than the UNCOMMON Dagger stance mod.

  6. I like this weapon. Good base attack. The one thing that really brings this weapon down is that 0.8 attack speed. Its painfully slow but powerful. However I'm sure with valkyr it should be more viable. Sadly i think spoiled strike wouldn't be a good idea on this weapon. 


    Oh and using the karyst when you don't have it equipped seems to improve attack speed a lot. 


    Also procs toxin often which is nice. 


    Try it without the stance, it's much, MUCH faster without it. The dagger stances are horrible.

  7. Are there any weapons (primary or secondary) That aren't affected by multishot mods?


    I ask because there many continuous fire weapons that I've tried these mods on and I haven't noticed any difference, so getting confirmation of whether or not I'm wasting mod space on them would be lovely.


    The damage in the arsenal UI is increased when equipping Multishot mods on your weapons, that is how you can see that they also affect continuous weapons.


    Also, suspicious shipments 2.0. New players could easily get older ones to help them if they wanted to.. just go volt or mag annd you'll be alright bud


    Then again, I think I may be misunderstanding the post.

    Oh well


    The point is this: What the hell is the point of even having enemy levels in this game if they have nothing to do with how powerful the enemies actually are?

  9. Or, let's make an event so easy that anyone who's been playing for more than a couple weeks only has to make a funny face at the enemies to make them explode in a shower of sparkles.


    Because that "nobody cares about X/Y/Z player experience" goes both ways bud.


    Since you are an experienced player, I'm sure you don't give a S#&$ about enemy levels. As we all now, it doesn't matter if the enemy is level 5 or 30, you are able to kill it with one shot after having good equipment.


    The way I see enemy levels is a way of telling new players the difficulty of each mission. I am not suggesting to make the enemies of the event easier, I am just suggesting that the levels of the enemies should be increased, so people don't get too surprised about level 12 enemies being so damn powerful.

  10. It's like suspicious shipments all over again!


    I for one like that we are in a place of peril. A zone of danger. Danger Zone.


    And I'm sure new players are very happy about this. Let's just throw the new players experience down the drain, nobody cares about it anymore.

  11. These supposedly level 12 enemies deal twice the damage compared to the enemies in T4 Void mission. Something is not right here.


    My point is this: What the hell is the point of even having enemies scale in levels if they don't mean anything?

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