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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. I wish DE would stop nerfing the M-rated-ness of this game, and put back the truly terrifying aspects which have since been removed.




    Back when Phorid was the boss of Eris, the maps there used to be scary as hell. You actually needed the flashlight to properly see around the Grineer asteroid base, and there used to be red dynamic lighting as well, which made the walls look like they were cowered in blood. Good old days!

  2. No, and I think the fix they added was making it untradable.


    They fixed it to work how it was intended. Apparently it made sentinels shoot already destroyed canisters and chests, now it only shoots those which are still closed.

  3. The enemies in Hive missions do more damage and have higher level, it all depends on your progress in Operation Breeding Grounds:

    Each time you completed a mission in the event you gained points.

    The more points you had the stronger the enemies became as stated in event description.

    The game still uses the event stats when playing the mission meaning harder Hive missions, others should be unaffected.


    So the enemies I face there have stats of level 50-75 enemies even though the game tells me they are level 20? 

  4. Your interpretation is not unique, but it IS inaccurate. You lack information.


    Chargers hit FAST and do damage over time very quickly. Just watch one at the pod during a defense sometime if you think I am lying. Each attack is weak, but when they hit you so fast, does it matter?


    Like using Dual Zoren or Fang. Each attack is fairly weak. It makes NO difference since you attack so fast. I don't know the Charger chance to crit on melee attacks.


    Does anyone?


    They didn't lie.


    Go do couple Hive missions and ODD missions, then compare the damage of the Chargers. You will then realize that you lack information.

  5. I was playing some Hive missions for a while ago, and I was greatly surprised how the ''weak'' claw attacks of the Infested Chargers were able to take all my 740 shields and a bit of health with just two attacks. Eximus units were able to one-hit me after I destroyed the Hive which halves my shields.


    The huge damage of the Chargers is not my problem, but DE lying to us is. ''Fast with weak claw attacks'' is the description of Infested Chargers from the Codex. However, the attacks are definitely NOT weak. Also, the enemies seem to deal much more damage in Hive missions than in any other missions. For example, level 50 Chargers need to hit me multiple times to get my shields down, but the level 20 enemies in Hive missions only need two hits for that.


    Two lies in a single mission: Misleading enemy levels and misleading enemy description. DE, quit lying to us.

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